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You might be a tweaker if...

^^lucky, i had to crash with only cannabis at my aid.

i need to have a consistent supply of benzos, my meth crashes are starting to annoy me, although this one wasnt bad at all, especially compared to my last one(s)i guess the weed helped the crash quite a bit, or maybe it was the fact that i barely did any meth, just over a point, if i had done it all at once it would have been much more satisfactory, but only the first bump even made me feel good, and the tolerance set in when i tookmy second hit, which was larger than the first bump, yet much less effective. everything after that might as wellhave been caffeine, barely did anything. *sigh* tolerance can be a true bitch at times.you might be a tweeker if you smoke meth before bed.

I'm prescribed 3-4mg of Xanax a day from my psych,and although I do have anxiety probs,I do occasionally use them for other things.I wouldn't touch uppers without them!

Have you tried Promethazine to sleep off the comedown? They're dopamine antagonists and knock you out at the right dose.

You might be a tweaker if you take some Xanax to come down on,and suddenly your body doesn't feel so achey anymore,so you start cleaning some more instead of going to bed :p
I've tried promethazine, with the codeine syrup. It works ok, but I don't think I can get any, as it's not OTC here, and not much syrup gets sold on the street around here ever since the lil wayne fad died down. Only thing that works perfectly for me is a benzo, preferably temazepam, although i'll take anything. nothing else works at all for stim comedowns. DPH makes it worse, alcohol makes me flush like crazy and ultimately makes me feel even shittier, tranquilizers like trazodone and seroquel just make me really physically tired, while the mental stimulation is still up and going, making for an awkward feeling that is pretty uncomfortable, physically and mentally. I guess i could try one of the RC benzos like etizolam...
I've tried promethazine, with the codeine syrup. It works ok, but I don't think I can get any, as it's not OTC here, and not much syrup gets sold on the street around here ever since the lil wayne fad died down. Only thing that works perfectly for me is a benzo, preferably temazepam, although i'll take anything. nothing else works at all for stim comedowns. DPH makes it worse, alcohol makes me flush like crazy and ultimately makes me feel even shittier, tranquilizers like trazodone and seroquel just make me really physically tired, while the mental stimulation is still up and going, making for an awkward feeling that is pretty uncomfortable, physically and mentally. I guess i could try one of the RC benzos like etizolam...

No way! I knew codeine was prescription only in the U.S but promethazine too? That's just mean :sus:

How about a tricyclic antidepressant like amitriptyline? I take that and it knocks me out!
yup. im fine with my weed, it may not put me to sleep, but i feel much better than I would had i not smoked any.
If your son has a secret laboratory in the basement, and he sure ain't no boy genius..
then ya just might be a tweeker
If your neck is stiff from craning it to look thru the peephole all nite...

when your friend actually does have cctv, and you spemd all night watching it up on the big flatscreen, afraid to move and putting off your next shot that youve been trying to mix up for the past three hours because you can't take eyes off screen..

You have an obsession with tweezers and even a favorite pair(all you pickers now what I mean)..
If you walk around holding ur chin , cus you don't want anyone to see you grinding your mouth ~ LOL
If your parents think you are a bad kid in every sense except for the fact that you love to clean your room.
I haven't read the whole thread, so if this had been said, fuck it.

You might be a tweaker if....

....On day four or five, standing at your front door with a gun next to you, steadily staring out the peephole, thinking the feds are going to kick your door in at any minute.

That shit fucking sucks.
You might be a tweaker if,

Every car from dusk till dawn is a cop

You're smoking in public, and every person in the distance is a cop

You're smoking in your bedroom and every squeek is your mom busting through your door

You MUST be a tweaker if,

You go so many times that you literally run out of semen

You think it would be sexy to piss in a jar and drink it (true story from an ex tweaker bud)
If your parents wonder what's wrong when you're quiet and sitting in one place. True story.
If you think a swat team would wait outside your room for hours just to fuck with you.
If your name is ZNegative, but you know deep down inside you're ZPositive. And you KNOW I know.
Epic thread relevant to my current situation.

Lol.The sister thing. Well once my sister arrived at my home, was out with some of my friends, i was already 1 day in to an epic jerk session. She fucking comes in, insists there is nowhere else to sleep. I fought and complained but honestly that bitch barely got away. And unlike that other scary dude,this is not normal behavior. This is the only truly scary honest thought ive had on meth.
Now i need to fix my damaged spacebar which i just spilt cooking oil on (tweekers improvise yo), and ill post more.
Your sick so your nose is stopped up, and when you blow it you eat your snot because you know there is meth in there.