Positive Post something that makes you feel peaceful, happy, or content.


Staff member
Jun 6, 2011
Image, video, song, poem, quote...anything goes as long as it's positive and makes you feel good.




Two big ones for me:

The smell of cedar...

I don't know how common these are in other parts of the country/world, but where I grew up, every family had a cedar chest. Usually passed down generation to generation...where you keep super sentimental items...things you want to preserve and protect from mice/bugs etc.

Wood stove/circulator...

We had one just like this when I was little... chopping wood, the smell of it burning, coming in from outside and standing next to it.

My grandma had a bad habit of throwing plastic milk jugs in hers. That on the other hand is not a pleasant smell! :|
This is a good Thread, I like the OP's Pictures as one of them reminded Me of sitting on top of a very steep hill like close to being a cliff if not one actually as I am staring down smoking a bowl in a Pipe at the Age of 15 and just looking at the beautiful River below Me. I just remember thinking I have never seen anything more astonishing than this picturesque moment.
I love the second picture in that first post too - reminds me of the ending of Antichrist, but in a nice, soothing way...if that makes any sense at all!

For me, it's picking locks in a quiet room. The feel of a binding pin, the click when it sets, the ping when a padlock gives up and pops open... Gets me right in the dopamines. It's weird, because generally when I'm in a bad way I have absolutely no tolerance for tricky, fiddly, potentially frustrating things. Maybe lockpicking is different because I know, in an emergency, I can go watch the Lockpicking Lawyer doing it like a pro, and narrating everything in his thoroughly soothing tones.

^ that's cool @ThoseCleverKids ....you just do that as a hobby or something that helps calm you down? Reminds me of lock picking in the Elder Scrolls games.
Sometimes I fall into these moments of wonderments. Where I look at the grass and nature and I’m just in Awe of how beautiful it is.
@mal3volent I just took it up as a hobby, I'd been really depressed and inactive and was looking for something accessible to try take an interest in. But once I started, I found it was something I could also do when I was ruminating or just feeling fucked, and it kind of absorbs my attention and calms me down. I feel like the effect is quite similar to meditation, but it's much easier to do when my mind is screaming.

I haven't played Elder Scrolls, but I took a look at a YouTube video of the lockpicking, it's really quite accurate, except of course I can't see inside the locks! But I think that's part of the benefit really, it's absorbing trying to feel what the pick and wrench are doing, and make a mental picture of what's happening in the lock. Pretty cheap to get into as well, which is a nice bonus!
@mal3volent I just took it up as a hobby, I'd been really depressed and inactive and was looking for something accessible to try take an interest in. But once I started, I found it was something I could also do when I was ruminating or just feeling fucked, and it kind of absorbs my attention and calms me down. I feel like the effect is quite similar to meditation, but it's much easier to do when my mind is screaming.

I haven't played Elder Scrolls, but I took a look at a YouTube video of the lockpicking, it's really quite accurate, except of course I can't see inside the locks! But I think that's part of the benefit really, it's absorbing trying to feel what the pick and wrench are doing, and make a mental picture of what's happening in the lock. Pretty cheap to get into as well, which is a nice bonus!

Idk how much of a gamer you are but the Elder Scrolls games (I've played morrowind, oblivion, and Skyrim) are extremely comforting/calming for me. Lock picking is just one skill you can train. If you choose to be an assassin type character, you work on lock picking, stealth, and one-handed weapons (daggers, etc). You can also gather ingredients for different potions, cook your own food, buy a house, etc.
Idk how much of a gamer you are but the Elder Scrolls games (I've played morrowind, oblivion, and Skyrim) are extremely comforting/calming for me. Lock picking is just one skill you can train. If you choose to be an assassin type character, you work on lock picking, stealth, and one-handed weapons (daggers, etc). You can also gather ingredients for different potions, cook your own food, buy a house, etc.
Love TES!
Awesome thread idea. :)

Playing music makes me feel peaceful, happy, content, and intensely excited. I wish for everyone to find something that can make them feel that way. :)

And I'll also echo sonicwhite - just being in and really getting absorbed in nature can bring me to tears at its beauty. Just being out in nature (camping trips, hiking, etc) makes me feel so at peace.
been going on 5-10 mile walk/jog/runs where I mix it up between the three, trying to build my cardio slowly and get out some aggression. After a good session I'll feel a mild euphoria which I guess would be a runners high.

I really like asmr mic scratching or positive affirmations. It really helps me to relax, slow down my thoughts, and be mindful of my internal dialogue.