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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: Tripping Past 2020

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Are you pretty young @SnafuInTheVoid ? No need to disclose your age, but I wonder if you have youth on your side helping you manage with that or what. I think I'd have to pay for it if I drank that much, but I do definitely feel like I can handle alcohol better if I've been tripping than not. Can definitely cope with less sleep, although probably have to pay for it by catching up with more sleep over the week following.
32, 10 years heavy daily drinker, have liver issues and HORRIBLE hangovers

There is something very specific about LSD that prevents hangovers. There are some papers about LSD helping inflammation.

There is definitely something it.

(And yeah I could handle hangovers much better with youth. They get downright nasty now.)
I remember reading recently (here?) about being trapped in "philosophical hell" at the end of an LSD trip. Man that was a super relatable description, been there for sure.

@Buzz Lightbeer your description of the DOx envelope sounds a lot like my experience with 2C-P
On DOx, I suspect that all DOx are essentially the same when taken high enough, and only differ in minor aspects. I think that the amphetamine base is like 3/4 of the experience and only differs in strength across drugs, but it manifests itself as a very similar curve with similar influence on the rest of the effects. The other 1/4 is the particular feel/headspaceish of the drug, and this is especially noticeable in the midst of the peak, and the rest of the experience is basically coasting along on the remainders of the peak. I truly think that many differences between them are just perceptions of effects that don't take the amphetamine curve into account enough. I could be very wrong too, but my earlier TMA-2 trip only strengthened this feeling, and I just need a big DOC dose sometime to "know for sure". Through all my DOx experimenting, I have grown to kinda dislike them in a way though and prefer other psychedelics.

I feel what you mean on 2C-P, and I agree that the effects follow a similar pattern, but maybe other 2C-x do as well? I'd think it's in the nature of 2C-x, but their pattern maybe isn't as obvious. It could very well be that I'm massively overrating the amphetamine part in DOx, and that that is just a counterpart to the peculiar drive behind 2C-x and phenethylamines though.

I did like 2C-P! But imho and from only one trip: it was too long, and in its long tail you tend to discover things that might change your feelings about the drug.

Sorry for going off on this tangent lol, who knows how I'll look at this in 20 years, just not enough time and limited experience.... :D
for myself on LSD comedowns depends how much i took but these days i have done so much LSD is that i can totally turn my mind off and have no thoughts on it and just taken away or meditate on divine love. Or direct my thought patterns very well into reminiscing memories. Meditation helps alot.

For myself LSD comedowns are not to rough though i feel pretty fucking drained near the end due to been awake all night. Just finished more stuff i hope it wasent fucking awful though.

mushrooms on the other hand im at the mercy of either totally annihilated into some sea of patterns or a restless monkey mind going at the speed of light til my brain explodes and i breakthrough into other alien realm.
Yep usually around 10 hours of even the best trips I'm ready to come down and a bit exhausted. And even during the worst trips "I'll be straight in a few hours, get a grip man".

36 hours of anything sounds daunting

And yes, I talk to myself in Hunter Thompson quotes when I'm tripping. I'm not even joking lmao
Most DOx follow a similar pattern of how the trip goes, you slowly come up until 2 hours or so, things go faster, and everything comes together for 4-6 hours (depending on drug and dose), after that there's a sort of plateau where effects diminish very slowly, so it's not like this is an exceedingly long time of tripping hard. On reasonable doses and with some etizolam you'd be able to sleep after 24 hours or earlier probably.
I personally find LSD more exhausting because the thinking is so unrelenting, doesn't let up until I manage to find sleep.

DOC is around 24-28hrs before I can sleep, if I'm not using anything to help sleep. If I remember correctly, I can make 18hrs work for sleeping with benzos, or a lot of alcohol. I've never been up for 36hrs on it. That sounds ridiculous.

I generally drink from a hose on acid. Its normal to finish a bottle of whiskey or a case of beer.

