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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Y.O.L.O. - "You Only Love Octagons" Come back Sam!

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its been two weeks

and yeah I know about the ideal time to wait

im just so ready to do it

like I dont even really like RZA as a rapper much but when he came on this song and I was rolling I knew every word

I just love the connection it gives you

preaching to the choir though right?
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Haha. Just be careful man. I'm not gonna preach because I've been in your shoes.
ill be good man I appreciate it though

but I dont want to turn this into my autobiography whats up with you

oh yeah Im an idiot

Totally a dirty Sprite and Ghb Sunday, ya feel me?

I baked for the first time in a while after I read that earlier

Look at all these NOOBS passing you up Siren!! Don't worry I still <3 ED's sexiest ex-mod... :D

^ Last time I rolled after 2 weeks I had an AWFUL comedown.. not to mention I never really peaked that hard :\ IMO, if you have really good pills like Questions, might as well save them for a good experience. MDMA isn't really the type of drug you ought to just do, get some 2C-B for that lol

IMO MDMA should be used to enhance other experiences/drugs.. I don't even take MDMA by itself anymore haha
i'll be cool

im not trying to say you guys dont know what you are talking about, because you know more than me. Im just saying I have already made up my mind and the day I have a bad ecstasy roll I'll believe it.
^ Oh, you'll have fun. GREAT fun... I always did. You can just have SOOOOO much more fun if you wait! That you can trust me on haha

Have fun either way man, I really don't give a fuck how often you roll as long as you understand the consequences of doing so.. I'm not your mom ;)

New Cuddle Puddle soon.. need to think of a name lol
our objective is to prevent you from ever having a bad roll...you are not helping.
idk its just like every time I've done something where a bunch of people were like "nah dont do that" nothing bad happened.

at all.
well I can asure you...keep taking MDMA every 2 weeks and bad stuff will happen. problem is you may not even notice until its too late. it starts off small.

I went through it...its not fun. used every weekend for 2 years and loved every minute of it until the bad stuff set in. but looking back...even if I had somone telling me no to roll so much...I would of said it couldn't happen to me too
Folley! Good to see you still here :)

I'm OK, been suffering some anxiety issues after abusing MDMA a bit for the past 6 months (yes, even I can be prone to it LOL), among other stuff. How are y'all?
^ That's kind of the point. When your a noob to MDMA, you can do it with no consequences, and it makes you feel like your invincible with the drug. It's what led me to rolling every single week or more.

If you keep it up though you'll begin to notice those nasty side effects and it would be sooner rather than later if you're taking it with only 2 weeks in between. Even a one month break can keep ALL of that shit away, tolerance never builds and you can have a roll that's always better than the last one.

You can take your pills, and you'll have fun. But most likely you'll be just chasing the original high, and the only real way to get that back is to take a break. When you use MDMA too often it just turns into another stimulant.. unlike when you have all that serotonin, oxytocin (the love hormone) and prolactin (orgasm hormone) to flood out and bring out it's amazing psychedelic empathogen effects

Don't abuse MDMA, take it from the people who abused MDMA.

Folley! Good to see you still here :)

I'm OK, been suffering some anxiety issues after abusing MDMA a bit for the past 6 months (yes, even I can be prone to it LOL), among other stuff. How are y'all?

Ah yes.. that's something I can always count on after too much MD haha. I can really only roll once a month or I turn into a mess, though really it's pretty easy for me to not take anything for a few months then just have one night to make up for it all lolol
dude if you just got a brand new toy for christmas you would want to play with it a lot when you first got it right?

its not like im doing anything too unbelievable, I just really really like it right now. I used to really really like heroin and stopped that just fine.

I know its gonna lose its appeal so im trying to enjoy it while I can

and I know my behavior is gonna make it lose its appeal faster but im young and stupid so just let me enjoy it man
I know its gonna lose its appeal so im trying to enjoy it while I can

BRO, that's what I'm trying to tell you.

It will only lose it's appeal if you abuse it. People who actually take safe breaks from the drug can use it for 10+ years and still have magical nights every time... why use it all up now and be done with it..?
what ever dude...you can lead a horse to water...but little while from now when your tolerance is so high that you have to eat 3,4,5 doses to have a good time but you only have enough money for 1...remeber this talk then promptly kick youself in the balls...once...just for me.
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