young and skinny, NEED TO GAIN WEIGHT


Jun 15, 2010
hey all,

i'm a young skinny dude, aged 23, and to be honest...

I'm ready to do whatever it takes to gain some weight, I'm at 150 right now and am 6' 0" and would love to gain 15, 20, even 25 lbs.

I'm looking for nutritional advice, as well as other supplements, I want to go hard!!!!

I know I need to take more calories in and up the amount of food i eat, but a supplement is going to be key as 2000 calories barley holds me right now and I was thinking about taking creatine as well, what do you guys think about that?


I appreciate your input
Perhaps post up a typical days diet so others can have a look and what needs to be done.
ok, today so far, 2 meals deep

breakfast, 2 eggs, 2 slices ham, 2 pieces of wheat toast, glass or orange juice

lunch: 2 pieces of grilled chicken, 1 cup of baked beans, 1 cup of coleslaw, 1 oz ghouda cheese, water

typical diet a little under 2000 calories

...not working, jiust maintaining me at 147-150 lbs.
Eat more carbs such as bread, pasta
Eat Red meat
Lots of Soda or Beer(sugar)
I know salt helps you retain water
Eat fast food more than you should
Smoke weed to get more hungry; helps if you do not have a appetite
i have heard bad stuff about it... i do not mess with it.... some people on here that are more into this body building stuff will know more...
Why not try eating right and working out(lifting weights)....instead of jumping straight to chemicals ?
ok, today so far, 2 meals deep

Wake: 30g whey in water

breakfast, 2 eggs, 2 slices ham, 2 pieces of wheat toast, glass or orange juice

lunch: 2 pieces of grilled chicken, 1 cup of baked beans, 1 cup of coleslaw, 1 oz ghouda cheese, water

typical diet a little under 2000 calories

...not working, jiust maintaining me at 147-150 lbs.

Time to start increasing the calories. As soon as you wake up have a protein shake. I'll post up the rest of a diet when i get back later.
Wake: 30g whey in water.
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 3 slices ham, 2 pieces of wheat toast, glass of orange juice or have a bowl of porridge, banana etc.
Mid morning: 30g whey in water, apple and maybe some oatcakes.
lunch: 2 pieces of grilled chicken, 1 cup of coleslaw, mixed salad, 1 oz ghouda cheese.
mid afternoon: Try and have the same as your lunch or a tin of tuna, with cheese, salad, sweet potatoes.
Tea/Dinner: Whatever you usually have. (include some vegetables)
Before bed: 20g whey in milk, tablespoon of peanut butter or some cottage cheese.

That's just a rough outline, not saying it's good but it's better than what your currently doing.

When do you train?
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Stop worrying about supplements and sort your diet out....

2000 calories is nothing you need to EAT MORE CALORIES!! more like 3000 calories if you are getting nowhere on 2000.... 2000 calories is the mainatance daily calories for an average sized woman you need to eat more calories....

Supplements dont make that much difference... they are all marketed to get your money... creatine will make you hold a bit more water and maybe get a rep or two more and thats about it.....

Get your DIET SORTED! eat about 150-200g protein a day, at least 90g fat (from poly and mono with 25% saturated, no trans fats), and however many carbs you feel you need. Persoanlly In your situation I would eat 200g protein, 200g carbs and make the rest of your 2500-3000 calories up from fat.

Just to reiterate 2000 caqlories is NOT ENOUGH at all! Im eating 2000 calories at the moment trying to LOSE weight!! and im only 76kg! When Im trying to gain weight I eat at least 3000calories a day!.

Lots of MEAT, VEGETABLES AND WHOLE FOODS LIKE NUTS SEEDS ETC. eat 3000 calories a day of those things and you will grow loads!

With weights to reps 5-10 heavy weights include squats, pull ups, chin ups, rows, leg press etc.. dont bother with many isolation movements like bicep curls etc.. it wont work...
ok, today so far, 2 meals deep

breakfast, 2 eggs, 2 slices ham, 2 pieces of wheat toast, glass or orange juice

lunch: 2 pieces of grilled chicken, 1 cup of baked beans, 1 cup of coleslaw, 1 oz ghouda cheese, water

typical diet a little under 2000 calories

...not working, jiust maintaining me at 147-150 lbs.

