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Dissociatives [Methoxetamine Subthread] Adverse Effects / Side-effects

10 hours isn't incredibly long. For most people MXE lasts between 5 and 7 hours, sometimes higher if the dose is high enough - redosing tends to increase the duration so 10 hours definitely isn't impossible, I've had 8-9 hours of experience when redosing with MXE before.

Also, sometimes during the afterglow of dissociatives people feel a little spacey and dissociated even then, as if on a low dose of the drug. This can make it appear that the drug's effects haven't worn off completely, and in a way that'd be correct. Sounds like the tail end of the experience, or the afterglow to me - although it's referred to as an afterglow usually, the after-effects aren't always pleasant, and they last between 12 and 72 hours for most people.

I've felt dissociated for a full 24 hours after a particularly high dose of Ketamine one time, despite the main effects wearing off after a couple of hours. Given that Ketamine's half life is much shorter than MXE, that suggests that what you experienced isn't particularly unusual.
^ I'd still rather suggest that, like Never said, it's best not to combine them - and that includes after the main effects have worn off. Better to be safe than sorry, and the fact is we really don't know if this combination is safe or not. If you're worried about an increased heart rate and such I'd recommend simply dosing lower, less often, or avoiding this drug, rather than trying to counter the effects with yet another drug, not knowing if the reaction could be dangerous.

True. I have taken very small amounts of beta blockers though, doses that are usually taken for stage fright. But as MXE is a RC I have been a bit irresponsible in this regard, be it that I have had no adverse reactions (actually the opposite).

I'm not actually worried about the HR and blood pressure as such, even with very high doses. I've come to notice that residual high HR/blood pressure mainly comes from repeated dosing over many hours and when using it in small doses a few days in a row. If I take a two weeks break I can take a "enter the hole" (very high, 80-120 mg) dose and I don't have any heart problems during the trip or the day after. But I very rarely use such high doses anyway, nowadays I prefer 30-50 mg. As long as I don't combine it with anything stimulating, there are no problems.

But as advice for those suffering from heart problems, avoid repeated dosing and taking it days in a row.
For the high blood pressure issue magnesium citrate (not magnesium oxide, the usual ones sold in markets) and 4-5 g taurine has proved to be very effective for me. You may want to take some extra magnesium citrate if high blood pressure is an issue, but don't overdue it, you'll sit at the toilet for the rest of the day (extreme diarrhea). Your stomach doesn't like too much magnesium.

My recommendation is 600 mg magnesium citrate and 4-5 g taurine.
I posted about this in another thread but I think it is much more relevent in this one. Basically, after a 1.5-2.5 week race on MXE I M-holed 3 times in a day the last day and when I finally woke up from the haze I noticed my pulse was irregular and slow. Not sure about the blood pressure but it didn't beat very hard when I took my pulse (is this blood pressure?). Worth mentioning is that this day and the following days I was also very paranoid over this, thinking MXE was about to kill me (I was struggling with the addiction actually wanting to sop). I have been on MXE quite intensievly the past 5 months (with several breaks but races usually lasted a week). Now to my question, did you guys ever experience something similar? Could it just have been me being very paranoid and anxious? I am bipolar II so paranoia, depression and anxiety, hypocondriasis etc is nothing new to me. I've now been clean from M for about 36 hours now (yesterday I had AT MAX 50 mgs).

EDIT: The sad part is that even though I kinda fear for my life hitting MXE again, I still want to do it, and I seriously consider it too... I'm only 19 years old and have been semi-hooked on benzos before but MXE is way way way worse. I absolutely love this substance and the psychological dependence is horrid.
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EDIT: The sad part is that even though I kinda fear for my life hitting MXE again, I still want to do it, and I seriously consider it too... I'm only 19 years old and have been semi-hooked on benzos before but MXE is way way way worse. I absolutely love this substance and the psychological dependence is horrid.

Well i will tell you MXE addiction is not uncommon. In fact their is an entire thread for it. found here. http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/580334-Methoxetamine-Subthread-Addiction

Maybe you could find something interesting within that thread. For me personally, I have never felt addicted to it. I have done weekend-binges, but they aren't with astronomical dosages, and are never close together. I am familiar with that sleepy run-down aftereffect. Defiantly not uncommon to feel like that for a day or two after. Same with blood pressure. Paranoid or anxious part...not so sure. I have never felt that from MXE.

