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Your Top 3 Most Desired Prescriptions

1. Xanax (personal fave)
2. Dilaudid
3. Desoxyn
Hands. Down. =)

Its funny how people mention the strength for them! lol I want the Xanax 4mg! like 90 a month lolol. that is what i have by the way and its very nice. haha! uhm.... yeah my doc gives me unlimited refils too. lmao.

sorry i cant it.
My list would consist of:

1. Midazolam
2. MST Continus
3. Phentermine
My 3


Hydrocodone....since this is a wish list...no APAP please. For me oxycodone just doesn't do the trick. Body chemistry no doubt. Liquid

Maybe Ativan to sleep. Or Klonipin. I don't like benzos actually. Hell, maybe Trazadone to pick one effective AND safe choice. I have insomnia, diagnosed at a very young, but my DOC's potentiate that issue further so I am open to any choice that will put me to sleep but not permanently.
Oh and medicinal cannabis, definitely. I know this is gonna sound crappy, but I kinda like Tramadol too. As weak as it is, it provides great, long-lasting relief if I can't find any ms contin, oxycontin, or hydrocodone.
Dextroamphetamine 30mg xr atleast 300 incase I'm feeling nice and wanna give a couple away (only say xr because I can easily crush em if I need an ir and I don't want to waste one of my options).

Kpins as many as possible but only for the comedown or anxiety.

And what the hell throw some roxy 30s in there but not enough to were I could binge on em for weeks at a time and catch a physical dependence.

As you can see my DOC is amps/uppers.
There are only three classes of prescription medications that profoundly effect your mood in a way that seems authentic/pleasurable.

1. Opiates
2. Benzo/barb
3. Amphetamine

If you are not depressed, having a prescription for all three of these means you can virtually control your personality and mood at will from three buttons.

These are the hardest to get prescribed specifically because they let you change your personality and influence others by having artificial power/fearlessness/confidence/spirit.

Pretty spot on post right here. I like how you said "control your personality and mood at will from three buttons." Because that is so true.. and it's amazing the number of people that do everyday.

Those with the addition of TESTOSTERONE and I'm perfect.(Would feel like garbage without it even if I did have my benzo/adderall) And honestly I can do without the opiates though, haven't had one in years, but if they're around I might take a couple. Not addictive for me though..
1. Dexamphetamine
2. Lyrica
3. GHB
I don't need any synthesized opioid when there are naturally occurred opioids like opium and kratom thats are much better then any that pharmacy shit.
Oxycodone IR 30mg
Opana IR 10mg
Morphine ER 200mg

Runner ups (couldn't pick only 3)

Lyrica 300mg
Xanax 2mg bars
Dexedrine 15mg capsules
1. Oxycodone 30mg IR
2. Oxymorphone 10mg IR
3. Adderall 30mg XR


1. Oxycodone 30mg IR
2. Oxymorphone 10mg IR
3. Methadone 10mg

Honorable mentions, benzos.
Esp Clonazepam, Alprazolam, Diazepam.
My current script is my top 2, so that's cool.

1. Oxycontin 80mg
2. Bromazepam 12mg
3. Hydromorphone
1st choice of balance,

1. Oxycodone 30mg IR
2. Alprazolam 2mg
3. Adderall 30mg XR


1. Oxymorphone 10mg IR
2. Lorazepam 2mg
3. Adderall 30mg XR


1. Methadone 10mg
2. Clonazepam 2mg
3. Adderall 30mg XR


1. Oxycodone 30mg IR
2. Diazepam 10mg
3. Desoxyn 5mg


1. Oxycodone 30mg IR
2. Methadone 10mg
3. Desoxyn 5mg
Right Methadone.

Think I'll change my third choice to Methadone. Because it's so bloody useful, and still a pretty nice opioid in spite of being used mainly as a maintenance drug. Very nice even, especially with the proper additional drugs like benzos, & a good antihistamine like ideally hydroxyzine, if that's unavailable there's always diphenhydramine or promethazine.

Methadone is a nice maintenance drug and even recreational when switching from for instance H to 'done. Very much unlike suboxone, which kinda sucks if you're hooked on full agonists) for people with a (full agonist) habit.
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I've already replied to this thread, but I've had an interesting change, so I'll update:
I'm rxed one of them now, thankfully!
1) Dexedrine span Sule's
2) ghb
3) methadone

Honorable mention to diazepam & lyrica.

My doctor switched my script from vyvanse to Dexedrine & I actually feel GOOD again! Vyvanse started feeling like nothing & took forever to kick in.