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Your experiences on COKE

im gonna be the odd one out and say, "i DONT like coke."
this is odd coming from someone with an email address like mine, isnt it?

hear me out.
bcos of Australia's geographical location, u will nvr find coke purer than 67%. u're lucky to find 40-50% pure. usually, 20% is all u get. DDs jump on coke sooooo much, to wring it to the max. if someone tells u hes got 99% pure "shithot" coke, u can laugh in his face.
this is regardless of whether u get rocks or powder... coke is jumped on and repressed into rock much more than wizz.
i dont like coke bcos i react to low grade/jumped on/bad coke in a literally physical way. i get migraines. and theres shitloads of these kinds of coke in melbourne.
so i hardly ever bother having it, unless from frens i know for sure only have the highest grade they can find. im also "used" quite often to test their stuff.
seeking that shortlived burst of confidence isnt worth risking a coupla hrs of migraine in my case.
rbb - nice one

BT - awesome links, you are a research animal! How I can keep taking drugs after reading some of these reports amazes me sometimes.
Just a quik Q - are speedballs sold as speed balls, or do u do a home cut? Anyone have any interactions with this?
If i don't get any responses... i may start a new thread... hmmm.
never heard of speedballs being sold as such in oz. (this is my experience! please feel free to prove me wrong!) as far as i know, and concerned, speedballs are only popular with people who love themselves and have tooo much money (rap stars are bigon it i believe), so that doesn't really take in australia
. as BT mentioned in his kickass research, this combo often results in you having the ultimate comedown...death, so as far as i'm concerned its a big fuckoff no no. for the high i imagine you get, yes it would be good, but for the $$$ + risk, you have to be loaded and think your invincable (refer previous ref. to rapstars
...got a place for watching that will paint pictures and colour lights...
[This message has been edited by randomblondeboy (edited 06 June 2001).]
i tried big mr C for my first time two weekends ago. hehe.
i tried it with work mates much older than me who've been doin it for 5+ yrs now, so they know what they r doin. all you sceptics can assume, as i did, that i got decent gear, or as decent as it gets in oz.
for the 1st time it is VERY subtle. i had had mayb 2 drinks beforehand within an hour, not like i was pissed. and i was kinda in a cranky mood because we couldnt get into the goodbar (sydney) coz we didnt have tickets.. derrrrr.
neway i was kinda a little moody, had a fat line of charlie. 10-15 mins later definately notice increased heart-rate, and increased awareness. the main thing i noticed was the mindset. abolutely NO MESSIN AROUND on coke... hehe. if something needs to be done.. you fucking do it. smalltalk is nonexistant.. everyone gets focused on the task/mission. and there was no smiling at all. everyone kinda gets this hardened look on their faces "the cokehead look" hehe.
so we marched back down oxford st to try and get into the goodbar. got denied again.... and we didn't like that one little bit. putting up with dicks on coke.. not good. i can see why you get into a fight easily.
for the 1st time.. dont expect a massive rush, or hit, or nething. it doesnt wallop you like E can.. it doesnt send you running around like speed can. it just kinda.. cokes you over.
will i do it again?? yep.
IN response to the statement that 'nothing is 100% pure:
You're talking about a powder... (?!?!)
Doesnt anyone buy rocks?
The best way to be a little more certain(and I say again a little MORE) that you're getting pure/high grade cocaine is to NOT buy it in powdered form. FUCK bags of shit, I buy it in a small paper wrap up and its a friggin fat lump. What my friends have come to affectionately call a MUMMY ROCK!!!, AND YES it is pure...
(At least you assume it is whe your whole face goes numb and you have to sit 'watch' everything around you for about 70-90mins .)
My advice is (unless you implicitly trust the person you're scoring off),"DO NOT BUY ANYTHING IN AUST' THAT SOMEONE SAYS IS 'COKE' IF ITS A POWDER. IT IS ALMOST INVARIABLY CUT with other stuff."
...and this being a harm minimisation site and all, should recommend that the best way to reduce the amount of 'unwanteds' in your gear is to buy it in its most unproccessed form..
Make your own powder, buy rocks.. they 'rock'.
BE careful, what you've read here about addiction (especially psych.) is all valid. More so than other substances we've encountered... When overseas I have watched a number a friends nearly destroy themselves with this stuff.. so I like to say "I hate to love it".
(RE: Replies below, Its been my experience (here as well as UK), that people rarely re press coke, it HAS happened to me ONCE before but dodgy dealers dont USUALLY bother with the 'devices' to repress their crap, usually because theyre not thinking of repeat business and they've got idiots buying off them who'll pay good money for any sort of shit thats looks like icing sugar in a saddie. I'll concede that yes, its NOT a guarantee but it is another step up the assurance ladder..)
[This message has been edited by #K9# (edited 07 June 2001).]
k and coke...anyone tried it? good, bad, dangerous?
assumptions, facts, heresay i want it all
dont be so reassured when you buy rock. yes, i agree it is the way to go. BUT i have seen devices that can compress powdered coke back into rock form.
Food for thought....
OT - Just as a sidenote: If you want, I can press you a "rock" of pure glucose... all it takes is a little heat and some pressure to push just about any powder into hard lumps. However in this case I'd be giving you toffee rocks instead of anything else I chose to press into a rock, cut or not.

