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The Main 5-MAPB Thread

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True statement, I'm interested in trying this but it seems as though it isn't growing in popularity at an exponential rate like 5/6apb did. I'd like to hear more reports here!

There's a reason its not exploding in popularity. Its much more expensive than the other APBs at the moment not to mention that it was banned in the UK which is the biggest market for APBs if only for the fact that vendors are scared of shipping to the US or running an RC business in the US.

With that said, I'm personally happy that these things aren't exploding in popularity like they were - most of them seem to be fairly toxic.
most of them seem to be fairly toxic.

Why do you think this? Strong 5ht2b agonism is not the best for chronic use, but that usage pattern is atypical for entactogens.

Why do you think this? Strong 5ht2b agonism is not the best for chronic use, but that usage pattern is atypical for entactogens.


I'm talking more about the immediate side effects, the steep dose/response curve, etc.

Its kind of interesting that people are perfectly fine taking APBs and experiencing diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, etc., especially considering that I can think of a few tryptamines that have gotten the axe for those same side effects.

I've heard more than a few absolute disasters with the various APBs over the years although I will admit that it may not have been the chemical itself but that particular batch, especially back in 2010-2011 when there were fake APBs everywhere. Kind of skews things a bit. :\
Is there anyone still experiencing any difficult comedowns with this? Reading the first half of this thread there are alot of horror stories of people dealing with brain zaps and depression. I'm eager to try this and hoping that this isn't a common occurrence with first time users.
I have the impression that this one is best used at the 70-100mg range rather than the 100-150mg range. This is very powerful stuff, not to be taken lightly. Also supplementing with antioxidants before and after is absolutely crucial.
Put it this way - I have a friend who purchased 5g's of this just after it came out. He used it every week without issue, until one morning after dosing the previous night, he was bed bound by the most unpleasant brain-zaps, vertigo, dizzyness and suicidal thoughts. This continued for about a week, and he has only just recovered fully now. I myself (6-APB) and many others on this forum have suffered horrible and long lasting side effects from 6 &/or 5-MAPB, ranging from brain-zaps, to full on bed ridden, vertigo hell....

Another thing to keep in mind: Currently, 5-MAPB is the most potent serotonin releasing compound on record (even more so than MDMA). However, there is such thing as a too potent serotonin releaser.....
Another thing to keep in mind: Currently, 5-MAPB is the most potent serotonin releasing compound on record (even more so than MDMA). However, there is such thing as a too potent serotonin releaser.....

I find it interesting however that despite the increased serotonergic activity of 5-MAPB, MDMA has more pleasant effects. Does anybody have the SERT/DAT/NET binding affinity values for 5-MAPB?
Is there anyone still experiencing any difficult comedowns with this? Reading the first half of this thread there are alot of horror stories of people dealing with brain zaps and depression. I'm eager to try this and hoping that this isn't a common occurrence with first time users.

I'm one week from an 80 mg first time experience. I post loaded with 5-htp and resumed normal healthy diet and exercise and I'm fine. Have been having stomach issues for a few days but I think I caught something going around.

Felt a little down for maybe two or three days but I found this easier to recover from than 6-APB.
If I remember correctly, I found the SERT/DAT/NET values for MAPB once (I'll try and find them again), and it was some ungodly SERT value with almost no dopamine and a pinch of NET.
Yeah. I'm as of yet unaware of any research having been conducted on the compound.

I'm not either. SR, are you sure it wasn't another compound?

I'm almost positive it was 5-MAPB, as I remember there being some accompanying discussion about how it shits all over the SERT release of MDAI, 5-APB and MDMA. I'll have a look to see if I can find them now :)

Of course, If I'm wrong, then I fully accept I will have to be punished by the 'speculation hammer'.....
I'm talking more about the immediate side effects, the steep dose/response curve, etc.

Its kind of interesting that people are perfectly fine taking APBs and experiencing diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, etc., especially considering that I can think of a few tryptamines that have gotten the axe for those same side effects.

I've heard more than a few absolute disasters with the various APBs over the years although I will admit that it may not have been the chemical itself but that particular batch, especially back in 2010-2011 when there were fake APBs everywhere. Kind of skews things a bit. :\

Most stimulants, empathogens give me those effects. Hell, even a night of heavy drinking will. I would be a pretty penny (like you mentioned) that most of that was because of bad/fake/impure batches.

As far as 5-mapb goes, I did definitely feel much worse of mentally (depression-wise) after a night of 5-mapb. It was actually pretty bad. I compare it to a slightly less rolly MDA. subtract 5% of the roll from MDA, and add the 5% as psychedelia with 5-mapb. I will note, its extremely easy to redose. No ceiling I was able to reach.

I know Ive read reports that its pretty heavy on the psyche, especially the next day. But go take a look at all the front page posts in the "MDMA and empathogens" forum, half of it is posts such as, but not limited to: "extreme depression, is this normal?" "how to deal with the post MDMA day downers." etc etc. So its not like MDMA isnt doing the same thing.

TO the above poster^, I havent seen any data, so Im talking out of my ass, but I reckon it has some direct 5ht binding involved, it felt heavily psychdelic to me and not really in the "roll" sense. But hell I could be wrong.
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What's the consensus on the level of psychedelia of this compound? I didn't find it to be particularly psychedelic, MDA is certainly way more psychedelic for me.
Not much if any for me, 5/6 apb and (supposedly) 6-apdb are much more psychedelic.
I have supervised 30 people taking this drug now, mixed with 2-FMA and (4-HO-MET or 5-MeO-MiPT) and sometimes 2C-B. The ratio is 100:25:0.7 5-MAPB:2-FMA:5MeO-MiPT.

I think the duration of 2-FA would probably match better. More 2-FMA is necessary for anything remotely energetic.

The combination is intended to simulate MDMA in a more legal, less expensive and more easily measured fashion. 2-FMA provides additional NE and DA release and the tryptamine adds 5HT-1a agonism for the "magic". It also increases intensity without increasing comedown. 2C-B is just there for fun.

20 took no more than 150mg 5-MAPB over the whole night. I am in regular contact with 10 of these and none reported unusual (or really even unpleasant) side effects. I think mine were worst, with an uncomfortable headache occasioally in the following week.

10 took up to 0.4g of the combination and also have reported no odd side effects. I believe this is because the mixture is satisfying without the need for incredible 5-HT overload, as it's more balanced. Even with this combination and dose, few reported any real psychedelic effects (one person said they had slight visuals without the addition of 2C-B).

Additionally, most reported the combination as indistinguishable to or better than MDMA itself.

As an aside, I am also unaware of any binding values for this compound, let alone releasing values which are very hard to come by.
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What led you to choose 2fma over something like 4fa?

Did you attempt any trials without the 5-meo-mipt?
2-FMA is a very "vanilla" stimulant. It doesnt' have any features that might overpower, it's just pure DA/NE release.

4-FA is serotonergic already so it would be hard to get the 5HT/DA/NE balance right with it - as I said, 5-MAPB already has plenty of serotonin release.

No trials with 5-MAPB and 2-FMA without a tryptamine, no.
Ever tried replacing the 2-fma with eph? The fmas/fas are illegal here..

Perhaps 80-120mg 5-mapb, 40-80mg eph, 10mg 4-ho-met?

or 80-120mg 5-mapb, 40-80mg eph, 40-50mg 2c-c?

Or replacing the 5-mapb with 6-mapb?
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