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Your Top 3 Most Desired Prescriptions

IV drip bags of morphine (or a stronger opiate if possible, I've only seen it for morphine)
Ketamine in vials
Secobarbital pills

i was also considering vials of IV ready midazolam as somebody else said (that stuff is so fucking great. IV Ativan isn't bad either) but I've never had a barbiturate before so I'd love to try that. I sorta felt I kinda needed a stimulant but decided I'd have much more fun with Ketamine. The opiate is definitely something I want to keep tho, I love opiates (wish I had something besides tramadol right now).
I got my dream scripts (all 3 of em) !!! YAY!!!!

120mg methadone DAILY!! (can still get upped to 160mg, possibly even more.. Depending on how 120 treats me in the long term). :)
240mg OxyContin (old formula) - ALSO daily!!
12mg Bromazepam daily (Okay, I wouldn't mind a higher dose - or 12mg bromazepam for anxiety during the day & some hypnotic benzo for at night, like i got from my old doc).

BUT, despite the 12mg bromazepam not being 'perfect', I can NOT complain with my current scripts. Most people can only dream of such awesome daily doses of awesome drugs. =D
(the methadone is new since today, needless to say I am very pleased!! =D)

/e: Got Bromazepam upped to 24mg/day. Gonna try to change it in 12mg bromazepam & 2mg alprazolam a day instead.
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1) Ketogan (Ketobemidone)
2) Oxymorphone (not available as a pharmeceutical product in my country :/)
3) Hydromorphone (Have just become available in my country, but it is a very rare prescription).

Or maybe
1) Ketogan (Ketobemidone)
2) Oxymorphone (not available as a pharmeceutical product in my country :/)
3) Methylphenidate or Dex-amphetamines so I have something to take when I am tired and need to work

I already get the following prescriptions:
Clonazepam (Main benzo in my treatment, take it everyday)
Diazepam (when needed)
Alprazolam (when needed)

In other words I don't exactly need to get prescribed benzo's. I would like to have Etizolam avaiable though, as i works very different from other benzo on me).

Fentanyl patches might have been an item on my list as well. However, even the big 100mcg/hour patches are cheap at the black market. So I have access to those.
Is Etizolam or bromazepam better than alprazolam? I've got severe anxiety and only used alprazolam. TIA
the only benzo

oh how i wish................
Adderall IR

Wishlist 1
Rx'd methadone pills

Never happening Wishlist
Adderall IR

Wishlist 1
Rx'd methadone pills

Never happening Wishlist

DI-X....just looked it up oxy + cocaine + meth in one pill....insane!!
I worked at a hospital in the 90's and we moved the pharmacy...........found 2 kilo's of cocaine (and no records) did not call the DEA we flushed it down the drain...........still sick about it
^Who wouldn't want that ;)8o<3

I'm happy with what I get though.
(2mg xanax, 120mg methadone, 240mg oxycontin, 12-24mg bromazepam, 0.25mg brotizolam)

It's no top 3, but it's what I get.. If I had to choose 3 I guess it'd be oxy, methadone and, umm, bromazepam I guess.
Zubsolv (my new fav already)
Xanax (anytime is a good time)
Valium (The lat time danced with you girl i hit a curb)

Drugs i personally think are over rated at least for my pallet. Off course to each is his/her own. Ambien,Oxy,Norcos.
I have just met my best friend's father at the pharmacy. We have known each other since childhood so I know his parentes good as well.
I was so proud of and glad for my 100x1mg Pfizer Xanax and 100x5mg Methadone. Then his father came up to me with two pharmacy bags that looked more like 50 kg sacks or something. I look down it one of them and it is just filled the (for me) so familiar Danish OxyContin boxes.

His father had been in a very bad working accident that pretty much should have killed him. So his prescriptions is.....AMAZING. He doesnt actually take anything any more because his wife said either you stop taking that crap or atleast go down to an absolut minimum, or I leave you. And then he stopped.

On normal presciptions there are 3x20mg daily you know that crap. On his, it just say "Take after need". There is no limit. If he one days desire 20x120 mg OxyContin in theory he can do that.

