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Foreign Drug Scenes

Opium really isn't that commonly used by Cambodians, it's more of a thing in the northernmost regions of Southeast Asia.

I don't have much first hand experience with Cambodian addicts, but there a good number of smack and meth addicted foreigners living there, particularly in Sihanoukville. As far as law enforcement goes, it's a little unpredictable. There was an Australian guy who operated a guesthouse for five years or so on the coast where he sold all matter of drugs fairly openly (he even had pictures of his weed crop on his website). He had contacts both in the police and in customs, and as long as he didn't sell to Cambodians they were happy to look the other way and take their cut. He finally got busted earlier this year, but it sure took them awhile.

In general, police don't harass drug dealers who only sell to foreigners, nor do they target drug using tourists. I've certainly never heard of a tourist being set up by the police like in Thailand, they prefer to make their ill-gotten cash by taking cuts from the dealers rather than extorting money from users. But given the complete lack of access of a fair legal system in place, I'd remain incredibly discreet, because if you do anything to stand out they might make an example out of you.
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I live on the crossing of Belgium and Netherlands and all the cities around the borders are notorious for drug trade... Every day you hear multiple growers or labs getting busted but for every busted their spring ten new ones hahaha... It's easy to get anything you want here and dirty cheap aswell but as far as drug markets go I personally never buy from people on the street because that's usually low quality.

I had a friend whom lived in japan for a few years and he told me everything related to drugs was taken off the streets and owned by the yakuza. He smoked lots of cannabinoid infused herbs there but actual weed he never saw, amphetamines and mdxx compounds were also easy to get but the latter were rather expensive.
Once again guys, I do not mean to be a wet blanket- but


Just a heads up, this thread seems to cater to pricing.
I spent 10 days in Amsterdam 4 years ago. I highly recommend New Years there. Place looked like a war zone. Anyway... while I was there I think I may have single-handedly created a shortage of mushrooms when I realized you could buy them so easily and legally(I know that's changed since). I remember taking a "box" of Hawaiians after having done them for a couple of days and they didn't even effect me, so I had to wait a couple days.
Scored some MDMA from a friend of a friend which was my first experience. Quite enjoyable.

The Red Light District... I visited a couple bars one night and was enjoying the "super cheap" Heineken. Left one bar and was walking down a dark deserted street looking for some adventure when I was approached by a guy who apparently had some cocaine and ecstasy. I told him no thanks and kept walking, but he was persistent, so I told him I would really like some H. He said he had some and invited me to join him in this covered doorway that led into some building that was locked up. He took a bag out of his pocket and was struggling to open it. When he did finally get it open a fair amount of white powder ended up on his gloves and the ground. He offered me a taste and it was cocaine. This reminded me of being back in the states and trying to cop anything other than crack from a crackhead. Boy, they have some tunnel vision, don't they?

So I tell the guy that it's not H and I'm not interested and start walking. He gets the bag closed back up and is now walking right next to me telling me how I owe him money because of the mishap he had opening the bag. At this point his mood has changed and he seems quite irritated at the fact that I'm basically ignoring him and picking up the pace. He picks up a glass bottle lying on the street and it's quite obvious that he believes I really owe him money. I see some light and activity a short distance away and am hopeful he is going to realize this isn't a good idea anymore.

We are now about 20 steps away from a bar and I tell him I'll buy some from him, but I want to have a beer first. He says OK he'll wait outside. Well after one beer I head to the bathroom and look outside to see if he's gone yet, but he's looking at me through the window, motioning for me to come outside. I give him the "one more" sign language and go back to the bar to have a few more beers. By the time I was done with the 2nd one I didn't see him anymore. Had one more, and then walked out the door. I've never walked so fast in my life. Made it back to the hotel and ate a space cake I got along the way, which was a scary experience in itself. That was my last night in Amsterdam.
One more caveat I'd like to add: If you're thinking about doing drugs in Southeast Asia, make sure you think these through. It's most risky to try your luck in countries which are extremely harsh but not very corrupt, because if you're caught they'll crucify you without giving you a chance to pay your way out of it. This is particularly true in Singapore.

