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You might be a tweaker if...

you might be a tweeker if you've seen the shadow kittie

you might be a tweeker if heard someone outside *plotting against you* got your gun and peeped out the window until dawn :sus:

has anyone seen shadow kitty?
fucking kitty..

-KING :sus:
you might be a tweeker if you investigate every single random sound that you hear ALL NIGHT

You might be a tweaker if:

1) You feel like eating is a hassle or waste of time.
2) You check that your light is off in the hallway, even though you just turned it off and know you did, and then go and check two more times.
3) You think someone might be hiding behind the furniture in your bedroom in the middle of the night, and spying on you.
4) You want to write something - anything - you have to write.
5) You wake up feeling like total shit until a pleasant bath while your fix kicks in, then you are singing and dancing (literally).
6) You write what should be a one page paper in five or six pages, while wanting to write even more.
7) You constantly think about amphetamines - hmmm....
8) You have conversations about anything and everything with everyone, and don't mind a bit so long as your mouth keeps running.
9) You want to send a simple message saying "hello" or "thank you", and end up writing about why barbiturates are especially dangerous to mix with other CNS depressants, or on the whole. (You go on wild tangents, that is.)
10) You are constantly pissing - constantly - if you are keeping hydrated.
11) You scrub your hands for not a few seconds, not 10, not 20, but three or four or five minutes, just because they might have deserved a handwash.
12) You think you are always right, always, always, always.
13) You think you are the best person, in every way, in the room, or world, really.
14) You think, if you put your mind to it, you could do whatever anyone else has done.
15) You begin to think everyone is plotting against you, and going to turn you over to the cops.
16) You look at the same thing, examining it, for minutes on end, and for no good reason - you have already seen it.
17) You feel great one minute, and like absolute shit the next.
18) You amaze yourself with your own abilities to do whatever it is you are doing.
19) You make a 19-point list on this thread, when you are really quite drained, and want to go to bed, but just don't.

intention: to post on the "how high are you?" thread
start: posts "just snorted a few lines" at first
finish: last few paragraphs are in depth analysis of the drug policy and stigma, previous paragraphs discuss methamphetamine's popularity due to ease of synthesis and how it effects society, and then the second paragraph was comprised of me describing my surroundings or what I've been doing, and somehow, they all connect, if only by a small detail that I pulled a tangent off of. And then you re-read it and you rage about the amount of errors you made, completely re-write it, and then delete the 71846 words you just wrote because you realize that it serves absolutely no purpose. Or you submit it and read it later, while sober, and have a facepalming session.
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You may be a tweaker if your wife tries to get in the bathroom at 4:30 in the morning but you push the door shut with your feet from the inside because you know she has called the cops. And when she says she hasn't called the cops but if you keep on acting psychotic like this she WILL call the cops..... And the true moment of panic is when you know you have to make the decision to either a) open the door even though you have the fear she has already called the cops or b) you know that your so fucking spun that if you stay in the bathroom holding the door shut she REALLY WILL call the cops...... OMG!

I hate it when that happens...........
you sit and do math homework for 7 fucking hours until your ass is sore and you've slightly pissed your pants, refusing to move, even if you make almost no progress on it. If you write a research paper for school ABOUT adderall, while youre ON adderall. and then when you feel you may have tried too hard when some other fucker in the class writes his paper on different sprinkler systems and gets a higher score than you did. yeah, fuck that sprinkler guy.
You might be a tweaker if...
  • You melt down old candles to make new ones
  • You are driving and told to watch for speed bumps and you're thinking about the lumps in the back of your throat
  • You are reading this thread on your screen, while the other 3 screens are feeds of your back door, front door and your neighbor's house
You might be a tweaker if...
  • you have a tweaker boyfriend
  • you and your tweaker boyfriend get too immersed in each other's projects to really interact much but glad to have the company
  • home cooked food becomes a special treat because, even though you struggle to eat it, you're glad its not liquid breakfast or packet noodles again
  • your tweaker boyfriend realises he was too emersed in watching the video camera footage for people trying to get us that you baked a meal whilst there were loaded firearms hidden in the oven
You know you're a tweeker when...

The, "you know you're a junkie when..." thread has been around since the beginning of time. Since tweekers are famous for the weird things they do, I'm surprised no one ever gave tweekers their own thread. I'm thinking you guys will come up with some good ones.

For starters:
...when you feel compelled to fix that broken wheel on the shopping cart.
...when you never go out because by the time you finish getting ready everything is closed.
...when you know every gas station in your town that sells "sprig" air fresheners. (Or other brands of the ones in the glass tubes.) Also, when you know that the "sprig'" brand name ones use thicker glass than the off brand ones.
...when you have at LEAST one scar from being burned by hot glass.
When you can't find a vein in your arm so your face looks like a good place to shoot up.
im not a tweaker but one thing i consistently have happen when i do get spun is sitting down to play video games for what feels like an hour then when i decide to get up my whole body creaks and hurts and i realize ive been in the same position without moving for 9 hours.
im not a tweaker but one thing i consistently have happen when i do get spun is sitting down to play video games for what feels like an hour then when i decide to get up my whole body creaks and hurts and i realize ive been in the same position without moving for 9 hours.

Holy shit this happens like every time I tweak. Either that or I research a drug for hours on end/
I dont do any speed but know of a few peeps. One of my friends that has bi-polar & was tweaked out of his mind wouldnt come out of his house. So me & his brother in law went over to try to get him out & we got greeted by a shotgun (he didnt fire it) but the same night when we were driving back from eating out & the tweaker was driving behind us (he didnt wanna drive with us) thought someone was following him & he stopped at a stop sign, popped his trunk, pulled out an ax & went to town on a 17 year olds windshield all the while telling his to stop following him.

He went to the psychiatric ward, was fined but luckily no jail time. The tweaker is on disability now...........I like hangin with him & if he can hold down a girlfriend once in a while & hes always smiling, like a happy go lucky guy but man when his attitude changes, I drive away & just say I will call u later.
Lmao. That poor kid was probably reliving that scene from "the shining" where Jack Nicholson chopped the door up
You know you're a tweaker when it takes at least four hours to get anywhere.

The angel lamborghini van is waiting outside.
you might be a tweaker if:

you INSIST on 8 hours of sleep... each and every week

you have more arrests than teeth

You might be a tweaker if you are shooting meth, have to pull the rig out with 20 units left because the shot is so chemically tasting, squirt the 20 units onto a paper towel, then spend the next 4hrs trying to do a rinse on the strip of paper towel that absorbed the shot