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Your Top 3 Most Desired Prescriptions

1. 2mg Xanax in doses of 20mg +
2. Any form of Oxycodone in doses of 200mg +
3. Cocaine HCL

My current prescriptions:(((( nothing that I could possibly get any kind of high from:

20mg diazepam
32mg Suboxone
Other psych drugs nor worth mentioning.
Xanax 4mg a day
Lyrica ..try it if you haven't!! 600-1000 mg a day strong benzo like effect great nerve pain killer others have also described it like ghb
Hydrocodone 40 mg a day mild pain killer I'm sensetive to them

And I'd like to try adderall only ever had shitty crack lab meth
It's easily OG Opanas, OxyIRs, and Xanax--bars

The Oxys I would chew, Opana I would sniff, and Xanax I would chew at wim %)
Since i unfortunately need it, Methylphenidate, but if i could i'd be just healthy instead of needing a or sum meds to feel good, better! It's bad to need something to be kinda usual...
From NHS:

DIPIPANONE and Cyclizine tabs 10/30mg three tds
LORAZEPAM tabs 2.5mg qds
TEMAZEPAM oral solution SF 10mg/5mL 15mL nocte

If I were to be able to be dispensed from ANY country:

ENDO OPANA IR tabs 5 and 10mg, 15mg qds OR Abbott/Mallinckrodt DILAUDID tabs 2, 4 & 8mg tabs 14mg qds;
GADOR ALPLAX tabs 2mg tds, qds if req. (from Belgium with EHIC, branded XANAX costs only €3.69 per box or bottle of 50, but my opportunities for EU travel have become less and less frequent);
HALCION tabs 250mcg two nocte for INDUCTION of sleep; TUINAL caps 100/100mg one nocte for MAINTENANCE of sleep.

There is also a desire to find a country where 10mg PALFIUM (Dextromoramide tartrate) tabs 10mg are still available - my Dutch pharmacy has told me that strength has been withdrawn from the Netherlands market and only 5mg available, meaning my dosage of 25mg would cost a FORTUNE (5mg tabs are, or were, only €2 per box cheaper than 10mg); the only other country it is still licenced in is IRELAND and I am unable to find any Irish pharmacy website giving pricing on this item - Flynn Pharma have ceased production of TUINAL in Ireland, but the current status of 10mg Palfium tabs is unclear.
Any Irish members able to let us know one way or the other? The biggest problem is that pharmacy prices in Ireland are extremely high and the medications which are discounted on the EHIC scheme are VERY limited; Rohypnol (Roche '542's are the only Flunitrazepam brand available) 1mg ARE included but still cost nearly twice as much as in Belgium WITHOUT the EHIC discount!

Just as a matter of interest I am currently on m/r oxycodone (branded OXYCONTIN 80mg bd with NO rescue meds - I am trying my best to get raised to the 120mg purple OC but my doctor isn't having any of it!), Lorazepqm 2.5mg qds, clonazepam (by brand, Roche's RIVOTRIL always dispensed) 2mg tds, plus Naproxen 250-500mg bd and lansoprazole caps 15mg od, Levothyroxine sodium (Synthroid) 50mcg od. Due to the analgesia situation which does NOT adequately address my pain levels or th duration of action of OC (6.5 hrs max in my case) I have to obtain any rescue medication or additional OC from a private sources which can be very expensive - the average Private Prescription costs £50 and consultations lasting 10 mins can be anything between £20 and £100 dependent on the a Private Physician consulted.
These things may be obtained illicitly from sources who are quite anonymous but that can be a crap shoot especially in the field of opioid analgesics.
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Oops, I apaologise for writing a price in the above post - I completely forgot that there is a rule somewhere in the BLUELIGHT User Agreement forbidding such - moderator please replace with XXX or something similar!!!
What I want: 30 mg Zenzedi (dexedrine) 120/month
2 mg Klonopin 30/month
10 mg Valium 30/month

What I get: Adderall IR 90/month
KLONOPIN 1mg 15-30/month depending on her mood... she recently said, I don't want to feel like one of those pill pushers.. My adderall will be 60 30 mg XR with 60 30 mg IR soon... next refill because she's an "I need to get you on the XRs) So we're compromising.
#1 Fentanyl
#2 Adderall XR
#3 good ol marijuana if it counts (alprazolam if it doesn't)
meperidine hydrochlorid

Although I love the idea of Laudanum too. Good little historical reminder. :)
I already have a Adderall XR 20mg prescription, so I won't put that in the list.
Mine would be:
1.) Desoxyn
2.)Hydrocodone 15/325

I love me some stimulants :D Nothing like a day of everything being interesting.