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young people leaving religion (yayyy)

How give me a break. Tell me is there a screen in front of you? Or a phone in front of you? Look at the blossoming trees and look at how vast the Universe is. According to astronomy the is 7 billion stars in just our galaxy. Its called fine tuning. In tell the HG convicts reveals and tugs at your heart to God you're a walking dead person. Oh well that's so not fair? Ok well look I'm telling you now get on the damn band wagon. There's a sin I your life that Jesus demands you stop. Look I was there. I used to be not saved. Creation was in a gray area not colorful if that makes any sense. It's fruitless to minister to ppl who apparently and blatantly just mock God. Not even thankful for the food they eat. All God is doing is allowing you to become fat for the slaughter. Yall need a head check man cuz apparently yall Got God all messed up. My pearls stay w me. I'm just going to allow this fallen world do its thing in hopes you see the truth. Bashing pushes and causes offense. So what else is there? You want me to passively tell you you're alright? Loving you is warning you that the world is falling off the edge into an abyss. My fruits of my labor are in Heaven. At least when I see Him face to face I will be able to come badly to His Throne of Grace.
I'll eat yall alive. Look up you see where the vultures gather, that's where thr carcasses will be also.
How give me a break. Tell me is there a screen in front of you? Or a phone in front of you? Look at the blossoming trees and look at how vast the Universe is. According to astronomy the is 7 billion stars in just our galaxy. Its called fine tuning. In tell the HG convicts reveals and tugs at your heart to God you're a walking dead person. Oh well that's so not fair? Ok well look I'm telling you now get on the damn band wagon. There's a sin I your life that Jesus demands you stop. Look I was there. I used to be not saved. Creation was in a gray area not colorful if that makes any sense. It's fruitless to minister to ppl who apparently and blatantly just mock God. Not even thankful for the food they eat. All God is doing is allowing you to become fat for the slaughter. Yall need a head check man cuz apparently yall Got God all messed up. My pearls stay w me. I'm just going to allow this fallen world do its thing in hopes you see the truth. Bashing pushes and causes offense. So what else is there? You want me to passively tell you you're alright? Loving you is warning you that the world is falling off the edge into an abyss. My fruits of my labor are in Heaven. At least when I see Him face to face I will be able to come badly to His Throne of Grace.

Hmm, has it ever occurred to you that lashings of negativity and threat are not very effective tools of conversion? Most Gods require of their flock both kindness and patience. Therefore, if you wish to embody those qualities and want to help others share your faith and conviction, the best way to do so is probably to smile inwardly with your own knowing, and then use positive insights and gentle direction, not opprobrium.

Also, if you feel that others not sharing your thoughts or opinions undermines your own conviction, then the first place to look for reassurance, faith and security is within. Trying to bash others to conform to your views is a very ineffective form of strength and resolve and will never give you the peace you likely seek <3
I TRIED, it doesn't work. I get bashed. You wanna test. Truly give your life to God then say I will lay my life down 4 you. Cuz death is only the beginning. You got a cotton candy God. He's called the Lion Of Judah and He will rule w a Iron Rod.
Laugh it up. Laugh it up. I will sit on my own throne . While Christ demands you to get on your knees then He will point left. So hot is cold.
I think a modern lifestyle and the idea of divine accountability don't go very well together. Our entire society is built on exploitation, our entertainment is violence and pornography, and all we see in TV is vitriol and hate towards whatever group you don't belong to. None of those things are very "godly".

I think sometimes it's just more convenient to not believe than it is to believe and have to follow a set of moral guidelines.
Go to Iran, Israel, Saudi and you smell the air they breathe. Yall don't even know nor care how good you have it. The are persecuted everyday. W yalls cotton candy God.
Imma a sheep in wolves clothing, read that over again. I murder wolves in sheep's clothing.
As someone who believes in "God" or a Creator, or whatever you want to call it, you're doing our "cause" more harm than good, I assure you.

I was raised somewhat religious, and crap like that is why I left the church. Telling me they have all the answers, God says this and that, and if you don't OBEY, then it's eternal hellfire for you. Some 2000 year old book is The Divine word of God and how I should live my life, yeah, I'm not doing that." Eat my body, and drink my blood, for it will give you everlasting life" are words that are uttered in almost every Christian ceremony before God is symbolically devoured and exsanguinated. It's fucking weird.

I came back to my faith as an adult, after years of being an atheist when I realized that church, religion, and God have nothing to do with each other. I believe that the statistical chances of this universe being fit for life, and having life here, at the rate that it is, are very low. I find it more probable that there was something outside of this universe that had a hand in its creation.

Nothing about my belief in God has anything to do with the way anyone else lives their life. Nothing, Zero, Nada. I believe in treating people the way I would like to be treated. That's it. Until God decides to speak to me directly and tell me that I'm doing something displeasing, I'll continue to try to be the best person I can be.
You gotta stick thru it. Many have fallen away. Sad. They say when the GREAT FALLING AWAY HAPPENS. The man of sin shall be revealed. We need those who will go into the gutters for Christ. At least you left. Being Lukewarm is worse. If you can't lay your life down. Chopped up, decapitated or whatever way you die. Its only the beginning. I'm just conveying the True Alpha And Omega. I'm sorry that it hurts. I love God too much that I'm willing to be martyred.
You gotta stick thru it. Many have fallen away. Sad. They say when the GREAT FALLING AWAY HAPPENS. The man of sin shall be revealed. We need those who will go into the gutters for Christ. At least you left. Being Lukewarm is worse. If you can't lay your life down. Chopped up, decapitated or whatever way you die. Its only the beginning. I'm just conveying the True Alpha And Omega. I'm sorry that it hurts. I love God too much that I'm willing to be martyred.

ever considered that maybe you're a narcissist and this complex you have about going into the gutters for Christ and sitting on thrones and all that bullshit is just part of your narcissism?
Look, for the sake of Christ's Perfect Atonement. Whatever you type I won't read. He's precious to me. Name calling. Look put your own back door. Or at least a window.
Look, for the sake of Christ's Perfect Atonement. Whatever you type I won't read. He's precious to me. Name calling. Look put your own back door. Or at least a window.

Bringing up the possibility that you're a narcissist isn't name calling. But I suspect whatever drugs you are on/claim to be clean from is also partly to blame.
there's not a completely assuring chance these systems will be any better
i have more faith in a system based upon open dialog between all ape tribes, coupled with the latest in scientific understanding, compassion/ empathy, and logic/ reason to give us a code of ethics rather than a system of very old oral traditions that have been through a centuries long game of telephone prior to being written... then changed, changed again, reinterpreted, translated time and time again between cultures and more centuries.

sure, these old myths have value; cultural, even spiritul if you subscribe to the idea that we have a spirit... but i think they make for piss poor codes of ethics.... i think anything has a good chance of being better.
Laugh it up. Laugh it up. I will sit on my own throne . While Christ demands you to get on your knees then He will point left. So hot is cold.
i think it's pretty obvious that any supposed god would be smart enough to not need blind devotion and prostration. any "god" as narcassistic and mean/ nasty/ murdery as you imply ain't no god.