Ok, now to throw my question into the thread. I am surprised no one has mentioned vomiting yet as a side effect. I more often than not throw up during/after MXE. I think out of the ten times I have used it, I threw up eight of those. It is always this yellow noxious stomach bile...I always insufflate, and my dosages aren't that high. Always under 60mg. Sometimes it happens during the peak effects, but often it occurs waking up from an m-hole or waking up after a night of MXE use. Does anyone else have issues with throwing up? Any tips on avoiding it?
Ok, now to throw my question into the thread. I am surprised no one has mentioned vomiting yet as a side effect. I more often than not throw up during/after MXE. I think out of the ten times I have used it, I threw up eight of those. It is always this yellow noxious stomach bile...I always insufflate, and my dosages aren't that high. Always under 60mg. Sometimes it happens during the peak effects, but often it occurs waking up from an m-hole or waking up after a night of MXE use. Does anyone else have issues with throwing up? Any tips on avoiding it?

i think i've seen this mentioned before but it seems to be pretty uncommon afaik.

i certainly have thrown up on this only when taking it after getting very drunk.
i think i've seen this mentioned before but it seems to be pretty uncommon afaik.

i certainly have thrown up on this only when taking it after getting very drunk.

Ah thanks for the info. Maybe I am supposed to eat a little something. I have only tried on empty stomach, would explain the bile...
glaive said:
Ah thanks for the info. Maybe I am supposed to eat a little something. I have only tried on empty stomach, would explain the bile...

Ugh, there are few things I find worse than vomiting bile. I don't mind normal vomiting at all, but that green shit...I always feel like I'm choking and can't breathe right for a good ten minutes after purging it. Nasty stuff.

Though if it's just from an empty stomach and is yellow-ish (and small in amount) without brown or green you might just be vomiting straight up stomach acid. Try having fluids in your stomach to make it easier, maybe eat a few saltines.
Elevated heart rate for many many hours after taking it... think it could be the batch as this never happened before. unless its my imagination. except my heart doesn't feel like its palplating or whatever, like with usual stimulants. odd
Elevated heart rate for many many hours after taking it... think it could be the batch as this never happened before. unless its my imagination. except my heart doesn't feel like its palplating or whatever, like with usual stimulants. odd

Me and many others have noticed this with MXE too - but this effect seems to take a little regular use to come into play, first time users don't seem to notice it much/at all, while people who've been using a while often suddenly notice this, along with other side-effects, suddenly appearing.

It's likely regular use causing the problem rather than a different batch.
Just wanted to do a check to see if any regular users have been experiencing any bladder cramps/pains/problems at all? I've done about 2 grams in the space of about 24 days and started to notice some cramps yesterday and today. I'm not sure if the cramps have been caused by the MXE, but I suspect they are. My urine was extremely dark yesterday too, and I also suspect that it may have had some blood in it.

Again, I'm not saying this as a conclusive thing at all. I am just a little concerned.

Am going to try (if I can resist) leaving it for a week from now one. Hoping to keep my usage to a maximum of once a week.
little concerned? id say thats a cause for fucking big concern. you must be dehydrated as fuck, and that amount of mxe is stupid
little concerned? id say thats a cause for fucking big concern. you must be dehydrated as fuck, and that amount of mxe is stupid

Yeah, that is something to note. MXE seems to make it really easy for me to not realise just how dehydrated I am.

Like I said, am going to try and leave off the stuff for a while. And yes, 2 grams over the space of 24 days does seem a little over the top. I guess though I've been rationalizing it by thinking about times when I would do 3 grams of k over the space of 4 days. Seems to make me think that what I'm doing with MXE can't be so bad (also, reading about others who have been doing 500mg-1g a day and supposedly not having any severe bladder issues). Considering how little we know about the long-term effects of the drug though, this line of reasoning is probably quite foolish.
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for me, if im dehydrated on MXE the trip turns nasty, everything seems wrong and i get a severe headache. end up drinking loads of water,

who the hell does 500mg-1g of MXE a day? man the world is full of some stupid crazy people......

Considering how little we know about the long-term effects of the drug though, this line of reasoning is probably quite foolish.

id replace this with "very fucking foolish"

say goodbye to your kidneys....
[...] repeated dosing over the course of a day.
[...]I am just unable to compulsively redose on this substance
[...]It was after doing 20-30 mg lines every couple hours all day, then finishing the last 40 mg in the bag and licking the bag.

Sounds a bit contradicted. :D
anyone wake up in the night sweating after a night of MXE? or a few days? swear its the MXE doing it, heart rate and everything feels normal, usually only get the sweats from stimulants
I always get mild kidney pain the day after using MXE, which lasts about two days after use, then it will go. I've had no bladder problems, I'm a little frightened of the kidney damage it may cause. I'll use MXE about 3-4 times a week and have no more than 40mg per session.
I have had the same pain in the kidney the first few times I took it, although strangely the times I have taken the most I am normally fine afterwards.

Like your description of the 'Eyelid Removal', had some before and was watching my Universe dvd. When the planets started going 3D and coming out of my screen I could close my eyes and make whatever I wanted happen, love the
amount of control you get from it. Never K-Holed from the stuff but its almost like you can willingly put your mind on the
edge of one, and I could make myself almost feel like I was flying upside down or standing up when I was zombied on my