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You Might Be A Junkie If... v. Oops, I nodded with the needle still in.

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Too bad those conversion factors are incorrect due to stingy dealers.

You might be a junkie if
...you live in the US but understand the metric system (cause lets face it, Americans who understand grams to ounces, etc, are most often into drugs lol) ...

...you have phone numbers in your phone under "names" such as "dude" cause it's someone u met n cop from but you don't have the slightest clue what his name is...

Both so true

If dope runs your life and you do lots of heroin
You've been sober for 4 years, and while reading this thread instead of thinking thank god that's not my life youre thinking man I miss that shit
You've been sober for 4 years, and while reading this thread instead of thinking thank god that's not my life youre thinking man I miss that shit

Hey, now.. FUCK THAT! It might seem like you miss it, but really.. deep down inside, you know you fuckin' hate it.
There ain't one heroin addict in this world who misses being sick & in withdrawal. FUCK, THAT!!

Don't go fuckin' up your sobriety because of BL. Seriously. Stay clean, girl.

Yeah it's a complicated relationship we have with dope at times. It's very much a love hate relationship.
you gave up dope but while shaking in the rain decide you NEED some kratom, and then duck into a starbucks and find yourself asking for a "bottle of water and spoon" at least i dont still need the toilet key 8(
does it have to be on a computer?
Nope, you can DL it on ya phone pimp.
OT: You might be a junkie if you spend an hour in the shower trying to fucking hit a vein with an already bloody syringe, not worrying about washing till it's there. Too many times with coke I'd be so geeked I'd go prep a huge shot or 2, get in, and try to hit. I usually (50% ) of the time always miss my last shot coke. Fuck. Can't wait to mix a nice shot of white with Midazolam. Should be.. Badass? Never tried it, but I'm going for it, wish me luck.
I'm very good at hitting, yet after a few shots of girl I'm not.. I shake I guess or am just not on point, which is odd.. CHUUUUU-CHUUUUUUUUUU!
you have a piece of heroin that'll get you beyond well into nicely high, sitting on your desk waiting for tomorrow morning. You're laying in bed, sleepy. You could totally just close your eyes and sleep right now - but instead you get up and go do the piece you were saving for the morning, leaving yourself with nothing for tomorrow.

"I'm feeling good yes I'm feeling oh so fine.. until tomorrow but that's just some other time". - Lou Reed

Now I"ll have to get up and go cop sick... but I just couldn't resist.
Nope, you can DL it on ya phone pimp.
OT: You might be a junkie if you spend an hour in the shower trying to fucking hit a vein with an already bloody syringe, not worrying about washing till it's there. Too many times with coke I'd be so geeked I'd go prep a huge shot or 2, get in, and try to hit. I usually (50% ) of the time always miss my last shot coke. Fuck. Can't wait to mix a nice shot of white with Midazolam. Should be.. Badass? Never tried it, but I'm going for it, wish me luck.
I'm very good at hitting, yet after a few shots of girl I'm not.. I shake I guess or am just not on point, which is odd.. CHUUUUU-CHUUUUUUUUUU!

Im in the bathroom an hour nodded out on the floor lol very comfortable place for me to get high.
is midalozam iviable??
Great allure to try coke iv but I dont do coke at all.
levsamol content freaks me out, not to metnion most is stepped on to shit especially in boise idaho lol
^ It's water soluble and I snorted the tabs we get here many times with GREAT SUCCESS. So yeah, but ur gonna need one heck of a filter cos there is some nasty stuff in those tabs (which I don't think u guys get).
You might be a junkie if you've ever decided to hide drugs or paraphernalia in your ass/ass crack so cops/C.O.'s wouldn't find it.
You might be a junkie if you're shooting up and a cop pulls up and gets out, but instead of trying to hide the syringe and your arm, you just shoot faster, even if you're missing the shot, hoping that you can do it all fast enough and hide everything quickly before the cop notices anything (This actually was what a friend of mine did once when a cop pulled up behind his car then got out and walked up to him. He actually WAS fast enough though and got off :p).
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if you discard a rig in a parking lot only to realize the NEXT DAY you didnt have another one. go back and use the rig thats been sitting in a puddle of mud and cig butts.

youd think watching someone do that would deter you from shooting, but, hey. here i am.
^^ A friend and I had just bought a crack rock when a cop pulled up behind us. I said "the cops are about to pull us over" and as they flip the lights he throws the rock on the coke can and starts hitting it. I had to drive for a quick minute so he could finish. He then crushes the can and throws it on the floor. The cops got out and were frantically tossing the car. They kept saying to each other "I can smell it. I can smell it" and were becoming increasingly agitated because they were coming up empty. Needless to say there was nothing to find. I find it funny that his first instinct was to start smoking the crack in the car while the cops had the lights on us but with my heroin history I guess I can understand because I wouldn't have wasted that dope.
if you discard a rig in a parking lot only to realize the NEXT DAY you didnt have another one. go back and use the rig thats been sitting in a puddle of mud and cig butts.

youd think watching someone do that would deter you from shooting, but, hey. here i am.

Could be worse.... I have seen a lot of people pick up random rigs off the floor of a pop spot.
You might be a junkie of you flooded your whole bathroom floor with the water you left running from the taps , while trying to piss then nodded off...and when you came to all you could comprehend was your boyfriend screaming at you that there were mass amounts of water on the floor and you need to somehow attempt to clear the water but youre so fucked you dont even care.
Hey, now.. FUCK THAT! It might seem like you miss it, but really.. deep down inside, you know you fuckin' hate it.
There ain't one heroin addict in this world who misses being sick & in withdrawal. FUCK, THAT!!

Don't go fuckin' up your sobriety because of BL. Seriously. Stay clean, girl.
I know that you're right and I don't miss being sick or worried about getting sick. I'm just having a hard time right now and my mind is playing tricks on me. Remembering the good forgetting the reality
ponygirl, if it helps I was sober for a while, got off methadone and my mind started playing tricks too. started thinking about how good the high would feel. I've been using again for four months. It wasn't worth it. If I could go do it over I just would've stayed sober. I won't lie to you - the first two weeks were fun. But now I'm trapped again, you know? Would like to quit, don't want to go back on methadone, don't want to kick cold turkey, want to taper but keep saying "tomorrow".

The few nice highs you'll have if you do it again are not worth the huge load of BS that comes with it. And of course your mind will say "well I know what she's saying but I'll just use a little, not enough days in a row to get a habit again". honey, that's what I told myself too. Yet here I am.

just stay away. find something else - ANYthing else - to give yourself pleasure and happiness. don't go back to h - she's a bad lover best kept in the past.
If you shoot up somebody's shot with some of their blood in it (couldn't register themselves, so he asked if I wanted it) just to stay high/well. At least he was one of my good friends and I knew he was obsessive about not sharing rigs and IV hygiene, as well as that shit I knew his blood was clean, but still that's fucking-disgusting-desperate dopesickness and I still remember how it feels- cold and clammy... ugh.
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