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Your Personal Rules For Drugs

My IV "toolbox"
-Ensure syringe and hypodermic needle is, sharpened, lubricated, sterilized, and cleaned after every use if a new syringe isn't available for purchase. (Need to do it more often. Often time, I just rinse it out, but if it's been sitting in my stash for a while. I sterilize and irrigate it thouroughly)

I live in a country where it's easy to get new needles for free in most regional and all cities. How do you sharpen and sterilize your needles if you don't mind me asking? I've never had to, but sometimes I've had to re-use (my own) needles a few times due to certain circumstances.

Personal rules, that I follow? Or don't want to break but usually do?

Don't post on Bluelight when affected by xanax and beer. Failed tonight.

Don't use all your xanax stash because you crave it. Failed tonight.

Limit my beer intake when using any xanax, let alone your entire stash. Failed tonight.

Remember what I wrote on Bluelight the day before - well not yet failed, but I cannot see it happening.
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opiates and coke: shoot em the second you get em
benzos and psychedelics : eat em the second you have 6 hours to be retarded

thats all i really like
dont do unknown white powders
Don't let them cause you to lose your job or affect your school.
I'm doing pretty good so I'm happy
Other than that I try not to redose but I break this rule for than I follow it
The only drug I have strict rules for is salvia. These are:

Only one person uses at a time
Always, always have a sitter
If using extract weigh it out first, that way you can record how strong it is for next time
My main rule is to avoid breaking the rules you established for yourself when you began using (whichever particular class of compounds). Once broken, the rules you set for yourself no longer function as such, and escalation toward addiction becomes dramatically more likely.
write down what i've taken on a calendar. it helps keeps track of what i've done. can flip back to previous months to see how usage of whatever drug has decreased / increased. been pretty consistent which i like to see.

-I don't use needles
-I don't inhale gases (huffing)
-I generally don't buy drugs from strangers. However, if I DID buy drugs from a stranger, a rule I have is that I have to see and be allowed to test a sample of the product prior to buying. Typically I'm talking about e here, as I have a testing kit. I have reliable sources that I trust for everything else.
-I only do drugs at home. There are usually people around although they may or may not be aware of my condition.
-I do NOT drive in my altered state.
-no stealing other people's meds if they really NEED them. (If, however, they've put them in an abandoned cabinet somewhere and they have dust on them, they're fair game.)
-keep brain and body generally healthy with sensible, well-balanced diet, get enough sleep (8 hours a night) and take vitamins (women's prenatal since it's good for hair and nails, fish oil for brains, milk thistle for healthy liver.)


-if I could FUCKING FIND IT, I would test it prior to consuming.
-drink tons of water
-listen to "Purity" by Balligomino
-take a bubble bath
-preload with piracetam and use magnesium for teeth grinding
-menthol cigs


-menthol cigs
-lie down a lot to prevent tachycardia
-have benzos on hand (yeah, I wish)


-don't redose too much
-antihistamines for the itching (still haven't settled on a fave: I have Promethazine, Visteril and Benadryl to play with)
-if Tramadol, don't exceed 400 mgs due to seizure risk
-monitor pulse and breathing.


-don't redose too much
-monitor pulse
-keep opiates, booze and benzos on hand for comedown and inevitable paranoia
-take B vitamins before and after to level you out.


-don't use recreationally - only use to aid with the symptoms of recreational use of other drugs


-only 2-3 hits
-only if someone else is toking and offers me some
-not right before bed




-permanently retired although it was nice while it lasted. I'm just not stable enough mentally to take this drug

That's it!
after years and years of alcoholism and the physical dependence that comes with it as well as getting dependent on a few other gabaergics that are nightmarish to withdraw from - GBL, benzos, baclofen - i vowed never to become dependent on anything ever again. so gabaergics and opioids get consumed regularly but never on a daily basis. apart from that:

- when shooting up always use fresh needles and syringes. they're dirt cheap so there's no reason to reuse em.

- i always do a small line after copping smack to gauge the strength before shooting up.

- i never use any uppers if i don't have something for the comedown and never any hallucinogens without something strongly anxiolytic.

- when mixing benzos and alcohol keep the amount of alcohol moderate.

- when smoking pot always have plenty of food on hand.
- Respect the substance and the potential consequences of abusing it. Examine my own behavior honestly.

- Have a good awareness of its potential side effects and work to minimize them.

- If a drug can cause physical dependence, do not consume it frequently enough for this to occur.