There is not "one pill after breakast, one pill after bla bla." That we all hate. He can actually take what he wants. And if he would run out before his weekly visit, he just go down for a box in the midle of the week. Because it is based on HIS needs his doctors just make a prescription where he can collect a certain amount of boxes as it please him. Lets say it is for 100 boxes (I have no idea about the limit) he just calls the pain center and then renew the prescription.

He gets oxycodone, hydromorphon (this is new - just got accepted by whoever accept these things (GET OXYMORPHONE YOU IDIOTS...) - back to the father - morphine, methadone, fentanyl patches, pregabalin, and I think it is diazepam and clonazepam for nervepain ,and all kinds of things for his heart, kidneys....al kind of things.

We walked out of the pharmecy and want the same way (we live near each other), after we got a way from the pharmcy he said "You probably need a little something, just take a few boxes". He knows that me and my friend, his son, like what get very much and sometimes he lets of take or buy some of it. He is an oldschool OG, so he his very relaxed around those things. Then he started to hand me boxes, some I gave back but I ended up with 98x10 mg OxyNorm (IR oxycodone), an entire fucking box of 98x120mg OxyContin and to my great pleasure 3 boxes of 56x24mg Hydromorphon (they are called Palladon in DK - According to him "I don't want this new shit).

They are entirely new in DK, so I have never tried them before or know what I should expect from them? I can see they are depot capsules, can I break that ER just by opening up and eat the stuff inside the capsules? It is probably mostly Americans that know Hydromorphon. I even had to check in Wiki to see their strength compared to morphine. OxyContin is 1,5 more potent than morphine. Then Hydromorphon is 3,5 more potent that Oxycodone? So a 24 mg Hydromorphon is like an 80 mg OxyContin?

My point with posting this post in this forum is, that this is the prescription I want to have :p
Omg you're so lucky. I've been wanting to try palladone for fucking ages.
1. Mxe (yes I desire it in legal prescribed form...one day maybe if humans evolve)

2. Hydromorohone ampoules

3.MDMA clinical trial script
I worked at a hospital in the 90's and we moved the pharmacy...........found 2 kilo's of cocaine (and no records) did not call the DEA we flushed it down the drain...........still sick about it

Look guys, it's been a long day - I can see everyone just wants to get home. Now we could flush this.. We could! BUT, let's think about this for a moment - so far it seems to have no record, but imagine if somehow down the road, it turns up on the system and someone starts asking questions about "what happened to those 2KGs of cocaine??" - that's no good for anyone! Now, I know no-one can be bothered dealing with it and it's tempting to just flush it and go home to our families and life.

But - I'll tell you what, I've gotta drive this way anyway, so - you leave it with me, and I'll drop it to the police station on my way out tonight. Seriously, no bother - I have to go that way regardless, and don't worry - I'll get a receipt for our records, so - you all just go home, and I got this! Ya'll owe me one though OK!!!??

Next day- "Haha, look how weird, on the receipt from the police station, they've marked it as 2g instead of 2KG.. haha.. those sneaky cops lol.. yeah.. eh heh haha .. yeh."
Omg you're so lucky. I've been wanting to try palladone for fucking ages.

I have been wanting to try it ever since it got available in Denmark (which mean it was actually realisticaaly trying (all the mean while I have dreams during the night where it is oxymorphone they took in. Instant release...mm 30 mg tablets...called OxyMonty produced by Ponthy.

Today I have tried not taking any methadone and trying to find out how much Hydromorphon I need to take, to produce the same affects as I do with oxycontin alone and with methadone alone. But a new drug always "tricks" you in someway.. So I havent really gotten closer. But maybe it would help if I had anything but the very biggest tablets.. But then again, I should not complain about the "little extra" opioids I added to my pharcacy trip yesterday..

The box of 98x120mg OxyContin and the 3x56x24 mg Hydromorphon have gotten the most visible place in my meds-cabinet so I can look at them in all their beaut every so often I like :p I think I will soon add 2x120 mg OxyContins to my dosage today. That should get things going. I probably have been so overwhelmed by my new meds that I forgot to pick up my prescription for 20 Methadone today, that is a first :p