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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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I think the perceived differences are mostly psychosomatic, after all during a psychedelic experience you are highly susceptible to suggestion.

How does it compare to proscaline (if you've tried that)? I'm going to be taking like 35mg of proscaline in about a half hour and going on a long hike with a friend

I forgot replying to this; I haven't tried proscaline. How was it? Is it a nice one? My impression from what I've read around was that it is kinda "meh", but some psychedelics take some working with to actually "get" them-
In regards to DOC I almost lost my legs on it (OD) diamond scale not accurate enough, need scientific scale to be safe.
I would never attempt to measure a single dose of DOC with a scale. Volumetric would be the way to go with anything that potent.
I think today I may try my first dose of 3C-P, a low dose. Gonna work on music after work. Or possibly hang out with my friend, either way, it should be nice. :)

In regards to DOC I almost lost my legs on it (OD) diamond scale not accurate enough, need scientific scale to be safe.

Did you redose repeatedly? The only times I've heard of people having really severe vasoconstriction are with astronomically high doses (compared to appropriate dosages). And yeah. never, ever measure single doses of DOC with a scale, it's too potent and even a half milligram makes a substantial difference. Always use liquid measurement, weigh out 30mg, 50mg, 100mg (the more the better) and dissolve it in 1mL of water/alcohol for each milligram. This divides the scale error across many doses and allows dosing with very good accuracy. I wouldn't even weigh a single dose with a scientific scale.

I forgot replying to this; I haven't tried proscaline. How was it? Is it a nice one? My impression from what I've read around was that it is kinda "meh", but some psychedelics take some working with to actually "get" them-

It's a fantastic music enhancer. I actually really enjoy it, I wrote a TR: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads...lete-Musical-Exploration?highlight=proscaline
I'd feel comfortable with a $1000+ microgram scale, but realistically less than 1% of BL have or could even afford one.
Even those are highly susceptible to faint air movements and vibrations. To truly measure down to milligram accuracy you'd need an expensive analytical balance and a completely still environment, even eliminating the air drafts your body makes as it moves. Certainly possible, but it's a hell of a lot easier to use liquid measurement. Weigh out 50mg. Dissolve 50mg in alcohol or water (or a combo of both). Stir until dissolved. Say your scale has +/- 2mg in accuracy. If you tried to weigh 3mg by itself, you could have anywhere from 1mg to 5mg, totally unacceptable range. But if you weigh 50mg, you have between 48 and 52mg. Dissolved in 50mL of liquid, that means each mL of liquid contains between 0.96mg and 1.04mg of DOC, which is highly accurate. Dose with an oral syringe (you can get them for free at pharmacies or for like $1 if you want to get one from the shelf because you feel sketchy asking for one - which you shouldn't, people use them for dosing medications all the time). A 1mL oral syringe has 10 or even 100 markings on it so you can dose to an accuracy of 100ug or even 10ug depending on the syringe. And you can do this with a $20 milligram scale. Increasing the original amount you weigh out continues to increase the accuracy, too. Liquid measurement is something everyone should know how to do, and use, when it comes to dosing super potent compounds like DOC or NBOMes. Even if you had an ideal, expensive lab balance setup, it would still be better. It's much safer, because even with an expensive balance you might mess up. It's way more convenient, too... I weighed out 100mg of DOC into solution like 2 or 3 years ago and every time I've dosed it since, I just draw some up into the oral syringe and squirt it into my mouth, done.
If I wasn't depressed by Justice Kennedy resigning... now I'm really depressed. These are dark days we live in.
I am kind of appalled by the timing of Kennedy retiring. Although he supported some sketchy stuff like Citizens United, he also, throughout his career, was thew swing vote on a lot of important human rights issues. Now whoever Trump appoints is going to be alt right and supreme court justices are appointed for life... I can't know what it's like to be him, but it seems like if it were me, I'd wait until Trump is impeached, or until 2020 when he's voted out... :\

It's hard not to be ground down by the state of things these days. I try to just immerse myself in my friendships and music, and spend a lot of time in nature. It helps a lot. In fact I think I'd be miserable otherwise.

Speaking of, today for Independence Day, my friends (both BLers :)) and I are going to the river and swimming and hanging out all day and then partying at night. I'm probably gonna take some DOC in a little bit. Or I was also thinking AL-LAD + 2C-C.

To my fellow Americans, what are you guys planning for today? :)
So, is ondansetron useful for mescaline nausea or not? What can ondansetron help with and what can't it?
I'm trapped in my apt today, it's raining so hard the streets are flooding and my Miata can't make it out of my parking spot without taking on water :(

Would love to trip on a day like this, but tomorrow I go to get my physical started for the guv'ment in the early afternoon, and I can't afford to be getting high now.
I am kind of appalled by the timing of Kennedy retiring. Although he supported some sketchy stuff like Citizens United, he also, throughout his career, was thew swing vote on a lot of important human rights issues. Now whoever Trump appoints is going to be alt right and supreme court justices are appointed for life... I can't know what it's like to be him, but it seems like if it were me, I'd wait until Trump is impeached, or until 2020 when he's voted out...

It's hard not to be ground down by the state of things these days. I try to just immerse myself in my friendships and music, and spend a lot of time in nature. It helps a lot. In fact I think I'd be miserable otherwise.

I wish more Americans channelled their disdain into rage in the streets to be honest. The left is so weak right now, just rolling over and playing dead and hoping this bullshit will just stop some day. Don't kid yourself, Trump is not getting impeached. And he's heading for re-election in 2020 too if you guys don't get your shit together.

Happy fucking 4th
So, is ondansetron useful for mescaline nausea or not? What can ondansetron help with and what can't it?
It is useful. It's useful in basically any situation one would encounter nausea that needs relief.
OK cool i thought some of the nausea on psychedelics might come from CNS activity rather than 5-HT3 ..

Also have i missed or forgotten something and has AMT become super hard to find?
Haven't seen or heard of it in years.

I tried 5-meo-dmt tonight. I don't know what to say. The Abyss. Darkness. Had to let go of discomfort to attain bliss. I couldn't move or open my eyes, and there were no visuals. It was much harder to handle than any dmt trip I have ever had. Really awakening, I railed it. I feel different now, but words take away.

Deep belly sorta yogic slow breathing is good for nausea, I was experiencing that earlier. Also, peppermint oil.
Yeah that was the main lesson I took away from every intense trip like that: you have to concede your control and everything else to actually gain it all.

Peppermint's always good for digestion.
I found that 5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine strongly encourages non-attachment. For if one tries to hold on to something, I can see it being ruthless. I haven't smoked weed all day, which is unusual, and have no desire to, which is highly unusual. I feel that it is a very efficient drug for energy realignment and I hadn''t used a psych in over 6 months.

I am looking forward to experimenting with this psychedelic drug exclusively this summer, perhaps once a week. I've had it for years without trying it; since 2010. Unlike DMT, I could never use this one daily for an extended period of time. I experienced euphoria later on in the trip, but it was overall exhausting and I was in high spirits after but definitely wanted to chill for the night.

I've been experimenting with essential oils since last year. They are amazing, and so much fun (and sometimes handy) while tripping. Rose oil is phenomenal, I use it almost every day at some point.
5-MeO-DMT seems like such an outlier in the psychedelic arsenal. It's triggered the most profound realization I've ever had for sure. Totally agree that it's a "very efficient drug for energy realignment". Also that you have to concede control like you guys said. It's not a guaranteed ride, more like a very powerful, challenging tool to work with. I haven't touched it for many months, wondering if it might be time soon.
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