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Your Top 3 Most Desired Prescriptions

I think I'd go with desoxyn as well.
I'd also like injectable morphine ampules, as well as dilaudid.
desoxyn, IV dilaudid, and restoril.

although if not ill settle for a medical card, (which im getting tomorrow)

If I were to ever start smoking weed again, it would be amazing to have some sort of immunity from the employers hiring me who don't allow MMJ recommendations but allow Marinol. That way I could smoke my weed in peace. =D

i thought that marinol didnt really get you high
@mods, this guy did a top 4

Let's see I Would "trade in" desoxyn script for:

1. Morphine Sulphate, ER 100mg Mallinckrodt
2. Morphine Sulphate, IR 30mg Roxane
3. Morphine Sulphate, for injection, 50mg/mL
i thought that marinol didnt really get you high

It sucks medicinally and recreationally, as cannabis contains dozens of cannabinoids that work in synergy to create the awesome and unique weed high.

However, drug tests only test for THC, not for CBD and CBN and all those other cannabinoids, so if an employer were to accept Marinol (THC) as an alllowed medication, they would not be able to discern between that and plant form cannabis. I have a MMJ recommendation, but most employers don't accept THC positive drug tests, recommendation or not.

Mods, this is not a "drug test" comment, this is more of a MMJ patients' rights comment. It is so ridiculous that employers will not accept MMJ recommendations but will accept Oxymorphone, Desoxyn, Ambien, and Xanax prescriptions, all of which can be abused heavily.
1) Methadone vials (biodone forte, 15mg/ml)
2) Levomorphinan
3) Ketamine (100mg/ml for my felineitis)/Midazolam Vials (hypnovel, 5mg/ml)

Ketobemidone and Dextromoramide would also get a look in, but I didn't want to look like a complete fucking junkie ;)

If you're talking about all drugs ever prescribed in history:
1) Dipipanone/cyclizine vials
2) Secobarbital or Methqualone (BAAAAARBS! LUUUDES!)
3) Phenmetrazine
You're listing specific generic products - just curious: can you ask a pharmacy if they stock "your favorite generic" (you'd probably look shady for asking that...) and get it, or is it completely random what you get? Sorry for the OT, I just couldn't resist asking. ;)
Ketamine ... do they really prescribe it??? That would totally be number two.
Umm something like Adderall (but not Adderall cuz it doesn't work for me ... but something similar to it!)

know what im sayin? ;)

hehe its funny seeing your scripts up there for someones wishlist (30mg/day PO methadone, 2mg/day clonazepam, 30mg/day amphetamine salts)
though, I'm not scripted dexamp, amp salts for me. I have been scripted dexamp, but honestly I kinda like amp salts a bit better for studying.

I could go for

Oxymorphone IRs
1. 60x 2mg alprazolam .

2. 30x 40mg of so morphine pills .

3. 30x 80mg OC oxycodone .

I would probably just sell / share most of these because I don't need them , but I love Xanax for pissing the day away , relaxing and having an awsome smoke .

Morphine because i like opiates , and I like rushes , I havent tried it yet but I love codeine .

Oxycodone I haven't tried either but I know this is something I would definetly want .

I would maybe switch the 60x 2mg Xanax for 60x 10mg Valium because I really like Valium , and am hoping to get some soon to mix with codeine and help with day to day life .
You're listing specific generic products - just curious: can you ask a pharmacy if they stock "your favorite generic" (you'd probably look shady for asking that...) and get it, or is it completely random what you get? Sorry for the OT, I just couldn't resist asking. ;)

Not at all, It's my right as a patient to use the medication I prefer. I can pick any of the generic versions of drugs at the pharmacy, it's different than asking for brand name shit, which usually requires the doctors orders.
You're listing specific generic products - just curious: can you ask a pharmacy if they stock "your favorite generic" (you'd probably look shady for asking that...) and get it, or is it completely random what you get? Sorry for the OT, I just couldn't resist asking. ;)
I ask all the time for my fav because if I don't they give me endocet which sucks compared to watson brand!!!
Oxycodone 80's
Opana 20's er
Valium 10's
I would have lovely days with this basic script!!! Right now im on oxy 10's valium 10's and robaxin I really want a benzo added to the mix but my docs just say no!!! I need a fucking doc!!