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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy PCP Thread

There is no embalming fluid in it. It is just a nickname. Embalming fluids such as formaldehyde are poisons, PCP is a dissociative drug and not anything alike or related to any embalming fluids.
TY for a better understanding. You said in low doses so are you referring to a wet cigarette? So if wet is a term for pcp then where does the embalm fluid come in at? What part does embalm fluid play when they dip them cigarettes and is that what's getting them high?

There's no formaldehyde or embalming fluid at all in PCP. It's just a slang term for it like wet, sherm, dust, etc.

In the late 60s and all through the 70s people would sell PCP as THC powder or claim it was a cannabinoid.
There's no formaldehyde or embalming fluid at all in PCP. It's just a slang term for it like wet, sherm, dust, etc.

In the late 60s and all through the 70s people would sell PCP as THC powder or claim it was a cannabinoid.

Yeah, in eastern canada, pcp was pretty much the meth of the area, there was meth but the bikers mostly kept it to themselves, and it was crank not crystal no way.

So yes, man those "TH" pills made it up into the late 90's here, but the most popular way to do it was with low dosed cut to the max (with safe stuff, mostly lactose, sometimes quinine or powder sugar). I already explained how it worked before so I'm not gonna go around it, but lets just say when one person had the trust of somebody, they would get "grams" of "pure", I count it as 20% pure or so, came as a kind of yellowish white paste, the more liquidish, the better, people would envelope it in foil and you wouldn't lose any, it was sticky. But the point was mostly to bring up 15 grams or so of lactose and cut that stuff into 15 grams which went for uh, well, let's just say the person doing this was making was making about between 175% to 250% profit if they didn't use and sold it as seperate grams, depending on how they would cut it. My weed dealer then would go on binges and not touch it for a while, but was also a crazy mofo who made 7 grams with the stuff, when you could still see the yellow in your 1g "mesc" bag, you knew it was strong shit and you had better be careful

That's what I call low dose PCP. Not those sherms, even if you have the real liquid and put it in there. Not only does smoking PCP acts differently as when you're eating or snorting it, it's pretty stimulant at low doses. Just when Fight Club came out some of my friends would snort a "gram" or two of "mess/mesc"(pcp is the most misrepresented drug ever, nobody usually wants it, but some people happen to enjoy it so in those circles they know its just a nickname and not mescaline. They would punch each other in the face for laughs because they felt the analgesia that PCP procures, which is pretty high, and considering that, from the best sources I had then, the really pure stuff, which they called 1-100, which meant 1 gram of the stuff, contained a little heroin, just to add in the addiction factor, people wouldn't notice it, as I guess they'd get the effect of a 10mg morphine pill with their pcp or maybe even less, but to people who dont abuse opioids, its a good trap to make a not so addictive substance, suddenly addictive, and no this isn't like the mdma contains heroin bullshit which really makes no sense. (it was pure liquid, but they always put it on something solid for some reason, ghetto methods for sure, lets say that pcp was most popular in the bad area of my town, which for I imagine an American is a normal area...but anyway, thats where when pcp was getting more rare and rare, same as for LSD, meth pills flooded the whole place, those people only enjoyed their E when there was a mix of MDMA and speed so the comedown wasn't so abrupt and depressive, and yep, it worked, so they started making white pills which mean speed, the coloured ones are MDxx or 2-cb around here, its not just random rambling, you can look it up on pillreports.

Anyway, no, smoking a random amount from liquid is not a low dose. These 1g bags of "mesc", that was low dose, you wouldn't get the stimulant effect from it if eating it only, snorting did so, more so in other people than me. I was always the voice of reason back then, always able to pull people from doing stupid shit while on psychedelics, I had cable modem in '99,so I knew of Erowid which was one hell of a good resource. These days there's too much (mostly stupid) chemicals for them to keep up. anyway...

Smoking a whole sherm, or some ditch weed sprayed with liquid pcp like I heard so much about is used in the US, are not low doses. The people who were (are?, haven't seen or used PCP since 2008, and it was really great stuff, 1-50 (means it makes 50g of mess if you want to go that route, mostly the people not using much and selling would do th at). I made the experience with that stuff, since it was liquid enough, I rolled a joint, then picked a butter knife and buttered it up with the pcp liquidish putty. And oh boy did I get what some say is the most fun thing about PCP, I got this insane boost in my mood, my physical woes disappeared, and me and the friend I did this with later both couldn't stand still so we made a huge ball of foil and went into that primary school close to where I used to live late at night and play "basketball" with it laughing like maniacs. If you go overboard through all ROA's though, you'll speak like someone with parkison's for a while and maybe get into a pee hole, which I'm glad I never was reckless enough to try to get to (people eating whole grams of that 20% or so pure stuff, eating PCP is another level.