It's not a great idea to take drugs in Thailand either, but there are places that the police seem to overlook. They get away with it by being discreet, so you won't know you're in one unless you hear from it through word of mouth.

Cambodia, last time I was there, was still the least dangerous country in the region to get take drugs in. Don't take that as a license to be stupid, because once you're locked in the legal system you're fucked, and you never know when they'll decide to crack down one day. Things can change fast.

Myanmar and Vietnam are both corrupt but harsh, so if you get caught you have a reasonable chance of paying your out of it but if you don't you might be royally fucked. The government in Vietnam is less corrupt and more efficient so I'd be more worried there.

Never been to Laos, Malaysia or Indonesia, but I've heard the latter two are brutal if caught.
The stereotype in Prague really turned out to be true. Any group of a few Africans standing on a corner (even on main high streets) would be the ones to go to for weed.
THE NETHERLANDS (North, not Amsterdam)

Generally speaking, drugs have been relatively easy to score, and of a high quality, and low price (though that's as much as I'll say about prices), once you get to know people - and it's not hard getting to know people.

Obviously, this is ubiquitous here, and although a fairly small percentage of people actually smoke it - about 1 in 10 - it is generally tolerated, and sparking up a doobie everywhere but near schools, children's playgrounds, smack bang in the middle of the city centre, or under a cop's nose usually bothers nobody.
My city has 14(?) coffeeshops, some of which sell very high quality weed - I have smoked better, but I have no complaints. A large variety of import hash is also available, but unfortunately, isolator hash is a very rare find here.
If you find a dealer, you may be able to score bud for considerably less than in a coffeeshop, but the quality varies more - it may be better, or it may be worse. I have no experience buying from street hustlers, though they do exist, and have been offered drugs many times at night in certain parts of the town. Making connections with locals yields much better results, but that may be hard as a tourist (although Dutch people are quite easy to approach).

Certain establishments will sell truffles, salvia, kratom, and a bunch of other crap which will probably be a waste of money and give you any combination of the following: slight wakefulness, a 4-hour erection, nausea, headache. The first three mentioned are legit, though.

The drug scene is vibrant, but I have avoided making street deals because personal contacts are infinitely more reliable, economical and of a higher standard. Hard drugs will certainly be sold on the streets, and possibly at electronic dance music events - particularly psytrance - but I have always procured my gear beforehand from more reliable sources.
Amphetamine, MDMA crystal, ecstasy pills (incl. some tested at 200mg MDMA), and cocaine are commonly available and generally of high purity. LSD - strong LSD - is quite frequently available, and while LSD can be worth it for substantial amounts of money, here the bang-for-your-buck ratio is outright impressive.
Downers are less frequently available; opiates and benzos may be harder to find, or so I'm told, but this may be due to the fact that I hang out with a different crowd. However, at least their function as cures for insomnia and comedown aids can be substituted with cannabis.;)
South Korean scene

South Korea:

South Korea:

This is a veritable prison for substances. It's nearly a non-scene, and a great place to kick if that's your goal.

Opiates are dispensed rarely and often not at all. Typically, it is an NSAID, then TONS of naproxen or acetaminophen, if you are persistent and like to doctor shop you may be prescribed tramadol 37.5-300 and/or some oxy IR (5 mg), however, they strongly regulate all substances claiming addition runs rampant among foreigners.

Although opiates are here and some even manufactured in South Korea, there are extremely tight restrictions on dispensation. State owned, operated, or sanctioned clinics/hospitals have rigid guidelines as to what can be given and there is no deviation from these guidelines for fear of losing their license. Private hospitals can be a bit looser on this and may provide temporary relief (via opiates) for post operative care.
Cancer patients and those with chronic pain and an MRI done in country to back it up will open the door to mild narcotics.

