Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. I worked all that out

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Back on the bike nice and regular now, seriously unfit but a little ride most days of the week and I should be on the mend soon.
speed cardio today and abs exercises plus two of the challenges. I am still fired up but I need to do somethin else like posting on bluelight :D
Alright heading out to haul a bunch of small trees up a steep ass hill by hand.. this should kill me good.

Edit: that was a fantastic workout, I pretty much dragged really heavy shit up a steep hill for tow and a half hours striate. Damn im getting in some insane shape:)

I feal wonderful.
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Did an hour cardio after overtime work. Hot yoga tonight so excited since i haven't gone for more than a month!!!
Going to put in three hours stacking and hauling little trees.. that should be enough for today.
went to hot yoga last night and rocked it again as usual!!! Might take a night off tonight as my legs are really sore.
I've been so preoccupied with my lady friend and my cat getting sick that I haven't worked out in like a week and a half, other than just being active and getting plenty of "nocturnal exercise" (and non-nocturnal as well). She left for a few months this morning though... so time to get back in my groove. But not today because I literally slept like 30 minutes last night.
Are there any boxers on here? I just started boxing around a month ago. I used to do it before I got addicted to opiates. I am 23 now am coming up on 2 years sober in january and got addicted when I was 19. I did boxing for 3-4 months when I was 18 and kickboxing for 3-4 months when I was 19. Now I'm trying to take it serious. Just had my first sparring session on Monday fought an amateur fighter with 1.5 years experience got dummied. Lasted 6 rounds, I could only land jabs and body shots couldn't put much together, I ended up eating a lot of shots. Took Tuesday off, Wednesday and Thursday I did 10 min skipping, 5 rounds heavy bag, 2 rounds speed bag, 3 rounds floor to ceiling ball, 3 rounds shadow boxing then did some circuit training for a couple rounds, ended with a nice 30 min run at a 8 min mile pace. Today I'm coming down with a cold so just did my boxing routine no run at the end. Hate getting sick its a little demotivating but I'm just gonna push through it.
I wasn't able to workout for two days cause of work but today I plan on doing spinning class and hot yoga. So excited!!!!!!
I worked out yesterday for the first time in like a week and a half... I had lost about 5 pounds of strength in my arms and chest but not anywhere else. I skipped today because I needed to make up virtually no sleep 2 nights before. Time to get back into it. I guess I lack motivation to go the gym when I'm having sexy sleepovers most nights. :D
Im going to take the rest fo the weekend off.. well i might go in as this woman I am really attracted to came up and said hello the other day. Nothing wrong with dating a hot fitness instructor is there.. =D
^ That's as good a reason as any!

I worked out yesterday for the first time in like a week and a half... I had lost about 5 pounds of strength in my arms and chest but not anywhere else. I skipped today because I needed to make up virtually no sleep 2 nights before. Time to get back into it. I guess I lack motivation to go the gym when I'm having sexy sleepovers most nights. :D

That'll just be lack of carbs or mind set... you wouldn't actually lose strength that quickly unless you were starving yourself. Sometimes taking a rest is actually the best thing to do if you are a bit run down, from sexy sleepovers or whatever. ;)

Sometimes I'd take a break from the gym, skip a day or two & come back in lifting more.

I was in the gym 3 days a week for about 7 months until early in this year, but I sort of lost interest. Not really doing much exercise at the moment but I should because it definitely helps with mood.
Sickness is getting out of hand first a soar throat, then a stuffy nose, now a cough + greenish/yellow phlegm flying out so no working out today or tomorrow need to give my body a rest. I figure I worked out last friday-monday took tuesday off then wednesday-friday, so taking two days off especially when I'm sick isn't the end of the world. Plus I'm supposed to be sparring on Monday so I'm gonna rest up and jump back into it full force on Monday :)
^yeah gotta get your power back for sure!

I did spinning class and hot yoga yesterday and felt A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! I will go to the gym today. One hour cardio: half an hour regular cardio and half an hour speed cardio. Then other exercises to follow such as squats, crunches, bicep curls and tricep dips. I want to start getting into weights so I can have a more defined muscle tone. Gotta keep going as there is always room for improvment!!!
going to head out in a few and put in three hours lifting hauling and dragging threes around.. should be just about right.. its a beautiful day. :)
Went to the gym today... getting back into it. Feels good. :)
Walked 2 laps at the park. Not much, but it was a good step for me in the right direction.
Two hours hauling trees. I have caught a bunch of ladies looking at me lately and some even moseying on up for a chat. I have been pretty preoccupied, but when I got outta the shower and glanced in the mirror I was like man im in pretty good shape and I have a nice tan from working outside so much.. even ran outa button holes in my belt. All this made me feal pretty good and gave me a jolt of healthy pride.
Did another workout last night. Couldnt tonight cause of overtime work but will go tomorrow for sure!
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