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☠ WARNING ☠ *WARNING* Chronic ketamine/dissociative use causes bladder/organ damage

Yeah, the dosage might well be the reason, but remember I was on maybe 500mg/d of O-PCM without symptoms and the same dose of K feels hard to the body. Might have to do with illicit synthesis and impurities (darknet K appears to be usually around 83-87% pure, that's a bad number).

Probably genetics play a central role, and I appear to be lucky with mine.. but I suspect that dehydration is a common problem with dissociatives as they do completely mask the body's needs far into dangerous areas. I do watch now to drink plenty of water and eat fruits during the trip and to keep a normal eating schedule, with time I got used to the effects and now I do feel hunger and thirst on lower dosages of dissos too, they just feel very differently. With that, I don't get any burn when peeing or other stuff.

Only real problem is with sleep. It's interesting that while dissociated, I can fall into a sleep-alike state while staying consciously awake, letting thoughts drift and the hours pass.. when I get up again it's almost as if I had a good night of sleep, but I was awake all the time.. on O-PCM I used to be up 2-3 days straight with some power-naps and never felt over it.. but when I forgot about nurishing things went haywire and on a day 4 (or 5?) I got psychotic, hearing thoughts of others and things alike. Still wonder whether and how much of that was real, there were some situations where I did correctly predict actions of others according to these telepathic thought sensations.. Until I collapsed and was admitted to the hospital (I was on buprenorphine too then and these both don't mix well). After sleeping this was gone and never came back.

Still hope things don't change and I won't get health issues. Currently I feel the pending bans of RCs to be the primary concern but well.. junkies always tend to play down their habit.
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Careful with defining yourself as not in control. You just might start believing it.
To what statement are you referring?

Yeah, faith moves mountains, as the Germans say. Sometimes at least. But where did I say I am not in control? It's hard to control psychosis, if you mean that.

One can just handle it this or that way, focus on the symptoms, let fear make everything worse and believe some doc telling to take antipsychotics for life would be the only way to handle them.
I am thankful they exist, at least modern ones (olanzapine is much lighter on side effects than quetiapine, chlorprothixene, pipamperone and let alone haloperidol - as docs tend to give them like candy, I had all of them before I ever experienced real psychotic symptoms.) But all of them are heavily dysphoric, maybe aripiprazole would be the least one, if I require one again I'll ask for that. But for now, I didn't require more than 28 x 10mg, usually take 1/4 to 1/3, and symptoms are gone.

Interestingly dissociatives in low dose can be or feel like being antipsychotic too. My theory is that they relieve psychic stress by dissociating from all that sensory input constantly bombarding you, and generally anxiolytic / paranoiolytic.
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I like to think of dissociatives as ingestible sensory deprivation tanks as well. Especially in ketamine research that view seems to be shifting now. But I really doubt the alignment with meditative techniques has absolutely nothing to do with it.

The "junkie" description is what sparked the above remark. It's the cultural template to automatically link substance use to self-destruction. Descriptive as it otherwise can be in the case studies, I dread the self-fulfilling prophecy aspect of it, it's not consistent with the power of the mighty mountain-moving mind.
The reason I gave up K and Methoxetamine was precisely due to this. I was having all kinds of difficulty with urination, feel like my bladder was full always, and literally felt like I had to relieve my bladder every 1/2 hour or so. I also started to get odd sensations in my bladder and kidneys, and this was with drinking tons of water. After seeing people have their bladder removed and having to be catheterized every time they needed to drain their bladder, I said fuck that. There is no drug worth losing an organ for. Period. I don't care how good it is. Kind of like when I gave up coke...after years of using it, it turned into fun for 15 minutes, then listening to my heart beat out of my chest, along with chest pain. I should have never done it as my father died young from heart failure. Anyway, I like my bladder right where it is, thank you.
I'd have some strange urinary tract sensations when I've binged on ketamine for a couple of days, definitely feels like it's doing something unhealthy. Thankfully I've never actually experienced cramps or pain, I never use it that frequently.

I had a friend who used to be a BL'er and has since passed away and he went totally overboard with snorting Ketamine for a while and it got to the point where he was at his parent's house, collapsed on the stairs because the pain was so excruciating and they had to take him to hospital. He quit K after that.
Hello fellow Bluelighters. This is my first post, although I've been reading this forum for years now.

I have a question, does it apply for Nitrous (N2O) also? After all it's also a dissociative. Excluding some occasional DXM usage in the past, this is the only disso I use now. Because of its very short lasting and very "light" feeling, I use it every day for months now. Should I be worried about my bladder too?

Thanks in advance :)
No, it doesn't. It applies specifrically to arylcyclohexylamines (ketamine, PCP, MXE, etc - most dissociatives). it seems to be a property of this chemical family and not NMDA antagonism specifically. Nitrous, the -phenidines, and DXM do not seem to have the same problem.
What exactly causes this internal damage?

Is it the ketamine, salt molecule; itself doing the damage?
Or... Is it the poison cut into the street K [anesket, preset, keminova...etc.]???
What exactly causes this internal damage?

Is it the ketamine, salt molecule; itself doing the damage?
Or... Is it the poison cut into the street K [anesket, preset, keminova...etc.]???

