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Your top 5 "drug movies" & what you watch when you're high...

wanted to respond to a post i related to so much haha....

Fear and Loathing (although I never really get the story, could be because I'm always so high that I pass out when I watch it..)
Blow - because it makes selling coke and fucking californian bitches look so cool with johnny depp (and I really liked that 70-80's feeling of the movie)
Enter the void - Plain Headfuck.

- used to have the same problem the first 5 times i watched it, but then again those were back when i was prettty fuckin young and i've seen it about 1000 now.

- because all that is that fucking awesomee! hahaa

- fuck yes, i agreee and i've over-analyzed the shit out of that movie... as if that's even possible to do.
Permanent Midnight with Ben Stiller was rather stupid. Liked Al Pacino in "Panic in Needle Park" I believe this was his first movie, or I should say, his first big movie, correct me if im wrong.
posted a bit ago, but to reiterate- Altered States with William Hurt is epic! and its old school too, so maybe you older bluelighters will have seen it??
Everyone is saying Requiem for a dream hahaha it really is an excellent movie I've just seem it 1 million times enough for everyone on this site to see it once it feels like.

I gotta list some other great ones in catagories.

Serious ones:
Requim for a Dream
Train Spotting
Spun (meth movie really tight)
SCARFACE (classic lol)
American Gangster
Pukp fiction

Funny ones:
How high (ayeee)
Half Baked(aaaaaayyeeeeee)
Harold and Kumar
Fear and Loathing

The Union(super interesting and an awesome movie for any pot head)
Super High me
Oxycontin Express.

Gosh cant really think of any more those are all the good ones I can remember

I also gotta give it up for my girl NANCY BOTWIN on my favorite TV show ever.....
Favorite TV Shows/Movies That You Watch When You're High

We all love TV when we're high, specifically on weed and opiates, but what shows do you watch the most?

For me it's:

TV Shows:
The X-Files
South Park
Doctor Who

True Stories
Blues Brothers

And generally 90s movies, especially Kevin Smith films.
i don't watch a whole lotta tv.

but i do like to watch that show bait car when i'm high.
i laugh my ass off when they try to deny it!
omg. funniest show ever.
besides that i youtube alot.
music videos and stand up.

fav. movie to watch high is: fight club
after that it's documentaries on netflix.
i watch alot of stand up on netflix, too.

I like watching cartoons when I am stoned, particularly The Venture Brothers and Archer. I pretty much like any comedy when stoned also, especially standup comedy, used to be a nightly ritual for me to get stoned and watch stand up comedy.
^those are two of my favorite shows, but i dont watch them when im high so much as the ones i listed
The same stuff as when I'm not high. You will learn someday, you're interest solidify with age my friend.

The only exception is watching anime, I love nodding and watching toonami.
I'm going to go ahead and merge this with an already existing thread... hope you don't mind.

EDIT: As for my favorite shows to watch when I'm high... well, believe it or not, sometimes it depends upon the drug I'm taking.

If I'm taking uppers... coke/adderall/whatever... then I take a greater interest in anything on the History Channel or the Discovery Channel and Nat. Geo. Pawn Stars and American Pickers or Drugs Inc.

If I'm taking downers... dope/oxy/whatever... then, honestly, we'll throw on anything really that we don't need or want to pay very much attention to... something to just throw on and nod to like uh, well... actually we tend to throw on a lot of criminal shows like Wicked Attraction and Deadly Women or Snapped or Disappeared. But anything brainless or "fluff" I guess you could say works as well.

If we're smoking weed, man... X-Files or anything really crazy that makes us think a lot about life and all those out-there possibilities. Sometimes we'll throw on something funny like South Park or Family Guy... something light-hearted and silly.
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dude... no. these are different topics, why do the DC mods always do this? Npt to be rude or anything, but everytime I make a thread here it gets merged with a thread thats vaguely similar. just because its talking about tv doesnt means theyre the same. top 5 drug-focussed movies vs your favorite TV shows and movies to watch when you're high? you guys did the same with my drug albums thread. please un-merge it, man. didnt mean to come off as angry, cause im not, just kinda exasperated, it was just kind of annoying that it happens everytime and automatically kills the thread and mixes it up with another, completely different one, confusing everyone. these threads are less similar than "what did you do last night?" and "how high are you?". thanks in advance for separating them again.
thanks in advance for separating them again.

Well you're welcome. But... we're not going to separate them, so... lol

They're "vaguely similar" ? They're quite similar... and we get these threads all the time, man, all the time. This is our drug-related, on-drugs, drug-whatever movie/film/television thread whether you like it or not.

EDIT: I went ahead and changed the thread title to encompass both threads, so now this truly is our all-around, indisputable DC drugs, television and films thread.

If that's not to your liking... well... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkGrkNu6mDg
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^those are two of my favorite shows, but i dont watch them when im high so much as the ones i listed

I find that surprising since IIRC you are a pretty big stoner. :p For me personally, getting stoned before watching The Venture Bro's is fucking mandatory. Is that a popular show in the US? I only ask because literally nobody I know in Australia has fucking heard of it, but I did some travelling around Europe recently and met a few Americans who were also big fans of it.