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Would you live in a murder house?

Would you live in a murder house?

  • YES: doesn't bother me what happened in the past

    Votes: 26 44.8%
  • NO: It sure does bother me...

    Votes: 32 55.2%

  • Total voters
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Sounds like a good idea razzles :)

I was talking to my cousin about this yesterday, she works for a legal firm who deal with a lot of real estate stuff. She said that the fact that the property is from a deceased estate should have been disclosed to potential buyers, but under the current regulations, they are not required to state the circumstances of death. In the US, a property's papers must list any deaths (and the circumstances) from the time it is built.

Edited to add a poll to the existing thread..
I wouldn't have a problem living in a murder house. I know people who are living in the house in Collingwood where the Easey Street murders occured and they don't have a problem with it.

I currenly live in a house where a man died in his sleep, I don't see how that is different to living in a house where someone was murdered.
I couldnt live there. I believe in ghosts and spirits and all that jazz, it would freak me out too much.
It's interesting... I could live in a house where someone had died of natural causes, or even one in which someone had committed suicide. But not a murder house. Why is that I wonder?

And no I don't believe in ghosts, so that's not it. Nor do I think it would increase the chances of 'bad luck' or karma or bad feng shui or any of that crapola.

I think it's just the visions of violence that would go through my head and creep me out.
^^^^Would it depend on how the person was murdered?

ie: is chopped up and flung about the house worse than someone being drugged or smothered to death in their sleep?
Yeah Raz, I think it would.... I think I could handle a drugging incident, or even a smothering... but anything to do with knives or blood, and to a lesser extent, guns... no. Or kids. I couldn't live anywhere kids had been murdered.
i shagged a guy once and he later told me a woman was murdered in his bedroom (years before they bought the house ;) ) that was weird enough, i don't think i could live there.
I couldnt. I get spooked so easily, im too superstitious for my own good.

I get scared when I have to stay at my current house alone, even though im up so high no one could possibily break in unless they had a ladder or got through front security door before arriving at my front door...

I have lived in a home where two slayings occured. They both occured in one of the upstairs bedroom. I will admit it was creepy in there, and I often heard things moving, and even once saw what I thought was a black cloudy apparition.​
Whatever was in there, didnt want me there, and made it obvious. So I went old school and gave it a "This House is Cleansed" no more funky noises....​

I think that was about the same time I quit doing coke too......​
I said no but I'd like to change my answer to yes (as in, I would live in it). I should have read the thread properly because having read some of the replies, I agree... it doesn't matter all that much.
I lived in a really old 3 story Heritage building back in Tasmania that was next to the old court house and the old jail. This building was reaaaaaaaaally old. (in fact, it's directly across the road from Boags Brewery).

Apparently the building we were in, was the old hospital, so I have no doubt it has its fair share of premature deaths. Possibly murders.

[kinda off-topic rant]
There was a door in my mates room that was only half the height of a normal door, it didn't have a door handle and we couldn't open it (even with a crowbar). That door freaked us out, he swore he heard something move behind it one night.

The staircase in this place was huge, you could hold hands with 3 other people and all walk up the stairs side by side, the stairs had a really freaky feeling about them though, evertime I got home late and the place was dark, I'd get halfway up the first flight and think someone was behind me, so I'd bolt all the way to the top and not look back, because it was THAT scary of a feeling, but I think that might of had something to do with the amount of weed we smoked.

We also had a seance's (sp?) there a few times with mixed results. Yes we were idiots. :|
[/end rant]

Anyway, yes I would/have live in a muder house.
i really don't think i could - logic tells me it shouldn't matter, but I hear bumps in the night at the best of times, so I don't think I could really cope with trying to imagine the details surrounding the murder (as i know my stupid masochistic mind would try to) on top of that :\
The house behind me, that an old friend grew up in was the location of 2 murders, 3 suicides and was at one time a very famous brothel in Brisbane. I practically lived there, but stopped staying there after a very frightening experience that, to this day, i can't make head nor tale of. It happened when i was 14.

4 people had died in the house i grew up in, one was deemed suspicious. In my room, 1 child died of what was eventually determined as cot death, back in 1930 something. Strange strange things would happen in my house, but if there was something there, it was benevolent, unlike the aforementioned house, which, as i grew into a teenager, felt more and more sinister. :|
samadhi said:
I practically lived there, but stopped staying there after a very frightening experience that, to this day, i can't make head nor tale of. It happened when i was 14.
Do you mind sharing?

I love spooky stories! :)
I don't mind, but i don't want anyone to start shitstirring or trying to dissect it. I've done enough of that.

When i was 14, we (stupidly) decided to have a seance. We laid cut out letters on a mirror and used a glass for the planchette. We started asking questions and we got a name: Tom Dickson. We asked what he did and got an occupation: electrician. Asked how he died and got: murder. We asked if he had anything to say and got: Leave.

The glas then shattered on the mirror. We ran out of her room and heard an almighty crash: the mirror that was screwed to the wall had somehow fallen off and smashed all over the bathroom floor.

People can believe it or not, i don't give a shit, but it disturbed me then and it still disturbs me now. I don't know what happened in that house that night, but i ran home (our houses backed onto eachother) and never went there at night again.

I also saw many things that i can't explain in my own home, as did my animals (if their behaviour was anything to go by: our dogs barking at the same time, looking at the same empty space, then whining with their tails tucked in and running away), but again, i only felt benevolence there. My mum saw the outline of an old lady peeking at her from around the corner, and only felt overwhelming peace.

El Dorado (the name of my friends old house) was fucking evil... that's the only word that springs to mind. Waaaay too much negativity connected to that place.
Of course it wouldn't bother me living in a murder house... after all, where do you think the rest of my family went?
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