The Ketamine directly causes this damage to the kidney and bladder.
What other adulterated chemicals / substances are found in different types of ketamine?
What other adulterated chemicals / substances are found in different types of ketamine?
MSM, local anaesthetics such as lidocaine or benzocaine, table sugar, RC dissociatives, DXM, whatever might have been in the veterinary liquid formulation such as antiseptics, I heard reports of fentanyl just yesterday.
I am not saying this list is complete or exhaustive.
MSM, local anaesthetics such as lidocaine or benzocaine, table sugar, RC dissociatives, DXM, whatever might have been in the veterinary liquid formulation such as antiseptics, I heard reports of fentanyl just yesterday.
I am not saying this list is complete or exhaustive.

Fent in ket? Really? Wtf
Fent in ket? Really? Wtf

So festival season is upon us. Hordes of edm enthusiasts and drug freaks gather to shake off the shit of the rest of the year.
Its like Christmas for 8 weeks straight. Now a friend of mine, who acquired a mass of it for festival season saying to me this is all that is going around right now,
showed me this huge crystalline greyish blue brick that smelled heavily like some kind of hospital steriliant.

I know thats not right. It was very clear to me that they used some kind of direct p2p synthesis rather than any kind of organic sources.
So from 112 grams there was 30 grams of loss
3 of those grams were aluminum dust
15 of those grams were methamphetamine
and the rest and oxidative precursor left over to add weight.


Listen, in the past 2 years.... I've lost 35 friends. I bet you some of these friends didn't even know they were doing things like meth and fentanyl. Fentanyl is now appearing is the ketamine scene near Nelson out in the Kootenays. So Shambhala go'ers be ware. My friend Dylan in Rossland called me to tell me that his business was succeeding and that he was going to stop by my home to see me on his way to Sask to see his family. He had purchased some ketamine and he was telling me about how he was going to have an amazing weekend. He never showed up. His father found him dead with naloxone kit in hand. His Father owns the festival grounds for Electric Sky. Its such a fucking loss and a crime.....

Now for the darkness, so imagine you are a nefarious drug cartel. You know if you have 454 grams and if you mix in 5 grams of a fentanyl its going to make the ketamine more addictive. Its going to be undetectable to most test kits, and you are going to have to chemically remove it to find it or you are going to have to have a mass spec. Now if its not mixed properly, people like my friend Dylan pay the cost.

Whoever the fuck is responsible for allowing this kind of sloppy contaminated synthesis out into the market should be found and then explained to fully that people will pay for purity. It doesn't even take any amount of extra time of polish it up to 99.9 white crystalline structures. Why is the methamphetamine in there? I mean its in there at 10% which im telling you right now, is not detectable using ERLICH or MANSKE test kits. EVERY festival needs a Mass spec which can break down exactly what is in peoples drugs.

Anyways.... becareful out there.... crystalline or not, shit can be woven into the fabric.
I guess it might be, yeah... Although it should feel different from ket, like lowering you pulse, right?
I've commented on this issue throughout the years.....and it's no joke. I am thankful to still have my bladder, and that I don't have any issues anymore.

In my early 20s, I had access to a limitless supply of ketamine. I started out using it with tiny bumps because I was honestly scared to go into a hole, for whatever reason I have no clue lol. Then I accidentally fell into one, and it was amazzzzziiiinnngggggg. Anyway, I was getting it from India for $4/g, flipping it from $30-$120/g.....so I was making fuck tons of money and everything was free. I started sniffing bigger lines, and the tolerance raises quickly. After a while I was sniffing 2g at a time and barely feeling it. Obviously I was using a lot at that time and my nose was not happy. I was at a festival and remember the first time seeing my septal perforation.....a tiny pinhole through my septum. I still continued to sniff it for a while, before switching to IMing it.

IMing was great at first because it was like I didn't have a tolerance anymore.......and then it built up after so long. I was eventually using 100, yes one hunded, gram every week. 2 grams at once split by 5 needles at once, injecting to my hips, thigh, ass, arms, wherever. Not only did I have a horribly swollen, bruised body, and a hole in my nose, but then started the urinary issuse......and the excrutiating k pains in the sternum. This started long before I got up to those insane amounts though.

I would literally piss out ketamine, like a discharge.....it was horrible. I would piss blood clots. I had to piss, or at least felt like I needed to every two seconds. And when I did, it was usually only a couple extremely painful drops. Eventually I couldn't go anywhere because I had the feeling to piss all the time. I missed some serious music gigs that I was booked for because of it.

That was finally the time that I had to clean myself up. It took maybe two months on my couch. I would have buckets next to me because it was futile to go upstairs to use the bathroom.

Anyway.....long story made short.....I got clean 8 years ago and I have no ill effects, surprisingly and thankfully <3 I use ketamine maybe once a year now, because it is still so amazing, but when I have it....I still go hard. BUT, I can't do it for long because my body reminds me REAL quick with having pain trying to piss after a couple grams.

I want to be involved in some study somehow, because I'm sure I've done more K than thousands of people should in a lifetime 0_o

Be kind to your body with this, and DCK, MXE, 3-MeO-PCP, and the like. They will do the same thing.

