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    Psychedelic Beginner's FAQ

Discussion of and Suggestions for the 'Beginners FAQ'


Bluelight Crew
Mar 12, 2007
This thread is for discussing of and posting suggestions for the 'Beginners FAQ' of PD. You can find the FAQ here. It could always use some improvement, so what 'beginner questions' do you think should be in there? Please post them here, don't worry about sounding silly, beginners questions can be very basic of course.
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I realize that most abbreivations used by people here on bluelight (YMMV, IMHO, OP) are terms common in internet forums, and simply the internet in general.

For abbreviations I don't understand, I can easily use google and find the meaning. However, a list of some sort would be a nice, quick way to learn all the lingo.

I'll convieniently end this post with a new abbreviation for everyone!
JAT ("Just A Thought")
Haha, I hope you will agree that this FAQ is for beginners to psychedelics, not beginners to internet language. A list for that can surely be found with google and it has no place in PD. Try another forum of bluelight for that, maybe Science & Technology.

Dude we're not writing an encyclopaedia xD Thanks for helping me think about this though, it is very much appreciated.
Was very surprised to see this faq :) very happy too, great work!

how about a little explanation on set & setting? (should i take it now, with mom and dad in the house, or wait for a better time? do i need to be in nature or indoors? etc)
I would really like to know what the hell an "RC" is supposed to be... I have tried searching the forums and google to no avail, no real simplified explanation.. maybe something for a beginners faq? :p
Kingme, the subject of set & setting has it's own Big & Dandy Thread and it is listed in the Index, but I will include it in a little list repeated here for practicality.

Sourcream and Yerg I will use your suggestions, thanks! :)
Sorry this post was meant to test if I could copy posts to the same thread (=duplicating) and it worked, against my expectations. :)

With Survived Abortion's questions added and who knows how many more... I will be duplicating the OP multiple times and separating the OP into multiple posts so that people can see the list of Frequently Asked Questions and click on one to be taken to the Q&A placed in a seperate post. That system has been used before in some places.

Otherwise beginners ( and everyone else) will see this ridiculously big list and be like TL;DR :D

I will get right on answering those questions, S_A... I can do the second one right away: No 'what should I take' questions!!! =D

P.S. comments about my answers are obviously welcome as well if they can be improved or have to be changed.
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Does acid make your brain bleed?

Should I take acid or shrooms?

I took a hit of acid but it wasn't visual. Why?

I have some Hoffman acid blotters. How many should I take for a good trip?

How many micrograms of acid is on a blotter?

What's the best way to store my acid?

What's the most visual psychedelic? Acid?

Brilliant thread idea by the way!:D
Psychedelic Crisis FAQ -though including this might scare people off/prime them for a bad trip... maybe we should just include a section saying "what to do if it all goes tits up", with some reassurance and advice for dealing with an overly intense/bad trip.

You could also maybe link to (an abridged version) of The Doors of Perception in the "reports" section. This may reflect my personal bias, but I think that few trip reports are going to be of that kind of calibre.

Excellent thread Solipsis.
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Wait, guys...

PEAK: The peak is at the beginning of the plateau where the effects are really the strongest. People then say that they are 'peaking'.
I never tried LSD, but I always thought that peak is right before the comedown. No?
I'm pretty sure it's like when you start plateauing there is a ramp up to the apex or summit of the trip: the peak. If you have come completely up at 1 hour with acid then peaking at 1:30-2:00 is pretty normal.

Am I missing something here?

Well it seems acid is a bit of a weird one as in the peak comes in waves, there are several smaller peaks but when the strongest of them is depends IME. It can be one of the first waves or one of the last, that I have to agree.

See here the graph for mushrooms, here and with many other psychedelics there is clearly a peak. Some psychedelic trips really plateau for a LOONG time like DOB but with others you start coming down as soon as you are done coming up. So its weird.


OK so it's more complex, but does this make sense to you what I am saying?

And thank you for the support.
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It makes sense indeed!
Looks like people respond very differently to psychedelics.

Never tried LSD, but for most my experiences with 2Cs, the peak was definitely felt after the plateau stage(before come-down). I a bit modified the chart(madskilz, I know).

It doesn't represent correct duration, and it's shape should be smother, but overall it is a good illustration to what I'm trying to tell.

IME, "Mushroom chart" may represent tryptamines well, but peak isn't really pronounced with them.

It is still difficult to believe that majority of people peak after come-up phase, at least for 2Cs.
This seems really definitional. If by peak, we mean the highest point, then anything preceding it is come up.
Great, but it solves very little if we look at LSD :D
It either has multiple peaks of which one may be the highest or in this instance the whole long peak is the same as the plateau.

^ Then everything succeeding peak is come down. ;)

Na man, not necessarily. There's a peak amidst the plateau i.e. the highest point of multiple peaks that ebb and flow, and the plateau itelf is a period of average stability in effects. The plateau is not a comedown stage even though it's average overall intensity may be slightly less intense than the highest peak within it. The peak would rarely, if ever occur at the end of the plateau, and is most likely to occur at the beginning after the comeup, or a little way in to the plateau.
That sounds very accurate, so much even that I absorbed it into the edited answer. Unless someone has a valuable argument to make on it, other common noob questions can be posted here to be answered in the FAQ. :)

I'm going to dig around in recent PD history to try and find some...