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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Y.O.L.O. - "You Only Love Octagons" Come back Sam!

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because in ten years i might not be using it at all

and if I didnt have enough money for ecstasy id kick my own ass
lol hey man, I said the same exact shit like 3 years ago.. I really wish someone had tried to stop me from doing what I did, it really did a LOT of damage to me. You can take it from people who have been there, or you can just learn for yourself. Like I said, I'm not your mother.. I just want to help you, and everyone else taking ecstasy :\

You'll enjoy your rolls so much more if you just wait like a week longer lol, but hey man it's your brain.. you can do with it as you wish.
Yeah Shim, don't abuse the MD man. I'm sure everybody who frequently post in ED has had a problem with rolling too frequently at one point. You live and learn man.

Side note, dosed 3.5 grams of Ghb early today. It was awesome, as always, except I kept getting insatiably hot, which usually happens. Any pro tips on staying cool when using G?
when you guys say damage what do you mean?

and im 20 years old matt
Eh.. just leave him be :\ some people would just much rather learn for themselves.. not much you can do but just give them the facts and let them make their own choice.

I think Shim gets it, I just think he doesn't care and would rather push the boundaries himself. I mean, that's really what the rest of us did, and we're all still here. I just want to stress that you can still have fun without abusing the drug

when you guys say damage what do you mean?

Well, comparing it to heroin is a bit weird haha, MDMA isn't super addictive or anything... it just causes long term downregulation of serotonin and other receptors that make your body function. Everything from hearing, digestion, heart rate and blood flow are controlled by serotonin, major deficiencies in 5-HT can set in some serious mental health disorders from Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia to even scarier phenomena like depersonalization/derealization.

MDMA abuse causes some serious neurochemical changes, it's really unique in that aspect.
I did in high school and stopped maybe like 3 months ago. I just stopped doing a lot of stuff fairly recently actually
because it was a waste of money and I realized MDMA was a better time and I dont have to go through as much bullshit (any really) to get good pills

I mean that is the very very short version of it, I dont feel like going into every detail
I want to know why. why did you stop smoking and doing H?

Get off his back man :\ If he wants to have fun, I say let him. Let's just encourage him to have fun in the safest way possible... Harm Reduction.
so you didn't quit because of the health risks and risk of hopeless adition and all that comes with it?...because that's the reason most quit...was that even a little part of why you quit.

Get off his back man :\ If he wants to have fun, I say let him. Let's just encourage him to have fun in the safest way possible... Harm Reduction.

I know....I am really just busting his balls here...and trying to close out this social thread :) sorry
well the health risks for cigs kind of plays into the "wasting money" part, I was paying 5 bucks a pack to decrease my physical health. And heroin I guess after you snort enough and dont exercise you dont breath as good as you should but it wasnt anything like "if I dont stop now im gonna lose my nose forever"

Im really not an addictive personality, I just know im going to wind up doing the same thing regardless of whether I roll this coming week or a month later so Id rather just do it now and wait a month after that since Im still very much in love with mdma
^ Bro, you're getting too personal with this. Leave him be..

PLUR means accepting even those that choose to roll a little more often than we would like :\
folley its nbd dude, he is bringing up a point I think

when I was on heroin I would have just said to fuck off but I try to listen to what people have to say now
but my point of the whole matter is...if you had the strength and smarts to quit smoking and doing H before it became a problem...you are smart enough to make the correct choices about MDMA.

but I did it the same way. I am not sure that there is anyone that could have stopped me from going down that path either. and I paid the price for it. you are a bit luckier than me as you are a few years older than I was when I started. I failed out of one college and struggled for 2 years at another before the confusion, social anxiety, and cognative difficulties went away.
I'll be cool guys, I think you are forgetting the fact that I am aware of the proper ecstasy dosing guidelines, I just dont care right now. If everyone took everything on this website in a strict HR sense there would be no one doing speedballs or drinking on benzos or any other combination that can be dangerous if not properly monitored.

and Dilo I have crushed up the pill and drank it out of a shot-sized glass every time
never did it that way...I snorted pills once or twice ( enough to find out that I didn't ever want to snort MDMA again) but all others I just ate.
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