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You might be an alcoholic if..

You might be an alcoholic if you only buy booze that comes in 2 litre plastic bottles.
Proper quality alcohol should always be sold in large plastic bottles.
You deny being an alcoholic all the time but you know you're lying to yourself...

Your mother asks if your new friend is 21 and if they're she rolls her eyes.

You use to have a backpack for school but only used it to hide empty bottles.

Your friend and you start drinking in the mall then you go to victoria secrets to spray the perfume on you to cover up the smell of vodka.
cashing in your empties at 10 cents a can at the vendor and being able to afford a 30 pack of beer or more is a frequent occourance. like once monthly or more. upon leaving the beer vendor you know you should be saddened at your drinking but you're to stoked on scoring 36 beers from all those empties to care
you've ever made several trips with a vehicle full of empties to the beer store and back home because you had that much empties to take in
My friends texting me now....

Your friend texts you saying we should move to canada (even though its mainly 19 in most parts right?) because the drinking age is 18 and so we can be the alcoholics we were born to be. And then you reply yeah and go baby I was born this way. Yet the sad thing is you both are joking but still in the end contemplating the idea.
If your hands and legs are covered in scrapes and bruises...

If you've passed out during school...

If you've ever gone to sleep in a forest because your too drunk to get home...

You might be an alcoholic.

If you've ever drove drunk....

Your an asshole.
You're getting liquor bottles out of a bush because you had to hide them there so your mom wouldn't know...

You drink alone on a wednesday night and aren't even having fun but still decide to continue drinking anyways.

Your friend's mother is dropping her off at college but she already was dropped from the class...so she is coming over your house at 10:30am to drink with you. (Hahah doing this tomorrow or should I say later today.)
... after almost three months sober you feel like a drink and it goes fine, so next week you have another three and then on holiday you drink cocktails all day for a week, you think it's all fine and under control...

Then you fly back to Aus have a full day to kill in a City before you catch your domestic flight home, meet up with a friend and one stupid little thing pisses you off so you buy yourself a bottle of vodka and drink it in the park with some random hippies... next thing I remember was siting at the gate with my friend being told that I wasn't allowed on the plane in that state.
We did get free tickets for the next day, no idea how... very foggy memory.

Going to your first AA meeting completely terrified and it makes you cry because you've had the same experiences they're talking about, but still being scared to go again.

...Thinking if you just don't drink for a little bit you're not an alcoholic... then realising you're wrong.
donno if this thread is supposed to be humours, but i guess there is some sort of black humour goin on, which is definitely in place.

...IF you vomit into a sock, in order to filter out the booze that your body could not process the first time, and drink that again because its your last stash.

True story

Going to your first AA meeting completely terrified and it makes you cry because you've had the same experiences they're talking about, but still being scared to go again.

holy shit that was on the spot. EVERY fucking word of it.

all power to you onechance. and me too huh?
... you can think more clearly and talk more coherently with alcohol in your system.

... you drink alone in parks because you don't even have drinking buddies anymore.

... you have to cut short meetings with friends to get some into you because you're shaking so bad.

... Valium won't stop the shakes, and you're not tolerant to Valium.

... you're embarrassed to tell your seriously alcoholic friend how much you're drinking because you don't want him to judge/ worry/ intervene.

... you do regular things like going for a 5k run, classes etc drunk to prove to yourself you can handle it and it's not a problem.

... you go on a 5 day bender where you're permanently drunk and don't know what day it is, and when it's over you realise you have to keep drinking because it hurts to stop.

... you don't know what to do.
you might be an alcoholic if you've ever eaten the insect at the bottom of the Mezcal bottle.
You read a thread on bluelight asking what your favourite thing to do drunk is and sit there thinking about it and come up with nothing because you're in fact always drunk
You continue drinking even whole receiving interferon treatment (hep c Med).
You might be an alcoholic if you only buy booze that comes in 2 litre plastic bottles.
Proper quality alcohol should always be sold in large plastic bottles.

There's a documentary on Youtube that shows all these junkies in Swansea Wales and they're drinking out of 2 liter plastic bottles! It was cider I think, it looked like the typical soda bottles we get here in the US, and it struck me as odd!

We get liquor in 1.75 liter bottles here, but not 2 liters, and it's only hard liquor....and it's always in a weird shape with a handle.....Does hard liquor come in 2 liters in England?

I'm sure there's other links to this documentary on BL, but it's pretty good....here it is again

When you wake up & spew a mixture of bile & blood from your bleeding stomach ulcer. The shaking in your hands only goes away by drinking hard liquor from the bottle & trying to stomach a cigarette without retching up the liquor & the tremors are still there just subdued.
You've been drinking with your friend almost non-stop since friday morning.... (Just stopped drinking less than an hour agoy

You're so drunk you start dancing to yeah by usher and rapping party up in here.... 99 problems and other stupid shit. Then literally listening to jump around by house of pain...and then you hear your bed break. Whoops we were so drunk...

Your mom ends up smelling your cup and going is this vodka I smell and then says "you guys are eighteen and already pathetic drunks...."

LOL... Just another day. Now watching spun cause we drank all our liquor.

Oh yeah another one from today of what my friend and I did:

You go to the mall to go get your work schedule with your friend and then you decide to start drinking after you get your schedule. So you go to dairy queen to get two artic rushes (slushies) then walk to the bathroom and both wait for the chick to leave... Then go to seperate stalls one with vodka and one with captain morgan...then you pour the liquor in the drinks and start walking around the mall sipping alcohol... Even though you totally work at the mall and if you got caught you could of lost your job....

Also you know you're an alcoholic when you take a taxi to your house and the cab driver is playing forgot about dre and having a long ass convo with us and then asks us what we're sipping on.... Then we just drunkenly laugh and we say ummm slushies with some additives and he's like that's what I thought..

Then we ended up drinking more tonight/this morning than we did new years night.

Not trying to be mean or snotty, and these are old posts anyway, but this and most everything from XSTAYFADEDX does not mean you're an alchohlic... just a teenager. But keep up the good work! You are on the right track for a bright future in alcoholism.

You might be an alcoholic if..
...you leave at least 6 empty beer cans in the shower every morning. (I know a guy who does this.)
...not only do you drink at work, but you can't function at work if you DON'T
...you wake up every 2-3 hours and have to take 2 or 3 shots of vodka to fall back to sleep. In the morning, the 5th you had on the nightstand is empty and you take all your change and ride a bike to the liquor store to buy a new one so that you can get your hands to stop shaking. This is your daily routine. (the last 2 were me before heroin cured my alcoholism.)8o