For me to even consider using something, it must meet a few standards. It has to be legal, reasonably safe, and obtainable in a way that I am confident will not be adulterated. At the moment caffeine, kratom, and dipenhydramine in sedative doses are some of the only drugs that meet them. Kratom is not available to me at this time, and dipenhydramine provides a minor, non-euphoric sense of relaxation that is not worth the drowsiness, so I'm pretty much stuck with caffeine.
In terms of drawing a line, it used to be no glass pipes, no needles. That lasted 10 years, now i guess its just no needles. As mch as im a curious cat, i dont think ill ever go there, if only because needles freak me out in normal medical environmentas.

Besides that, im pretty strict about who i consider a 'trusted' source. Ill take a dirty pill if i know whats in it and decide thats what i want, but i wont do any unknowns.

Thankfully ive been lucky enough to grow up around responsible, intelligent, well connected drug users - first thing they did when i expressed interest is point me to erowid/bluelight/pillreports.
if they have "acid" theyll tell me if its DOI/etc, if they have pills theyll either tell me whats in them (and usually what dose too) or tell me they have none at the moment because its all bunk/etc.

I also wont do anything i havent read up the basic info on. Dose/duration/addiction properties/side effects/adverse reactions/health concens/etc.

That all said, the first night i was exposed to anything besides weed i changed from being against drugs (no reason, just upbringing) to trying them in about 20 minutes :p

- And if i found a bag of misc. pills one night? Well id find out what they were before going nuts, but if i had no other way of finding out - im not gonn kid myself into thinking otherwise - id probably test them on myself with a small bit. But Im pretty confident in my ability to identify anything these days except E, which could contain anything.
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i take adderall for work, prescribed two 20mg Ir's a day, i usually only take 1 pill for every day i work though, 1 half in the mornin 1 half at lunch. working four days a week keeps me with a healthy supply of extras. I believe i have over 80-90 extras sitting around my house now haha. i only ever snort the stuff when under an extreme work load or when going out partyin. ill snort half a pill (10mg) when the night starts and maybe pop another half around midnight, but no later than 1am. i also occasionally snort 1/4 pills when i play World of warcraft when doing group events.

Alcohol? depends. sometimes i drink after work all week some weeks i drink nothing. when i go out to the bar? get wasted. sometimes 12-15 drinks throughout the night, when starting at maybe 7-8pm and ending the night around 2-3 am

MDMA? i only like to get it when its small rocks or crystals. i tend to buy it and hold on to it cause i try to keep it down to two uses a month @ <half a gram each use. i also have a small stock pile of this stuff building up, cause im the sorta person that never passes up a deal. when 3 friends might ask if i can get any ill thro win with them and get mine super cheap and give them the norm price.

LSD? keep it to once-twice a year. sometimes drink on it, but i usually get uncontrolable and bother people around me when i do so if i wanna drink ill just take half a hit.

Ambien i dont take for the feeling, simply to fall asleep. oddly enough i trade my adderall for these. but they come in hand when traveling, sleepless nights, or any other time you need to fall asleep or cant. works great for long car rides AS LONG AS U ARENT THE ONE DRIVING.

Epills? used to untill i discovered molly. ever since i popped these two blue stars, and was fucked up for 15 hours and was super tweaked (i think it was meth) i have not done any nor would i reccomend them to anybody unless they have a test kit
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MDMA? i only like to get it when its small rocks or crystals. i tend to buy it and hold on to it cause i try to keep it down to two uses a month @ <half a gram each use. i also have a small stock pile of this stuff building up, cause im the sorta person that never passes up a deal. when 3 friends might ask if i can get any ill thro win with them and get mine super cheap and give them the norm price.
You may regret MDMA abuse one day.
#1 - Never drive while intoxicated whether it be benzo's or alcohol, I prefer to get rides from people
#2 - Don't be the only one at a party who's obviously tweaked out of his mind (this hasn't happened in awhile which is good)
#3 - Don't blow through my bi-weekly stash in three days...
#4 - Never get caught
No driving when i use anything else besides cannabis/hash, don't drive with anything on me unless i absolutely need it with me.
Don't blow through my stash to quickly.
Only consume/purchase quality drugs.
Don't get caught with anything.
Know exactly what i buy and consume, if i don't know what it is look it up before purchasing/consuming.
Keep harm reduction in mind.
Keep lower doses.
Avoid using regularly and building tolerance. (One can dream)