I've heard (not my thing) that cannabis and pills are found in the club scene, but the locals are often covert and suspicious of anyone not within their group. Most seem to be speedy and cut with more amphetamines than MDMA.

All kinds of amphetamines are floating around in various forms as many S.K. women are obsessed with weight and weight loss. You can see where this is headed.

Basically, it is the worst country I have ever lived in for drugs. Additionally, there are many Koreans who resent/dislike foreigners, and therefore it is not uncommon for locals to call the police to 'check up' on a suspected user. Police will follow up on nearly any suspected infraction.

K and other such drugs are nowhere to be found. I have not even seen Ketamine at local vet or equine clinics.

Benzo's are easy to come by, but require a prescription, which can be had from nearly anyone at extremely low costs.

The healthcare is great, but pain management is archaic and seems to be getting worse.
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I've been in Busan, South Korea for the past 6 weeks, and there is almost no drug abuse, even among college students. I've heard that the bud is shitty and 5 times as expensive as in the States. Mostly people just drink. IME pharmacists cannot be easily bribed; this is not a 3rd world country. I think in Seoul there are lots of foreigners' clubs and bars where there are more drugs available, possibly club drugs/uppers, but that is mostly speculation on my part.

I considered going to the bad part of town to try my luck, but decided against it as I have only a very rudimentary grasp of the language, and it would be difficult to know who to ask in any case. Korea is almost 100% ethnically Korean. Hate to say it, but the ethnic diversity (and poverty falling along those ethnic lines) in the US makes it much easier to find open air markets.

yes. like I said,korea blows!
I'll first write a bit about my country, Finland. I don't think many foreigners have any experience of our drug culture because it is so underground (although less so now than 15 years ago).

Generally the attitude towards drugs is more negative in the Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway) than in the rest of Europe. It's less so now, especially among youth, but the government and health officials have a harsh attitude towards drugs. When Central Europe are taking the liberal part, prohibition and punishment are the only measures politicians could think of here in the North.

Drugs in Finland are usually expensive, of poor quality and some are very rare (you really have to know the right people to get e.g. LSD). This is due to our location in the periphery of Europe.
The most popular drug is cannabis. Ten years ago there was much Maroccan hash on the market, but now people are more and more growing weed at home. So the quality of the weed is usually good, but it's not easy to get. The stoners mostly sell it to one another or keep it themselves, they don't sell it on the street.

And now to the drug i would call our "national drug": SPEED. After cannabis speed is by far the most used illegal drug. It's a drug ingrained in our drug culture (has been since the 70's) and used by both party goers ("ravers") and hardcore speed addicts. It's always available, cheap, and usually of high quality (sometimes you get 80 % pure stuff). We are located so near the Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) where the stuff is produced that there are few people "in between" the producers and the sellers. But it's still cut, usually with maltodextrine. Finland and Sweden are the only countries in the world where speed is the #1 drug for IV users.

Meth is occassionally available but mostly rarely on the market since Finns prefer speed (although the meth always will have buyers and users).

GBL/GHB. Especially GBL has become extremely popular among youth (since GHB got classed as an illegal drug in the 90's and GBL is only classed as medicine you need prescription for, meaning the penalties for GHB are much more severe than GBL). GHB is not that readily available but GBL is very easy to get (and it's easy to make GHB of it anyway). GHB/GBL was initially most popular in the electronic dance music scene but has now spread to "ordinary" youth. It's very cheap too.

Pure MDMA is extremely rare and expensive. The E pills are poor and often do not contain MDMA at all. Mostly used in the electonic dance scene, but has spread too to other groups. The popularity seems to be quite constant through the years.

Cocaine is becoming increasingly popular here. But it's insanely expensive and the quality is piss poor. Used by party people and rich "jetset" kids.

