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(Mephedrone) - Experienced - Why I fricking LOVE mephedrone!


Sep 4, 2009
All I hear is bad things about mephedrone, and I really don't understand why. I wanna stick up for my favourite drug :D Me and my best friend in the whole world were having a little bit of a binge on meph last night (all night), and every time we thought of a reason why meph is awesome, we shouted it out. Here's as many of the reasons as I can remember, in no particular order. Btw this is just a bit of fun for me cos I'm bored and I figured there might be some meph fans out there that would appreciate this- a lot of the 'reasons' were probably all in our imagination... hehe.


1. Meph is LEGAL. Being able to buy this miracle dust in an actual shop makes us feel like unstoppable queens among men (for some reason).
2. Meph is TASTY. Why does everyone say it tastes rank? I think it tastes a lot like that ultra-sour sherbert type shit you had when you were like 7. A retro taste! For some, I suppose it's an acquired taste, but even if you're trying it for the first time it still tastes way better than the first try of weed smoke, vodka, or coffee.
3. Meph is POWDERED INTELLECT. Cynics will raise an eyebrow at this one I'm sure, but I swear to you it's true. Meph removes the umms and likes from your conversation, and I don't know how, but it also increases the readiness of words in your mind. You're suddenly all witty and erudite and no matter how hard you try, you can't stop yourself sounding a bit like a speedy Stephen Fry.
4. Meph is LOVE. When you're on meph, you love people. You love to talk to them, to be around them, you're desperate to talk to them and actually hear what they have to say. It doesn't matter how shy you are; if you do meph, you gain both the urge and the confidence to actually enjoy company, even the company of complete strangers. I genuinely think that this is how the Buddha felt about other people all the time. It's lovely.
5. Meph is TRUTH. Meph compels you to tell the truth, but not in a bad way. You're telling your friend something you've kept deadly secret for fifteen years, or whatever, but it feels good, and often it's a huge load of your mind (especially since you can be pretty sure nobody will actually remember anything you say by the next day).
6. Meph is COOL. Come on, admit it, nobody in this world can snort a sparkly white powder and not think to themselves, 'This is what celebrities do! Hee hee hee!' Whenever I do it, I imagine myself as Mia Wallace in Pulp Fiction, and I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Obviously, I imagine myself as her in the restaurant scene... not the overdose scene.
7. Meph makes you THIN. Especially if you buy it instead of food, which is always the temptation. Actually, I'm only half kidding, it's like meph was designed to make the user thin. Which brings us on to...
8. Meph gives you ENERGY. This seems like an obvious one, but the great thing is how MUCH energy it gives you. It makes you feel like a small child again, with the joy you felt when you ran round the park like a nutter with your arms flailing round, for hours and HOURS.
9. Meph makes you HAPPY. Not a fake kind of chemical-feeling happy, but a happiness that comes from everything around you. On meph, you can't avoid the happiness! It's everywhere!
10. Meph makes your BODY FEEL GOOD. Your skin feels good, like it's buzzing with health. Moving your muscles feels kind of good, even if they're totally exhausted. Running feels good, even if you're totally unfit like me and you get a stitch after like ten minutes- you can feel the stitch, but not as pain. Okay, this also means it's kind of dangerous... alright, extremely dangerous. But it's awesome nonetheless.
11. Meph is SEXY. Actually, I consider this a downside of meph, but my best friend doesn't, mainly because she has a boyfriend and a vibrator. Lucky bitch. But yeah, it makes you extremely horny, and random, spontaneous orgasms are not unheard of. Or maybe that's just a girl thing.
12. Meph doesn't have a COMEDOWN. Well, that's not strictly true of course, but I feel better after a night on meph than I do if I've been on any other drug. The only real comedown effects I've noticed is feeling cold (probs just because I accidentally haven't eaten in ages), and my heart racing suddenly, then going back to normal within a few seconds. And, of course, the nose related problems. But really, it's perfectly bearable, ignorable even. (My bezzie agrees). That leads on to number 13...
13. Meph DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SLEEP. But in a good way- it's not like you want to sleep either. Right now, as I'm writing this, I'm approaching 40 hours of no sleep, but I feel more awake and lively than I do if I have the 'correct' amount of sleep the night before. It's extremely unhealthy, of course, but I like it. It gives you more hours in the day, which you'll need for all the crazy energetic stuff you'll want to do =)
14. Meph is GOOD FOR YOUR SELF ESTEEM. You've been a social success when you were on it, without embarassing yourself (as much) as you would do if you were drunk. So now, even though you're no longer high, it seems a little less scary than before to talk to someone new. Many people have said that to me about weed, and I kind of see where they're coming from as weed also decreases shyness... but it also increases introversion, which is not good for someone who has low self esteem.
15. Meph is FUN TO SAY. Meph. Meff. Mweff. MEHHHHHHHHFF. :D
16. Meph is NEW. It's not all cliched like crack or heroin. Yeah, in your face, we liked it before it was cool...
17. Meph makes you PSYCHIC. Seriously. Try it.

....And that's all I can remember, although I'm sure we'd come up with over a hundred reasons by this morning. If you can think of any more, please feel free to add them :) I just want to generate a little love for mephedrone, is all. It's being picked on by the bigger boys.

love, rizla <3

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One of the better threads of the afternoon, lmfao... 8)
I love meph as much as a man can love a drug thats not an opiate, but i disagree with some of those points. A few weeks ago my weight had dropped to 8 stone because of excessive meph use, not good for a 6'1 male, so its not really a reson to love meph ;)

Also, it smells like ikky kemikles and makes everything else smell of it, that said i love the taste the drip and the rest of it, can't wait until the police give me mine back :D

Its not really 'cool' either, the thrill of lining up is something i can only reserve for coke, as its expensive and shit in the uk so thats the only buzz i get off it 8), its too cheap smelly and legal to be considered cool by the unwashed masses

The rest of them are amusing/have a slight degree of truth to them, but prepare to be 'flamed' by the BL AntiMeph movement

£10 says you were still at least slight high writing this :p
18. Meph turns your kneecaps purple, then you can be just like Skeeter Valentine from Doug!
i fully agree with everything you've said... apart from i can sleep on it. its wonderful,

the problem is... it may fuck my heart up and make my limbs turn purple.
19. Mephedrone is almost definitely a strong 5-HT2b agonist thickening your heart valves everytime you use it.

Plus many many other toxic issues that have been appearing daily. I'm glad you like it, but please keep your use down as much as possible and don't binge!
up for 40 hours lol....the first time i had a taste of this stuff, it turned into a 36 hour binge that included 8 hours at work. thing is, it's too damn hard to stop once you start. party on.
"I genuinely think that this is how the Buddha felt about other people all the time."

haha, i highly doubt it
i don't understand why people cant control themselves on this stuff, its good but no way is it more-ish enough to go on 36 hour benders. i go on 8/10 hour benders and can just tell myself... ok ive done enough...save the rest for next week. are people seriously lacking will power or what
Hee hee, I love the Mephy too, so like this TR.

Bought 5g of the stuff but have been so careful not to go OTT with it cos of all the reports of blue knees etc. Always used it to turn up a notch when having a night with Methylone and you can definitley feel it kicking it then...=D