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Your experiences on COKE

you rock Ghost!!

I didn't like it...at all. The taste was enough for me never to have it again...While other people didn't mind it, I found it absolutely disgusting and I just couldnt handle it.
And the feelings wern't worth it. I think I'll stick to my G, K, and MDMA for the time being
I'll second some of those generally negative impressions. It does depend on your own personality - I used to be a seriously arrogant little yuppie (now I'm perfect :) and have mellowed over the years - coke brings it all back out again in me. E is more 'me' - or the 'me' I am now. Horses for courses - some people really enjoy it, but as always, think of yourself (its seriously addictive if used often) and others (you can act like a real prick on the stuff, while thinking you are wonderful.) Have fun!
'"I love you too.." and other club dribble'
*fuzzy hugs in return*
Please move to the grandstand where the medals for the '700kg Dead Horse Flogging' will be presented..
Hahaha... Yes, to quote the ever amusing PhreeX from Other Drugs on a related topic:
it's kinda cool once yer septum totally dieviates (sp?) .. you should see the look on a girlies face when you're having dinner at her parents house, and you push a noodle up on nostril and pull it out the other! Truely a class-act!
The woods are dark and deep, and you have miles to go before you sleep...
Prices ques: @200 a gram, i gram should do 2 of you quite nicely if you are drinking as well. A gram usually goes down in 5-8 lines for me. Better off buying an eightball for about 600-650.
That comment on hating the taste(i think itt was horse?!?) WHAT THE FUCK Where you thinking?? Snort it you lil bitch!! lol!! Eating is a waste, doesn't do shit, rub it in your gums and your mouth will go numb but dont eat it.
Plus i think if you went to a rave on coke you would have a shocker of a night.... Coke is for drinking and deep house in plush clubs. IMHO.
i think horsey meant the smell in your nostrils + the drip down your throat.

1g usually = 4 lines for my cokefiend friends.
EAT IT?!>?! HAHAHAHA. oh that FULLY cracked me up.
No, its that smeeeeellll.....like chemical dirt....I cant handle it. When it falls to the back of ur throat....YUK! even MD isnt THAT bad...
hey, this must be a thread about coke huh, 'cos everyone's got their dicks out trying to prove who has the biggest

friggin' coke - I'm coming down like a bitch right now and there's no more left...
Quiet small dick! LOL
Well, i have a few comments. Best quality gear is in your southern towns (Melbourne and Sydeny - not fucking Hobart), Price is about 200/g as stated before, other towns maybe 20 bucks more/g for a little less quality (depends on who you know as always).
Coke is the "icing on the cake" drug.