...and to think ive been wondering all this time how they made Minties.
K9, which sentence in previous posts has indicated that powdered coke is the subject of discussion on the issue of coke purity?
thank u for pointing it out
, but MOST BLers would know that anything that comes in a powder would probably have been jumped on.
anyway, i realised u probably mis-read my post. wat i meant was, the quality of coke cannot be judged by the form it comes in. rock doesnt = not jumped on. (and dont even think abt powder). rock doesnt = good/pure/uncut, until u've tried it for yourself.
there is 1 method to use, if u still wonder if your rocks have been jumped on and repressed, and if u have too much time.

go find out how to make crack with your rock coke. this is a simple but tedious process which can take hours. note the amount of rock coke u started out with. and the amount of the end product when u're done, the crack, is an indication of how pure your rock was.
weight of crack divided by weight of coke X 100% = purity in %
have fun.

sorry for all the rambling... im bored.
Love it.
And I don't think there is a come-down off Coke, which is why I love it so much. It just goes away.
I went out to TAS one night on it, and was in bed asleep by 4am (had to work the next day), and woke up feeling damn fine!
I know if I took half a pill, I wouldn't have been asleep by 4am, and I'm quite sure I would have felt like shit at work!
If it was the only drug there was, I wouldn't complain
It's just so farking expensive!!!

And all that ignorance and "cokehead" stuff is all crap. I always have a smile on my face when I'm coking. If you're an arrogant cunt to start with, its just going to aggrevate the matter. Set and surrounding - that's all I have to say...
horsey why would you try K and coke together?
K is for getting mind fucked and messy and sitting around and not doing much at all.
coke is for confidence and to have while you're drinking alcohol and to be sociable and to have sex on.
k shouldn't be taken with alcohol either.
i'm not saying don't do it...i just wonder why you'd consider it?
all you coke worshippers are right - coke is holy - it'll make a hole in your nose, a hole in your wallet and a hole in your soul...enjoy while it lasts
you all mention the expense . . .
just out of curiousity:

a)usually in what quantities would one purchase some
b)what (ballpark) figure would generally be paid?
The greatest love is when your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
-Dalai Lama-
i've tried coke much and am not a big fan....
ingestion... nothing
snorting.... mild and in control (as opposed to my usual wild and out of conrol) snorting coke will wash off your e.... i myself have been jittering and jawobbling and thought ooh yeah a line of coke... then wham - e is gone!
IV.... seriously recommended to try only...
I tried it for the first time this weekend and to be honest didn't find it that amazing. It's effects are really subtle and yes, it does seem to make your pill wear off if you have a line after an E.
Later that afternoon after having some G, we had a couple of lines of coke. No major effects just a kinda air of confidence or "self-assuredness" about yourself (if thats a word). I didn't like coke for the 1st time but I wouldn't mind trying it without anything else, just on it's own. Noticed for us, the effects while on G were quite different to those on E so I'm guessing it would be different again on it's own.
Just a note. if someone tells you their coke is "80% pure" are they speaking shit or is that a realistic assumption.
No particular sentence at all GHOST.
I was merely stating that no one had mentioned rocks yet and that it is a better way of.... actually no im not gonna repeat again what I've just said. Read what wrote again.
But thank you for re stating what I originally wrote, that its NOT a surefire way of obtaining pure coke but its at least the best step to take in that direction, short of freebasing (which you so wonderfully suggested I 'learn' to do), something I've MANAGED SOMEHOW to do very succesfully on quite a number of occasions in the past.
Quality proving to be good on most occasions but extremely BAD on one very memorable weekend in QLD.
-be nice.

In regards to freebasing I'd suggest NOT using anything other than ethyl ether. Experiences to the contrary have been...
in a word.. wrong.!
[This message has been edited by #K9# (edited 11 June 2001).]
yes, D.Dan, i agree that set and setting is essential, as it is with everything you take...but...as you said, arrogant people are pricks on coke, just because it gives you a greater sense of confidence. If someone is egotistical to begin with, that extra burst of "confidence" is enough to turn them into arseholes...it's good that you don't get affected like that when you have coke, but i have seen people that have a classic "cokehead" reaction...arrogant, bastardish...they suck.
K9: hahaha... wats with the thumbs down hostility dude?
u just repeated everything i said too, while being disagreeable.
You're talking about a powder... (?!?!)
no i wasnt just talking about cocaine in powdered form. i meant exactly wat u said later on, only with more emphasis that rock cocaine doesnt mean it hasnt been jumped on. my second post was made bcos your post might have given the impression that rock = guaranteed good. i know thats not wat u mean, but it was just to clarify it.
as for your comment on ethyl ether, i beg to differ. http://www.a1b2c3.com/drugs/coc05.htm
as a fellow BLer, pls be careful

be nice? when m i not nice?
*little fuzzy hugs*

Luko: 80% would be spinning shit i think.