I remember an old friend did that and he was lying in his bed, terrified, 3 days later, still not coming down and his mom was telling him "You messed up, you'll be like this forever now". What a bitch, the guy took a 1 year and a half certification in Janitorial Studies (I'm joking about the name, I don't how it's called, but to be a janitor where it pays, like for the city, unionized and all, you need that diploma, from these school, I seriously don't know how to call 'em, some programs ask for only 10th grade education (being a butcher), 11th grade and some full on 12th grade with advanced maths. They don't go to college after that, they take a "DEP" which in my province means "Diplôme D'études Professionnelles", which is what people who don't want to go to college do, my mom has one of those for Cooking and even has an ASP, a specialization in banquets. I'm sure there's a name for that for you most US users of BL, but also the rest of Canada, I'm not sure how they do it, Education is a Province's Responsibility/Right, so it works differently everywhere, even more in Quebec..but that's just some more cultural differences, tangential, I know, but all this to say, no, the guy didn't have the genes to become schizophrenic after a bad psych/dissociative experience at around 20 years old. I know I'm not schizophrenic, but the other stuff I got, well I delayed it, when weed worked for me. If I was schizophrenic and had eaten all the LSD I had eaten during those years, I'd probably not be typing this here.

So just wanted to end this on a positive note, the guy's fine now, more fine than me with my college education and all that BS but that's unrelated circumstances, I say it's really rare for somebody to end up fucked up forever because of psychedelics, dissociative or not. I say that and I did get HPPD from the loads of LSD and surprise buttsex a DOB blotter did to me which left me uneasy for a good 3 months, which while a mere annoyance, the HPPD that is, was needed to be cured, which for once something does cure it, but it was clonazepam. Now that's dangerous stuff...:\
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I've never tried it myself. I've heard it is neurotoxic even at regular recreational doses. Not entirely sure about that though. If it's like other dissociatives, I would imagine it's probably highly addictive for certain people whereas others might find it detestable. Side effects of repeated, large doses of dissociatives have been known to cause organ and brain damage. Not sure what you mean by worth it. Personally I'm pretty curious about it but given my track record with dissos I don't think I can be trusted to dose responsibly with it.
I came across PCP ONE TIME and it was sold to me under the slang term "Sherm Stick" in the Philly area. Basically for $20, I got a Newport cigarette soaked to the filter in what smelled like paint thinner...The dealer advised me to rip off the filter and light the cigarette off of another lit cigarette so it wouldn't ignite...I must also add that I wasn't seeking PCP, I just stumbled across it...believe it or not, it is still a VERY popular drug in the Northeast....

When I got to my apartment, my brother and I took a few drags off the sheer stick and entered a 6 hour VERY intense high that was similar to ketamine and nitrous but with more stimulating effects and physical sides like overheating... It's funny because I took my clothes off and I always saw guys on tv naked under the influence of PCP....the next day we felt terrible...We ended up calling the sherm sticks "retard sticks"....It was a scary experience.
Yeah, street PCP is normally pretty dirty and damn near impossible to judge doses with. Now 3-meo-PCP if you have a good vendor can be really fucking great...but if you're like me it's compulsive as fuck, and a gram is A LOT to have on hand when 10mgs is plenty for most, and nothing good comes from going over 50mgs even if you're an old disso head like me . . .
Man I was convinced for days that I would travel the coast in a bicycle that pulls taffy as I ride and this would solve all of my financail woes and would be a practical mode of transportation... Felt good, but had to toss the other half gram before I got any worse.
It can feel like nothing else, manic and happy with great fantasy, no pain that matters at all....when it goes sideways though it can go real sideways, and yeah not too many intelegent people about who have been using PCP since the 70s. . .
So it's up to you to decide if it's worth it or not.
Now if I could source a point of good clean pcp I would be all over it. I wouldn't want more on hand though.
I have smoked PCP a total of 3 times in my life. The first time I smoked 2 pcp blunts with 3 friends and completely knocked myself out for about 1.5 hours, like had to be dragged out of the room we smoked it in once they decided to change rooms. In my mind I had wild adventures and was watching fireworks etc. The first thing i asked upon coming out of my coma was "did i call my mother, no, are the cops here, no, good" Then i asked what time it was and my friend said "1030" which was still early and i kept going "1030... what does that mean, 1030?" because we smoked it around 9 and i wanted to make sure it wasnt really late as i still live with my parents. Not so much that they keep me on a short leash but they go to sleep at 2am if im lucky, walking in late invites questions of "what did you do tonight, did you have fun, etc" so coming home early means at most i get the "oh your home early" and i can go "yeah" and walk off lol. I end up looking like a crazed insane person when i am on dissociatives so avoiding the wide eyed bugged out, perhaps slurring speech stuff that would get questioned if i were later then normal

All and all its a pretty heavy and debilitating experience. It was great but the lingering effects make it hard to do much for hours after doing it, i mean like driving and complicated tasks are impossible and you will have triple vision if you dose high enough. I repeated the experience 2 other times in way lower amounts and its just not the drug for me i prefer ketamine and nitrous. The comparison is that ketamine feels cleaner and makes me way more content. So a dose of ketamine doesnt last as long and produces more of a relaxing mental effect. Nitrous is great for short acting intensifier but pcp requires planning in my mind.

