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Taxi Cab Confessions

Long time ago, sometime in '98/99 I tasted my first acid, and it was unbelieveably strong just hitted me like tonnes of bricks and I was at this club/pub in Hobart and everything was getting way too much, freaked out so I walked out of the club, and the strong visuals was hitting when I walked outside.

I must looked lost and confused with massive eyes popping out and stumbled to Taxi...said "Take me to the Funreal Parlour on this ***** street" and cabbie was bit nervous of me because I was pretty out of it, and it was like 2-3am in the morning and who wants to go the funreal parlour at 2-3am in the morning? :\

But he didn't realise I lived next door to it just thought it was easier to tell him the funreal parlour name as it's pretty well known location rather say the street name... it was funny ride.. everything was melting around me, car lights going all over my head and the walls inside the Taxi breathing and I was touching and giggling inside the Taxi, I was miles away in other dimension.

The cabbie driver was getting more nervous....but didn't say anything just made sure I wasn't touching him because I kept feeling the car seats covers, etc LOL!

Then I arrived where I wanted to go...it was all blank but later on I remember I was sitting in the lounge room and talking to my father's Buddha Staute, my father came to the lounge room caught me talking to the Buddha and said....There's a cabbie waiting at the door for you, he said he's waiting for you, did you booked for a taxi to the airport?

Still tripping.... I couldn't figure out what the hell I did, and why I booked a taxi to the airport 8)

Other time, couple of years back down the Gold Coast, I double dropped two nice medium dosed MD** pills for the first time as I never done double dropping before, I dropped them about 15 minutes before the taxi arrived to take us down the pub about 25 minutes drive away, and there was 4 other mates in this taxi van, all dropped pills at the same time as me, and halfway to the pub, the peaked hitted all of us pretty quickly and was having nice mild halluications of dotty-like green, blue and yellow covering everything inside the taxi, surprised at the strong effects and how it hitted me and other mates quickly too I just turned to the cabbie in my very munted twisted face (must looked pretty scarey as if we all suddenly turned into monsters) CABBIIIEEEE.... I AAMMM FFFUUUCCCCCKKKKEED!! and he got pretty scared of all of us because we all were losing the plot and he pulled over... and kicked all of us out of the taxi... and we all were so smacked out and decided to just lay down on the football oval outside this school where the cabbie dumped us off and stared at the stars, just couldn't be fucked to move a all.

This one is gonna sound pretty dumb, sometime last year or the year before... I was having couple of days off work, and I was bored, so I decided to drop couple of tabs of acid with a friend from work, and we all were tripping, walking all over the place, observing visuals and when we arrived back my place and still restless, and we decided to ring a taxi and told him our plan before we hopped in the taxi to make sure the cabbie was aware that we wanted him to take us a tour around brisbane, over the Storey Bridge, Southbank, few other suburbs, the city and back to my old inner city place "because we wanted to check out the lights and nightlife" the cabbie thought we were odd, but didn't mind earning $50 with meter switched off, and it was 3am in the morning and middle of the week, a quiet time for cabbies.

It was a strange taxi ride, we were just in awe of the visuals and staring out the window million miles away with manic grinning smiles =D
I have had oral sex many times in the back of taxis.

more details
MORE DETAILS!(*#!)@(*#

[-edit-] 100th post! id like to thank god, my parents, the bluelight community...
the other night i was incredibly pissed and stoned and was sharing a cab home with my two male best friends. I was in the front seat, and anyone who knows me IRL will know that atm I've got a fascination with knowing how often people masturbate. I'm just...intrigued.

Nevertheless this poor cabbie was not to know this, so when I ascertained his name [Jamaal] and then proceeded to ask him his masturbation habits...I think he was just a little concerned ;). Before I'd made it to my house [about a 7 minute drive] I'd also informed him that I give magnificent head. :\

Apparently after I got out of the cab he said to my two friends " what does she expect me to do, i don't finish work for two hours!!!!!"

Needless to say this is why Mary Poppins should not get this drunk, as the last thing i was intending was to proposition this cab driver. Apparently I didn't really get this point across :\
I had just moved from Sydney back down to Hobart, but before I left I had struck up a friendship with a mate of a mate. In the following couple of months, this friendship progressed to something more, through e-mails, sms and phone calls. So I booked my flight for a week long visit to Syd and although unspoken, it was pretty much understood that this girl and I would get together while I was in town.

So the night I arrived I went to my friend's house where a few mates (including the girl) had gathered for a few drinks.

The girl found the whole scene a bit awkward so she did what anyone would do: got totally shitfaced.

A few hours later we were all ready to go out and we called a cab. We got into the cab and somewhere along Anzac Parade, the girl yelled out "stop the cab!", got out, and spewed everywhere. After a big chuck she said she was ok so she got back in and kept going. As we arrived at our destination, she spewed all over the back of the cab and herself. The cab driver fined her $50. At this point she decided she was too pissed to go anywhere except home so she asked the driver to take her. He refused, so she paid her fine, got out and got into another cab halfway down the street. She insisted that she go home alone, so she could sober up and chill with us when we got back.

On the way back in the cab, she spewed again, and got fined another $50, in addition to the $20 fare.

All up a joyride into Oxford St. and back home again cost her $120.