I'm also an alcoholic though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I seem to be immune to hangovers no matter how much I drink on LSD. I've commented on it before, it's a bit unusual I can drink that much and not sleep and yet feel fine the next day

I generally feel the same way. The last time I did LSD (and it was a quarter tab, only) I had two litres of wine to myself over the course of 8hrs or so, and wasn't anymore fucked the next day than what I'd expect from going to bed at 5am (I can't do late nights anymore after getting older, especially now that I wake up with the sun every morning and go to bed early).
Are you pretty young @SnafuInTheVoid ? No need to disclose your age, but I wonder if you have youth on your side helping you manage with that or what. I think I'd have to pay for it if I drank that much, but I do definitely feel like I can handle alcohol better if I've been tripping than not. Can definitely cope with less sleep, although probably have to pay for it by catching up with more sleep over the week following.
Even with allrazolam hangovers are eliminated:eek:
I've disclosed too much. Listen there is a xenforo plug in that an admon can delete all my posts with. Much easier than writing a bot to do it which I haven't tried because of such a pita
I generally feel the same way. The last time I did LSD (and it was a quarter tab, only) I had two litres of wine to myself over the course of 8hrs or so, and wasn't anymore fucked the next day than what I'd expect from going to bed at 5am (I can't do late nights anymore after getting older, especially now that I wake up with the sun every morning and go to bed early).
Exactly. Its very real.

Its interesting. I think @mr peabody has a thread with links to articles about LSD and inflammation, which may or may not be related.

Could also be LSD counteracting alcohol vasodilation which is a big reason of the headache I believe

And yet I still don't feel the nauseating effects of alcohol on my stomach?

Very interesting.
My only experience with DOx was DOPr, and by 26 hours I was still feeling wired. 0.5 mg of clonazepam weren't enough to knock me out. I had to take another 0.5 two hours later to get some sleep. I seem to get over excited with most drugs though, lol. Even alcohol sometimes makes it hard to go to bed.
Even alcohol sometimes makes it hard to go to bed.
I definitely get stimulation with alcohol, I think that's partly genetic.

If I don't check myself I can drink all the way through until evening the next day. Its happened quite a few times.
Yeah DOPr is excessive, I was bordering on 40 hours on 10mg, I would imagine DOB & DOI doses in psychonautwiki "heavy" dose category would have people up for 30+ hours too.
I believe @Kaleida once stayed awake for 3-4 days on DOB but that's cause she wanted soo.... ultimately if it's after 24h and you throw enough GABA power at it I think you can sleep through anything.
My first time DOC I slept after 14 hours because I was so exhausted, 1mg of etizolam needed.
I can relate @Img_9999 psychedelics turn me on particularly, like just the tiniest bit makes me alert with no off switch. Everyone else is already fast asleep and I'll be wide awake for hours. But I'm kind of an insomniac type personality. Tryptamines and lysergamides particularly flip the switch into the On position. Strangely I've dozed off mid-trip a few times on 2C-x.
I feel what you mean on 2C-P, and I agree that the effects follow a similar pattern, but maybe other 2C-x do as well? I'd think it's in the nature of 2C-x, but their pattern maybe isn't as obvious. It could very well be that I'm massively overrating the amphetamine part in DOx, and that that is just a counterpart to the peculiar drive behind 2C-x and phenethylamines though.
2C-E has a really similar pattern to 2C-P to me, just not as long and drawn out. I have not DOx experience to compare, but they've always intrigued me. Kind of regret not picking up DOC back when it was cheap and abundant. I remember you could get a lifetime supply for peanuts. It's always been banned in my jurisdiction though, so I didn't want to take any risk importing it.
I believe DOC is a class A in NZ and i believe all trypatamine analouges are class A aswell.

But 25i nbome and stuff is class C.

Heard about a girl who took only 120 ug LSD and had psychosis for 4-5 days that i know last year apparently.

After hearing about ima skip on giving people acid man i cant take any risks i hear more and more people can't acutally handle 100 ug tabs lol and that even half are strong for them.

I slept 5 hours was so fucking busy then smoked this new weed i got. Very nice indoor fucking got baked as strong hybrid strain.
I just sniffed some so far im about to drop the 200mg capsule right now. That should make me roll really hard when it kicks in combined with this.

What ROA's did you use Xorky?

Late to reply again. But my favorite ROA for cathinones is plugging, followed by oral.
I dunno, I like cathinones. I mean, I like them too much. Some of them are pretty great though, like a good batch of 3-MMC/4-MMC, or methylone. Some of them definitely suck.
Ain't nothin' wrong with the occasional stim, even cathinones. Not a fave of mine either but a little here or there won't kill ya.
I don't know, I really got a lot of bad side effects from them. Particularly mephedrone. Maybe just left a bad taste in my mouth.
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