Sending lots of love <3 :)
I tend to get bladder problems (pain and difficulty urinating) from even using ketamine for a just week. I tend to snort small bumps and go through 1-2 grams in that time span, so I am constantly on ket if I'm not sleeping or working.

High doses once in a while doesn't seem to cause as much bladder problems for me, I'm lately preferring to hole than to be on a lower dose, but I haven't had ketamine in a few months.
I’m lucky that my MXE use didn’t caused noticeable damage.

One time, I ended up in the hospital (someone forced me to go tripping) absolutely I couldn’t piss at all, so they had to catheter me.

Another time, they cathetered me while tripping and I ripped it out with the foley inflated.

Pissed blood for 4 days.

At one point, I was IMing 3g+ of ketamine daily.

Idk how it’s ok now. My insides
I had decided to stay away from my friend who was going off the deep end with ketamine and other RC's. But I saw him recently and he said he was doing "better". He claims he is not affected in any real bad way with his use. He claims to be one of the "lucky" ones. Yet he has to pee 3 times in an hour and has had pains and peed blood a few times. He naps because he has to wake up every hour to pee. Not sure what he thought was lucky. All I saw was denial so I left it at that and told him to take care of himself.

I have to say if I had not seen a good friend screw up his life so much I would have thought nothing of dissociative binging. The topic would have bypassed me as I don't use them. But I see the results of abuse. I know a few other people that use ketamine occasionally , like a few times a year and are fine. (again I would treat it like mescaline :) )

I think Lucid and Bluelight made a sticky because members are intelligent, and if they pay attention can pull themselves out of a rut with knowledge. This thread has some lucky users, yet all have pains and pee blood so I am not sure where the luck lies other than brief remissions. Only with tobacco users have I seen such denial. I had an uncle that had a lung removed but still smokes. To each his own and I respect that, but take care of your health peoples. :) I think as with alcohol use it takes a month or two of abstaining to realize how deep a person was. Someone in the midst of a ketamine binge is not clear headed enough to determine the correct course of action.
Another time, they cathetered me while tripping and I ripped it out with the foley inflated.

Pissed blood for 4 days.

At one point, I was IMing 3g+ of ketamine daily.

Idk how it’s ok now. My insides

Gnarly story about the catheter ripping outing. I've never had one inserted but I've pissed blood for days on end from disso abuse.

. I feel the fucking same bro. I duno how the the fuck my insides are even stil going. I've been there IMinv and IVing up to 20g of a ket a day before. Not a good place to be in.

He claims to be one of the "lucky" ones. Yet he has to pee 3 times in an hour and has had pains and peed blood a few times. He naps because he has to wake up every hour to pee. Not sure what he thought was lucky. All I saw was denial so I left it at that and told him to take care of himself.

I have to say if I had not seen a good friend screw up his life so much I would have thought nothing of dissociative binging. The topic would have bypassed me as I don't use them. But I see the results of abuse. I know a few other people that use ketamine occasionally , like a few times a year and are fine. (again I would treat it like mescaline :) )

I think Lucid and Bluelight made a sticky because members are intelligent, and if they pay attention can pull themselves out of a rut with knowledge. This thread has some lucky users, yet all have pains and pee blood so I am not sure where the luck lies other than brief remissions. Only with tobacco users have I seen such denial. I had an uncle that had a lung removed but still smokes. To each his own and I respect that, but take care of your health peoples. :) I think as with alcohol use it takes a month or two of abstaining to realize how deep a person was. Someone in the midst of a ketamine binge is not clear headed enough to determine the correct course of action.

I've been there too where your friend was, peeing 3 4 or 5 times an hour, a shot glasses worth of dark red blood. Never sleeping properly for months on end because you have to wake up to pee. Ketamine is some fucked up shit.

Like you say each to their own and everyone has their poison etc but fuck me sideways ketamine abuse sure has some fucking denial power.

My bladders alot better than it was, now down to pissing 10-15 times a day, can hold about a pint, no blood, but when I have to go I have to go, there's no holding it, it's made me jump out of buses, pull up or force friends to pull up on the hard shoulder, piss in bottles cans anything in my roomor out the window when I first wake up, out of taxis, abruptly end conversations meetings etc which have lost me jobs, or in public infront of people which has nearly got in trouble with police before. And then I have to stand there for a few minutes struggling to actually pee before it comes out. Its a bladder destroyer.

When I binge now I still get bits of ketamine coming out like discharge little white/green strands if i piss in a bottle and leave it for a few hours u can see the layers of shit sitting at the bottom like snot it's fucking disgusting I have a video of me from a few months ago shaking up a bottle that's been sat for a few hours after peeing in it 3 or 4 times maybe I should upload it to scare people about k. You can see the layer of k snot at the bottom turn into a snow globe of swirling scum.

I got all sorts of photos stored somewhere of what I used to piss out before I went to rehab 3 or 4 years ago, massive lumps of snot and blood clots, that felt like flaming hot razors coming out of my dick when I passed them. Maybe I should upload them as a warning too. I dunno how the fuck I still have a bladder.
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