If you do your breakfast and lunch times 2, and add about 2000 calories worth of protein wey shakes in your diet, I guarantee you will add 2-3lbs a week. Have two medium size shakes during the day and one monster shake before you goto sleep. Protein wey is the only supplement that's going to help you put on weight. As others have said, anything else is just good marketing.
Eat more. It literally doesn't matter at this point, you're at a caloric deficit and even lousy calories will help to some extent.
alright guys, thanks for the advice
will do

sometimes i have a hard time keeping my appetite up, do you guys have any tips on making it easier to eat large quantitys of food this way?

anything else anyone else wants to contribute would be great!!!
sometimes i have a hard time keeping my appetite up, do you guys have any tips on making it easier to eat large quantitys of food this way?

Start having shakes then include whey, milk, some olive oil, blended oats.
Drink whey protein and weight gain shakes. Grass helps many of us. There is an OTC herbal product called "black hole" and it is said to spark up an appetite. Some say it works, others claim it's BS. To help meet protein requirements, you can drink whey liquid protein (from IDS). They make 3.4 oz servings of 42 grams of protein. That's about 2 large gulps....not bad for 42g of protein.

You need creatine, carbs, and massive amounts of protein. Like 1-2 grams/lb of body mass.
You aren't that skinny. I'm 6'4 and 175 but I'm actually pretty muscular for my low weight.
Remember to do lots of weight training with sets of 5 x 5. Go to and read the FAQs in the strength and conditioning forum. There is a lot of good infor there.
Supplements are important, don't let anyone fool you. has great deals on everyhing so it's not that expensive.
But you really need to get a lot of amino acids, creatine, arginine, and protein to get any strength/mass gains. Believe me man, eating alone isn't going to build your muscles. You need the calories, but you've gotta get your protein in. I'm so tall that, it's basically impossible to get any substantial gains without supplimenting at least 100-150 grams of protein a day.
hey all,

i'm a young skinny dude, aged 23, and to be honest...

I'm ready to do whatever it takes to gain some weight, I'm at 150 right now and am 6' 0" and would love to gain 15, 20, even 25 lbs.

I'm looking for nutritional advice, as well as other supplements, I want to go hard!!!!

I know I need to take more calories in and up the amount of food i eat, but a supplement is going to be key as 2000 calories barley holds me right now and I was thinking about taking creatine as well, what do you guys think about that?


I appreciate your input

6' and 150, and you think you are skinny?

im 6'1" and 135

chill out
I'm 5'7 155 atm, was 125 last year this time... Takes a while to put on that healthy weight...

I don't know about you, but my metabolism is way to fast... To even think of retaining any weight I had to go HARD like you're thinking. To start off, keep with the eggs and lean meats, but you need to choke it down with a pitcher of milk and whey. I did around 3,500-4,000 calories per day of healthy carbs and proteins (chicken, pasta, rice, roast beef).

About 3 months in I wasn't seeing the right results even with massive eating and a 5-day split... so I cut my cardio by half, gained some more, and decided to give the supplements a try. has three of my favorite supplements:
Green Mag - this is creatine, and while it does provide somewhat fake and easily cut weight, I prefer it and have had positive results as long as I cycle well.
Purple Wraath (Or Purple InTrain) - During workout I would chug this down with 40 oz of water, then 40 oz more of just water. Great workout boost, I love it!
White Flood - Preworkout shake, just make sure you start with 1/4th of the reccommended serving size because this stuff is legit, feels like crack... first time I used it I nearly passed out but was having bestial lifts... Put up about 215lbs on bench while weighing 145lbs.

And of course, gold standard whey. I'd aim for 2x daily mixed with milk and one post workout at the gym.

All made by Creative Labs and I cannot recommend them enough...