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Best 3 ecstacy experiences of 2003?

1. Orange stars.....the ones around a month or two ago
2. Pink Doves.....What can i say *drools*
3. Red 3's....
[1] Beige A's/Lexus's - These were the first decent pill I'd had since the White hearts in April/May. Very strong and heavy MDMA dose that sent my jaw/eyes crazy and made me rush like a motherfucker :)

[2] White Hearts - Had these in April/May, had some awesome visuals off them (lazer lights inside a rave), rushed very hard off these and was generally pretty smashed. Long lasting peak with an amazing comedown which was non-existant, but when I transferred from being high to normal again it wasn't a long drawn out experience like with some pills, I just went from high to strait in an instant :)

[3] Yellow 3 - Had one of these from the original early batches, saved it for 4 months before dropping it and it was worth it. Not the most intense of peaks but very nice MDMA and lasted ages too. Small rushes off this one but only for about 10 mins, double dropping these would of been pure bliss.

In summary, I thought there were a lot of shit pills out in 2003. You really had to look around to find something that was worth your hard earned, I hope this year ahead offers more quality than the last :D
TranceNation said:

It's still pretty hopeless, and it will continue to be, regardless of how many people post in it...
apollo said:
It's still pretty hopeless, and it will continue to be, regardless of how many people post in it...

It's about as useful as a hat full of assholes.
and i posted, caus i'm asshole and i wear a hat =D
It's about as useful as a hat full of assholes.
and i posted, caus i'm asshole and i wear a hat =D

haha, made me laugh =D
pillsnapa said:
1. white '@' (dot.com) This pill was freakishly strong and I can only put it down to a very small, strong batch. The producer must have made a mistake, and changed the mdma content when they realised what these were like.

why? why? what makes ya think that? maybe tolerence? or as a marketing tool for the chemists? to spread the good word then cut them down once everyone knows about them? I highly doubt that the chemist "made a mistake" maybe it was just a clever investment marketing tool. Who knows?

This thread is crap like I said....

I mean this thread lacks....user's background, tolerence, how long they been using "pills", did they test the pills at all? test results? pretty much everything.

This thread is no differences people debating "Best 3 Wines of the Year 2003" man this 2003 Eaglehawk or whatever Merlot was awesome, it had fruity blackcurrant aftertaste, with hints of oak, but I didnt get any headaches beacause it was clean produced from clean feramating processing, oh dear, maybe its because i drank plenty of water before bed? blah blah blah

^This thread is great because I get to read things like this^

But to be honest, as long as people take it for what it is; unsubstantiated, subjective nonsense. I don't think its THAT bad. Not like it promotes unsafe practices, unless people are silly enough to see a pill here and then buy one because it had the same stamp. But yeah, its not really achieving anything.
Urbanhog said:
This thread is crap like I said....
I mean this thread lacks....user's background, tolerence, how long they been using "pills", did they test the pills at all? test results? pretty much everything.

Lighten the fuck up would ya? Who cares? Its all just in a bit of fun, people sharing experiences. What is the harm in keeping the thread?

What you learn and take from this thread is all up to you.. If you just want to flame it, maybe it is you who is creating useless comments rather than the thread creators/perpetuators.
Don't like it? Don't read it! Why do you keep coming back Urbanhog?
LOL sonic_reality :)

Any more arguing and this thread dies. Post your top 3 pills if you must. Realise it's subjective and usually hopeless information, and move on. :)
My three favourite pings from 2003, woulda been when I was in the Navy (no gay jokes puhleeeze!). There was a sperm whale in front of our sub, and i was high, so i laughed at the ping. Very euphoric moment.

Then, I remember I pinged myself on IRC, It was pretty good response for modem, about 108ms.

Then, some weird hobo came upto me asking me for crack, and when I said I only do heroin, he made weird high pitched pings at me. :(

Splatt said:
My three favourite pings from 2003, woulda been when I was in the Navy (no gay jokes puhleeeze!). There was a sperm whale in front of our sub, and i was high, so i laughed at the ping. Very euphoric moment.

Then, I remember I pinged myself on IRC, It was pretty good response for modem, about 108ms.

Then, some weird hobo came upto me asking me for crack, and when I said I only do heroin, he made weird high pitched pings at me. :(


LOL thats a good one Splatt!
3 Pings, well hmmm

Does a sonar make a ping sound?
How about a PING pong ball?
Ping? Is that the sound when your ex-girlfriend smashes you in the nutz?

ehehhe :) :) :)
in no particular order....

Raised Buddah, Green Fish, Pink Dove/White heart <-- both from same press.
I'm going with

1. My fave pill in recent time even tho it not last year is yellow 69. I had em went i went to see Armin Van Burren and it was the best night ever. I felt the magic that i hadn't felt in many years, had the works - euphoric, loved up etc. Ofcourse a lot of this can be attributed to Armin cos environment counts for shitloads and I love his music. Guess thats another reason this thread is kinda pointless cos there are so many variables like environment, tolerance, batches, all that stuff.
2. Green G. Very strong and head-fucking, good pill to take when not at a rave. Provided a great night of halucinations and talking shit.

3. Red Star. Like everyone else said very strong, had me dancing a fair bit, resulted in great night and great feeling.

Beech out
in no particular order

Orange MX - March - Because it was my first time, and i was loved up strong.
White MX - July - rolled so hard off one of these, it was nuts
RED 3 :) - July------October - what can i say, these were consistent and quality. Nothing else was happening at the time and they were farkign excellent bickies.
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