The availability of heroin is next to zero. Instead buprenorphine is very popular amongst IV users and widely available. After speed buprenorphine is definately the most IV'd drug.
Psychedelics are rare. The user base is so small there is no profit to gain for the smugglers. Users of psychedelics are often a quite small and tight group, and if you want e.g. LSD, these people are the only ones you'd ever get if from. LSD is very rare, blotters are quite readily available but almost never contain LSD. There is no strong culture of psychedlic drugs in Finland. It's very underground. The users of psychedelics are also mostly the ones who use RC's.

RC's have become very popular (not by "ordinary people" but otherwise by almost all drug users, besides the junkies who just need their fix). MDPV gained huge popularity until the speed users started noticing MDPV was "a bit" nastier. Mephedrone also gained huge popularity.

Generally the drug culture in Finland is very underground. The electronic music scene is filled with drugs (like in every country), but other than that, it's mostly stoners and IV users of speed and buprenorphine. Finns have a habit of always taking too much, the amounts of GBL OD's is huge and in parties people often are so fucked up they ruin the party for others because being high on 10 different chemicals and behaving irrationally, aggressively and just disturbing others.

The only other country I have a little bit more extensive first hand experiences of is Germany. The laws and attitude towards cannabis are very lax (besides some of the Southern states like Bavaria). This depends a bit on where in Germany you are. Northern Germany and especially the cities of Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen are very liberal. Walk around in Eastern Berlin and you'll continuosly feel the scent of weed in the air. It's easy to get and usually good. I haven't bought much drugs in Germany but the Germans take their drugs more controlled than Finns, Finns often OD and take faaaar too much. The Germans are more responsible users.
Mostly agree with all the stuff about Finland. However, some of my own observations and comments:

Drugs in Finland are usually expensive, of poor quality and some are very rare (you really have to know the right people to get e.g. LSD). This is due to our location in the periphery of Europe.
The most popular drug is cannabis. Ten years ago there was much Maroccan hash on the market, but now people are more and more growing weed at home. So the quality of the weed is usually good, but it's not easy to get. The stoners mostly sell it to one another or keep it themselves, they don't sell it on the street.

Yep, the homegrown weed is usually of a high standard - I would rate most homegrown bud I've gotten in Finland above the average weed I buy here in coffeeshops in the Netherlands (NOTE: I do not buy the average weed, I buy the one at the top of the menu) - but recently the market has become flooded with money-hungry people. Without going too much into prices, you may nominally pay 2x the amount today you would have paid for a gram of bud 4 or 5 years ago, and back then it would be crisp, dry, and trimmed. Nowadays that 2x price tag bloats up to something like 3x if you factor in the amount of leaf, stem, and moisture in a lot of the bags you get.
Basically, if you grow it yourself, you're the friend of a person who does, or have VERY good connections, cannabis in Finland is of a very high standard, but the commercially available stuff - though barely, if at all, easier to find than before - is more expensive and of a poorer standard than before.
Hash is almost always going to be low-grade, severely cut Moroccan comparable to English soapbar at inflated prices, but occasionally you may find surprisingly good hashes. I've never seen low-grade "squidgy" or dark hash in Finland as of yet, so anything like that you encounter is likely to be something someone personally brought from India/Nepal/Amsterdam.

And now to the drug i would call our "national drug": SPEED. After cannabis speed is by far the most used illegal drug. It's a drug ingrained in our drug culture (has been since the 70's) and used by both party goers ("ravers") and hardcore speed addicts. It's always available, cheap, and usually of high quality (sometimes you get 80 % pure stuff). We are located so near the Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) where the stuff is produced that there are few people "in between" the producers and the sellers. But it's still cut, usually with maltodextrine. Finland and Sweden are the only countries in the world where speed is the #1 drug for IV users.

Yes. I was under the impression that street speed in Finland is shit, and some of it definitely is, but after hearing stories from people visiting all over, apparently the speed can be relatively pure.
I just had to point out that it is... "always available..." - YES - "cheap" - mmeehh. Be careful with saying that - anyone reading this should be aware that the prices of drugs in Finland are GENERALLY, on average, about 2-4x what you would expect to be paying in a Central European - even Western - country. So while speed is cheap in the sense that 1 gram of pure speed will go a long way compared to some other drugs you could waste your money on, the speed in Finland is multiple times more expensive than in countries geographically quite close. So yeah - drug prices in Finland are very high.