When we came home about 4 hours later she was passed out on the sofa in the lounge room. She woke up when we came in, everyone other than her and I went to bed and we made sweet, sweet love in the lounge. All up a pretty eventful night for her I guess ;).
Me and my ex girlfriend were out having a few drinks, it was getting late and we decided to go home so we get a cab, the driver was a really large, dark guy from Tonga, very friendly.... Anyway, on the way home I realise we didn't have any condom's we stopped at a 24 hour servo and I went in and made the purchase.

I came back out and jumped in the cab, then off to my place. We get there and proceed to rip each others clothes off and she asks "where are the condoms?" I look at her blankly "i thought you had them"

We'd left them in the damn cab!

I call the Cab company and tell them I left a box (didn't say what) in the back of the cab, i gave them my address and within a couple of minutes our taxi had pulled back up.

I race down to the cab and the driver is there with a huge smile on his face. I say "did I leave anything in your cab?"
He just smiles.
"I'm pretty sure I left a box in the backseat."
Driver giggles to himself...."Here you go man" he says as he hands me the franga's.
"You'd better have fun boy!" he laughs as he speeds off.

hahaaa, that was a funny night.
Our taxi driver rocked last night!! After Muzby made me walk fitty miles across Melbourne with him talkin shit.... we hailed some poor ass cabby on his way home and made him turn the OTHER direction... poor bastard. He gladly took us home and earned himself a $5 tip.

On another note.... during one of my Melbourne holidays last year a cabby picked us up and didnt know where the hell he was going, talkin on his phone and nearly crashed. We handed him $50 and he asked if we had anything smaller so we gave him a $5 note.. (was a short trip) and he gave us back change for a $50. LOL... so that ride was free, thank fuck.
Over the four days I spent in Sydney over new years I don't think I tipped less than 15 bucks per cab trip. Stupid drugs.

It didn't help that every cab driver we had was fucking cool. One even joined in when I was talking about the Ramones and we had a mad convo about Dead Kennedys and Black flag.

It's lucky I had over a weeks pay saved up.
I have never had a bad cabbie.......most of them are happy for a chat and have always turned the meter off at an even number......I always give them a little extra money.

I have been propositioned by one two cabbies.....but I figure it was possibly harmless.
Once in a cab in Bankok, the driver, obviously wired out on speed or something, drove erratically, chattered to us and to himself, fidgeted like he was going to explode every time we had to stop for a red light, and had a freshly killed chicken, which he tried to stuff in the glove compartment, but it was way too big, yet he tried several more times to get it in there, and finally managed to slam the door shut, but the chicken's head and legs were sticking out either end...
yellow cab, white driver

After some blind, pale, fat suit smashed up my car and being fucked around by insurance company (and therefor without a car) for over a month. I have been using taxis to get from A to B. The othernight i took a $10 trip to the 7/11 and back for ciggarettes and bread at 3am. The old man kept falling asleep & swerving off the road then back onto it...AND he lit a fuckin ciggarette without even asking me first! sure I'm a smoker too, but what the fuck? Only happened cos my yellowcabs white driver wasn't working that night. No shit, this guy speaks english, knows where he's going and if he likes you will hand you his card so u can get a driver that can actually DRIVE, but only on four days of the week. It's even better that on his card it actually says"yellow cabs" White Driver", he made them up himself. very fuckin funny. lol.
A friend of mine threw up in the taxi cab and he immediately pulled over and demanded the $50 fine or whatever. Well that was the end of our money, so after that, everytime my friend started to keel a bit, the driver demnaded more money. We kept giving him loose change, chocolate, chewy and anything else we had on us. When we arrived at the house, I bribed him with a packet of chupa-chups and we rushed inside with him screaming abuse at us! Then in the morning, there was a written note of abuse from him in the letterbox 8(

I've also done my fair share of runners & bribing (sometimes it works really well, other times :( ) but the worst was when I ran out of money and told the driver to take me to closest friend's house instead. He stopped the cab, turned to me and goes in this Arabian drawl 'It's ok about the fare if I can touch you...' Fuck me! I calmly got him to drive to my friends house and just bolted...

The best would have to be when I got the taxi driver to get me to St kilda for $10 from my house (usually at least $40-$50) as long as I listened to all the reasons why he hated his daughter's boyfriend. Easy! :\
^ lol... I've listened to SO many taxi driver's life stories.

Luckily, I'm usually in a placid, wiiling-to-listen mood, still high or coming down off E. I usually end up feeling like I should charge them for the therapy or something!

Me: "It's okay, I'm sure you'll find your place in the world. Just keep studying. You're doing a good job man. I really respect you."

Cabbie: "You a good girl. You a verry good girl!" :)
Hehehe made me laugh.
I love listenin to cabbie's shit talkin
sorry the only reason I have jumped on tonight was to see if anyone had written about taxi drivers... I have traveled alot and so caught alot of cabs and was thinking as I left a cab tonight how diffrent cabbies can be....

tonight four example the cabbie let me off with $5 owed!!!! and in london I have caught a 10 quid cab over a 40 quid ride..... soo thats when I love cabbies!!

BUT.... I have also caught cabs home where
1. the have told me they give free rides 4 favors
2. they have moved the front seat forward so they can lean back and touch me up.....in the middle of the bridge! I found that milsons point isn't that bad to jump out at!!! .....

but after many random taxi drives most drivers have been nice to me being a chick! I would hate to bee a bloke.... they a really bastards to them...

but that is a whole other forum!!!

nite! xxx :\