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Best 3 ecstacy experiences of 2003?

Originally posted by BigTrancer
Maybe when people post their 'favourite' pills of 2003 they could be kind enough to mention WHY these pills are the favourite. Some people I know who have used MDMA occasionally on a longer-term basis wouldn't class the 'strongest' pills as necessarily the 'best'... what makes your pill the fave? Why does that pill stand out among ALL the rest? A list of 'great' MDMA pills in numerical order doesn't really do much besides brag that you had a decent hookup.

A few posts on and people get lazy. If your just going to post three pill names that is the exact useless reason why this thread should be locked. If you want it to live on put some effort into the descriptions or don't bother posting. No one wants to read three pill names.
wa - green armanis - very smooth and wonderful, only needed 1 for a whole night (i 'normally' need 2), felt great the next day.

thats the best one i had last year, and ever. its the only pill i would class as 'my favourite' - because it made me feel great 100% of the time - during and after.

Maybe the thread could be: 'The best 3 ecstasy experiences you had in 2003'. Observe:

1. Green(?) GateCrashers - I didn't test these. I went to a club with some old friends who I was REALLY looking forward to chilling with. The club was allright, but we went home and got fucked all night/day at my house. It felt so good chilling with my old crew who I'd missed heaps. I was pretty fucked, but in hindsight it wasn't the best pill I've had, the setting and company just made it a top night. Not to mention the fact I also got some pussy, making it a GREAT night :)

2. Red Apple - I had these 5 times. They tested Greeny-Black with Mandelin and some users had speculated Meth/MDMA. They gave me nice MD rushes and tingles, but was basically just a good speed bomb (lol, thats right, a speed bomb is my 2nd best pill of the year =D). But I could dance on these and always felt very content and empathetic towards friends. I consumed them in a variety of situations and they were always nice. I recall having the time of my life while waiting to buy an ice-cream (which is usually murder on a strong MDMA pill). It wasn't a great pill, but I always had a good time with these.

3. White Lips - Nothing particularly special about this pill. I suspected MDMA. But I had recently 'lost the magic' and was stoked with the effects of one pill. Read the Trip Report for details :)

So yeah, I had stronger/crazier pills than this, but these were the best experiences I had with ecstasy in 2003.
oops...just realised the white lips were in 2004.. :eek:
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Brown MX (Canberra) - Simply because it was my first. I used to think that drugs weren't my thing, but my new theory reads: "Anyone who thinks that drugs aren't for them either hasn't tried them or is getting shit product."

Yellow Dove (Melbourne, First batch, the thick ones, around july 2003) - Strong, Clean, easy comedown etc. set my benchmark for swedges.

White Smurfs (Melbourne) - Once again, I found this to be a clean, high dose of MDMA, They also helped me ring in the New Year in spectacular fashion... Thankyou Master Kaos and Smurfs!!!

This is in WA by da way

1.Green J - Never been munted as hardcore as I was on this one. Major eye wobbles,body rushes and concrete boot feeling. Despite being the strongest biccy I've probably had i still managed to chomp through 3 which left brain like jelly for a few days later.

2. Blue/Purple Motorola - Perth was plagued with these in March/April 2003 these eren't the strongest biccies but I ate so many of them simply because I loved the experience of them. Fully relaxed, Euphoric , slightly munted but not so it was uncomfortable. This is the sort of E's I enjoy i don't have to be slammed onto the floor or be barely able to walk, to enjoy a biccy I wan't the feeling, the connections and the good times.

3. Waxy Looking Zorro - Jan 0. What can I say first pill ever I mean it had to be in the top 3 of last year. None of my friends could describe the feeling of e's and when i was baked a raving I was on top of the world. I'll neva forget the feeling that was going through my body as it was bouncing round the dancefloor.

Well outta my top 3 only 1 was what I would consider to be strong the rest where just enjoyable rides and clean biccies. Many people can't believe that I would rate the pink bacardi's as my worst pill ever but i think the way they fucked you up was uncomfortable and probably the worst e feeling i've eva felt. But thats enough of my life story Enjoy ur e's people, be safe, here's to good times and great friends.
Zoro's - New years 1/1/2003
MDMA - 8.5/10

Envolopes, emails, malbro's - Feb
MDMA - 9/10

Blue diamonds - Nov
MDMA - 7.5/10
note: One event, consumed many... found them orsome as they kicked in hard and fast! very easy to regulate yourself on a massivly high level...

While yes, i had had better single pils during 2003. I associate good batches with good events... The three best events during last year were on the above list..

Clovers, 3's, armarnies etc... good yes :) Just didn't have an absolute mind altering time on them..
Well this was my first year of pinging and out of the pills i had :

1) Yellow 3

2) White Unisex

3 grey-brown fleck Versace/ green-white Clovers
WA - I'm going with Green Armanis - these weren't for everyone but if you're into that superstrong, overcoming, holy-shit-I-just-got-hit-by-a-bus sort of a pill then these babies delivered. I'm surprised more West Aussies aren't naming these (I'm with you maniia - these rocked! =D ) Couldn't wipe the smile off my face for days afterwards.

Yellow 3s - very dancy, loved these too...

and third... Blue Diamonds - came on strong and, although relatively shortlived, were sensational.

But hey, that's just me :)