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How do you feel right this moment? ~ V.Healthy Living

^^ good for you. Make delicious eggs and eat eat eat!
I feel good because I passed up on pizza today. Im on my third week of no refined carbohydrates, and today my officemate splurged on 5 boxes of pizza for everybody.
I just ate a few peppers (topping) and a pack of pepper flakes (LOL! This may seem weird to some of you, but I loooove pepper flakes).

I feel good that I was able to control myself.
Good job, mariacallas!

I feel pretty good, just got a brutal (in a good way) massage, been eating well, sleeping well, trying to keep myself in shape to deal with the hectic times of now. Been having meetings everyday in particularly good restaurants, so I'm trying to stick to the healthier food, on occasion eating too much and waking up feeling pretty heavy, but learning..
So so at the moment.
Toning up abit, gym work is showing off slowly so I'm happy with that.

I'm not at all mentally unwell, just down a little lately for a number of reasons so i'm counteracting that with by making myself feel better physically. emotions can come later.
no bueno

ive been having serious trouble sleeping (at all), which leaves me migrained and depressed

i saw a physical therapist for the first time yesterday, i am about to do the four stretches she recommended to help with rotation - and to help equal out my overcompensating on particular muscle groups from bad posture; due to ankylosing spondilitis. i need help doing the "angry cat" but the rest feel so good i want to keep on, which is a not so good idea atm. ;)
Good, didn't eat all day but still energetic. The fiesta's in town and it's time to go ride the ferris wheel!
buzzed and almost satiated. money in the bank, awesome girlfriend, cute puppies, big surf..yeah :)

I had to take 4 days off the workout program and my diet but today I'm gettin back at it.

Antsy to jump back in...it's funny when you have a good rhthym goin you can't stand to miss a few days when before it was a hassle to pull your ass off the couch.
I feel like I'm on the verge of gettin sick. I keep sneezing, my nose is clogged, and I just generally feel like crap. I really don't wanna get sick though, I have big plans this weekend I can't miss out on. Ahh what to do. I just took some vitamins, hopefully that works.
Was feeling a little itchy in my throat earlier so I drank some warm lemon and honey , and something else ;) Its raining outside, my bed has clean sheets, Im about to curl up with a favorite book and my room smells like vanilla. Mmmmmmm. Love these moments.
Slightly sleepy; maybe I'll go get some food... and slightly hungry.

... on second thought, maybe I'll go running.

no... after food.
I feel like I need to chill out on the supplements. My brain has been feeling pretty weird lately.
Super bloated, pms-y, and have two huge zits on my face :( Gawd my hormones are out of wack this month. I never get pimples before my period!! BAWLLL
Thanks for answering me beeotch :p:p

Feel so much better today, popped my huge ass zit last night (bad, I know, stfu)
and had a pretty good sleep last night. Also took evening primrose oil too....guess that
helped a bit. Nothing like a good sleep!