Pure MDMA is extremely rare and expensive. The E pills are poor and often do not contain MDMA at all. Mostly used in the electonic dance scene, but has spread too to other groups. The popularity seems to be quite constant through the years.

Just to illustrate the above... In my circles, the price ratio between speed and pure MDMA is more or less EXACTLY the same between Holland and Finland - so I would say Finland is expensive, and speed is cheaper than MDMA, but not that MDMA is particularly expensive in Finland and speed particularly cheap. If you catch my drift. %)

Psychedelics are rare. The user base is so small there is no profit to gain for the smugglers. Users of psychedelics are often a quite small and tight group, and if you want e.g. LSD, these people are the only ones you'd ever get if from. LSD is very rare, blotters are quite readily available but almost never contain LSD. There is no strong culture of psychedlic drugs in Finland. It's very underground. The users of psychedelics are also mostly the ones who use RC's.

Yup - you'll only run into them without extensive contacts at psychedelic trance parties and festivals, where they may even be quite openly distributed - a rare phenomenon in Finland, as people are very paranoid about drug use due to its vast social stigmas. Psychedelics are relatively cheap in Finland, close to prices elsewhere (whereas everything else is a shit-ton more expensive) as they are sold cheaply without too much economic incentive and are often given as freebies or barter them for drugs/services, since the people that are involved with them are more neo-hippie types than other junkies.

So outside of party events, psychedelics may be very cheap (and may certainly represent the best bang-for-your-buck in terms of drugs in Finland), but at parties be prepared to pay exorbitant prices for hits of what may or may not be acid and pills which were clearly designed with the intention of imitating MDMA.

I haven't bought much drugs in Germany but the Germans take their drugs more controlled than Finns, Finns often OD and take faaaar too much. The Germans are more responsible users.

I agree, and have heard this from many of my friends as well. When Finnish people take drugs, get fucked up - be it alcohol, plain old weed smoking, or other drugs - we don't fuck around, we do that shit like it's a competitive sport.
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Atlanta -Georgia

can literally find whatever i want...coke is really big here, and so is dope..i also know multiple people who grow their own weeds...
Haha, the US is foreign to me!
Now for a limited update from Kenya.

Apparently you can get anything you want there but I didn't push my luck due to not wanting to have to pay expensive bribes or be set up. As one of the most corrupt countries in Africa I'm guessing the risks of this are high.

What I did find was low grade sativa which I'm told is sold cheaply in pre rolled joints. Very light, mellow and relaxing.

Also one of my personal favourites Khat is legal in Kenya. It comes in different grades and is available in any major transport area at little shacks (kiosks) with Miraa or Veve painted on them. It seems that most of the cultivation is done in the Meru area and controlled by Meru and Somali traders. Usually the Khat is reasonably fresh depending on what part of the country you are in and if the vendor has had a delivery that day. I also managed to get one of the traders to send to me direct the high grade varieties Alele and Kangeta. Personally I was fond of the Kangeta as it tasted better and seemed stronger than the stuff available at the kiosks. Apparently the distinguishing features of these varieties is that the shoots are mature (much longer) and the trees they are harvested from are over 40 years old (talk about patience!).

The other thing that was interesting was that the small pharmacies or "dawa" shops were not very picky about whether you have a prescription or not. Unfortunately they usually had limited options available due to the limited finances available to their customers and general low standard of health care available in the country. It did however make it easy and cheap for me to get my malaria medicine.
Is there any Parisiens out there? Anybody living in Paris, Ile-de-france that can help me with Harm Reduction?
Yeh when I went to Mexico as soon the boarder one side of the road is dentist and the other side are pharmacys u don't need a prescription can get any thing u want & it's cheap a friend of mine bought shit load of steroids lol