I am fairly sure all dissociatives have a type of "hole" if you go deep enough, one of their functions is to do just that, remove the body from the mind in a sense.
I came across PCP ONE TIME and it was sold to me under the slang term "Sherm Stick" in the Philly area. Basically for $20, I got a Newport cigarette soaked to the filter in what smelled like paint thinner...The dealer advised me to rip off the filter and light the cigarette off of another lit cigarette so it wouldn't ignite...I must also add that I wasn't seeking PCP, I just stumbled across it...believe it or not, it is still a VERY popular drug in the Northeast....

When I got to my apartment, my brother and I took a few drags off the sheer stick and entered a 6 hour VERY intense high that was similar to ketamine and nitrous but with more stimulating effects and physical sides like overheating... It's funny because I took my clothes off and I always saw guys on tv naked under the influence of PCP....the next day we felt terrible...We ended up calling the sherm sticks "retard sticks"....It was a scary experience.

Yeah PCP is all over the Northeast and it's popular in Philadelphia/NYC/NJ/Baltimore/DC.

This article is propaganda and PCP is not "new" like it claims but if you want dust in the tri-state area it's not difficult to find. I talked to older drug users who had used PCP in the mid 70s and they said how it had been popular then in the 70s; but it was popular in PA/NJ/NYC/DC/Baltimore since the late 60s.


I personally have never used PCP, and never want to. But I grew up with a lot of people who did. Only one person was a dust head, and the rest would just smoke it when someone else had some and wanted to get dusted smoking a bowl, joint, blunt, etc. the people I know who smoked dust said how they would only smoke maybe 1-2 hits off of a joint or blunt of dusted herb and that this would make them feel as though they were floating and movement became very difficult. The few people I know who smoked it intentionally in high doses said how they had thought that they had died and were basically a zombie and would stumble around, and everything was confusing for them.

Nobody I know who has used dust or PCP even the people who used it in high doses, did anything crazy like becoming violent, or hurt themselves or other people. People either loved it, or hated it.
I'd personally be interested too, but wonder whether those experienced with both find PCP special compared to 3-MeO-PCP?
I'd personally be interested too, but wonder whether those experienced with both find PCP special compared to 3-MeO-PCP?

Maybe holding 2-oxo-PCE up against MXE could give a hint? Seems the 3-MeO makes AChA's more recreational but less hard core? Or what? I'm just guessing from what I've read. I haven't tried 2-oxo-PCE myself yet. I kind of never got around to it, and suddenly it didn't seem that appealing honestly.
God i hope some falls into my hands one day. ��

Travel to a bad área of a major city in the Northeast, or go to DC, or to Oakland, Fresno, or South Central if you are on the west coast. It is probably in Denver as well. Tell the home boys, vatos, and carnales you want to get wet. You will be able to find it, if you hypothetically want it. Stay safe.
Heh ill have to keep waiting. Never wanted any drug bad enough to go to the hood for em. Color me scared.
That's how I got some. My friend would drive into Cleveland and grab some. Joined him and had some fun. Very unique drug!
Maybe holding 2-oxo-PCE up against MXE could give a hint? Seems the 3-MeO makes AChA's more recreational but less hard core? Or what? I'm just guessing from what I've read. I haven't tried 2-oxo-PCE myself yet. I kind of never got around to it, and suddenly it didn't seem that appealing honestly.

I've done a gram of 2 oxo pce and I like it. Based off my two trials with 3 meo pce it is more similiar to o pce than 3 meo pcp (obviously).
I am still in early trials with the 3 meo pce, but I think 2 oxo pce is closer to mxe, Though nothing really holds a candle :-( Too bad I just did my last o pce or I could combine?

If you have tried 3 meo pce and liked it, give 2 oxo pce a shot. I like both of them more than 3 meo pcp I think. That being said there are situations I would rather have 3 meo pcp.

As for the actual thread. If someone said "I'll sell you 100mg of pure PCP for a reasonable price" I'd buy it just to try it. Why not? Then I can choose an exact dose and ramp up instead of "getting wet".

Except it's never sold that way so I doubt I'll ever try it.
I never used PCP or angel dust, wet, love boat, illy, sherm, 'embalming fluid', etc. Given how in vogue it was when I was a teen and adult and how in the city I grew up in how common it was I am surprised. A lot of people who I grew up with used it, had tried it once or maybe two or three times. Or would smoke some if someone had some on weed and everyone wanted to get wet. Nobody became violent, went crazy, or had the police called on them. There was one dust head but he died from heroin/opiates, or coke and not PCP.

How did the angel-dust make you feel?
I dunno, blazin!

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Wow what a video. I can see where the idea that PCP makes people violent came from. That was a serious propaganda piece if I've ever seen one.