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Your Top 3 Most Desired Prescriptions

Dillies (Dilaudid/Hydromorphone, but probably only because I've never tried Opana/Oxymorphone)
1. Dilaudid
2. Fentanyl
3. Xanax

I have anxiety and chronic pain. Im also new to this forum & this is my 1st post.
Damn, I knew I wasn't fucking funny.. I tried =/.
To go for the.. 5th time;
-Flunitrazepam (210x 1mg)
-Alprazolam (300x 2mg)
-I guess Roxi's (300x 30mg)
All /month.
1. Dexamyl (never gonna happen, but I wish)
2. Oxymorphone (one day...)
3. Marijuana (so I can't be criminally charged)
Damn, I knew I wasn't fucking funny.. I tried =/.
To go for the.. 5th time;
-Flunitrazepam (210x 1mg)
-Alprazolam (300x 2mg)
-I guess Roxi's (300x 30mg)
All /month.

It was actually slightly amusing until you pathetically repeated it begging to be complimented as if putting out a slightly humorous post was such a huge step for you that your fragile ego was crushed when nobody found it funny enough to specifically tell you that you're hilarious and it devastated you so much you felt the need to make this attention-seeking compliment-fishing needy-ass post - "LOOK GUYS! LOOK! SEE, I'M FUNNY! TELL ME I'M FUNNY! LOVE ME! LOVE ME!!!" I could go on but I'm going to cut it short here because the longer I spend on it the more disgusted I'm going to get, so I'll just end it with some advice - get it fucking together, ykm.
10mg Norco x 60 (monthly)
54mg Concerta x 60 (monthly)
10mg Valium x 60 (monthly)

Cuz 30 is too little
I'm not too into pills but I would love for Ohio to legalize MMJ at least. I would try for that perscription!
It was actually slightly amusing until you pathetically repeated it begging to be complimented as if putting out a slightly humorous post was such a huge step for you that your fragile ego was crushed when nobody found it funny enough to specifically tell you that you're hilarious and it devastated you so much you felt the need to make this attention-seeking compliment-fishing needy-ass post - "LOOK GUYS! LOOK! SEE, I'M FUNNY! TELL ME I'M FUNNY! LOVE ME! LOVE ME!!!" I could go on but I'm going to cut it short here because the longer I spend on it the more disgusted I'm going to get, so I'll just end it with some advice - get it fucking together, ykm.

Yo you so bad bruh
you da coolest nikkah on here.
E.. a d...
Why even waist time to post that. Yeah and he's the attention seeker gotcha dawggg ;)

Fentanyl of course..50 mcg
Dolantin (IM injected version)
yeah I think 90% of us who got our wish would probably die within the next refill. And why would you choose 5mg and 10mg? Was it in the thought that you couldn't choose the same pills twice or something? A lot of people here have just been listing the meds, without a quantity, to avoid this conundrum your facing by listing the same med twice.

But I like your taste though. I've only had opana one time. And it was only decent cuz I was in the hospital and had to take it orally rather than being able to take it IV at home.

How could you have possibly been prescribed 60mg of oxymorphone, 300mg of morphine, 6mg of xanax, and 1400mg of soma to take every day? That's a lethal combination even if taken as prescribed, let alone squeezing in a little more here or there. Did you have cancer or something?
No cancer just chronic pain from several bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, early onset spinal arthritis and sciatic nerve damage. I never would have got that script had I not been going to the PM clinic I was going. I paid to be what they called a VIP patient. I pretty much wrote my own scripts because what I asked for I got. You also asked why I chose oxymorphone hcl instant release twice in THE ONLY TWO DOSAGES THEY COME IN!!!! Sorry not directed towards you but towards idiots who have 30 mg opana ir on their lists. There's no such drug manufactured anywhere in the fucking world. Off topic, so I chose oxymorphone twice because oxymorphone IV is just so goddamn fucking great. Nothing trumps that rush. Atleast nothing I have ever had. I've had pure fentanyl hcl and made my own solutions, all the good pharmaceutical opiods suitable for IV use and have had some really fucking dank heroin many, many times. Absolutely nothing trumps oxymorphone hcl's rush once IVed. I don't give a fuck what anyone says or thinks either. Opana IR 10mg even trumps any and all of its ER brothers up to the 40mg formulation. This list of mine was hypothetical based on my preference towards pharmaceuticals. I don't need any of the others, but some desoxyn would be nice to have with all those oxymorphones and homemade heroin. :)
1. Klonopin 2mgs (favorite benzo)
2. Adderall XRs (because why not)
3. Hydrocodone (I would probably sell most of them)

My neighbor actually has all three of these except replace the Klonopin with Xanax .5mgs. I'm honestly baffled by how you can get all of that prescribed to the same person. I would've called bullshit but he gave me a few of each.