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You Might Be A Junkie If... v. Oops, I nodded with the needle still in.

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Yeah, if you're cross eyed and seeing double, that's a sign that your close! Don't run to the bedroom and go to sleep, make sure you're at least close to someone who will be able to see you if anything happens...

Yeah man you're walking a thin line.

Thats really sad man, I hope it was hypothetical example but if not...well I hope this years better.

Thankfully that wasn't about me. It was in reference to an old using buddy of mine I had recently talked to, but there's a lot of people that can say shit like that unfortunately. It's rough out there.
Yeah, if you're cross eyed and seeing double, that's a sign that your close! Don't run to the bedroom and go to sleep, make sure you're at least close to someone who will be able to see you if anything happens...

Yeah the last time I did dope (well dope, xanax, and alcohol...yeah I know that was very stupid) this happened and I laid on the bathroom floor for a very long time after non stop throwing up. I then got into bed with my friend and she was watching movies... I fell asleep next to her, but she was so fucked up I ended up waking up and having to tell her she was burning the blanket with her cigarette that was basically all ash.

-You go through a ton of cigarettes, but you barely even got the chance to smoke any (even though this has been said before I'm sure)
Like bitch don't ask for my newports if you're going to just forget about it.... then you can forget I even have cigarettes.

Hah yup.

*Does a fat shot. Lights a cigarette* *Takes one drag---->Boom. Out cold* an hour later "Fuck!" No cigarette and a huge burn hole in your shirt.

^ lol glad i don't smoke.

U might be a junky if u love strong opiates above pretty much anything(except guns for some reason) and prefer em to sex.

Fked up.
my favorite thread on BL :)

you might be a heroin connoisseur if your banned from everyy local pawn shop and have to break your buddy off some so hell pawn your shit for you.

you might be a junky if you have your parents buy your girlfriend a Christmas gift and then you take said gift back and return it for dope money.

you might be a opiate feind if your income tax check last less than a 3 days.

you might be a junk ball if you totaled your car by going up a curb and 10 yards further after that to smash into a telephone pole and you didnt wake up till you hit the pole.

you might be a tiny puiled sleepy man if your sick as a dog but dont want to take subs yet incase someone hits you up or you find some other way to get cash to score.

you might be a smack head if your down to one outfit because you took all your other cloths to 2ed hand stores for the very little money they give you so you can get high.

you might be a opiophile if you trade your only tv for 5 bags and your not even sick just fending. you then proceed to shoot all 5 bags that day and wake up sick as fuck in the morning.

you might be a junky if youve ever payed a dealer in half dollars, 2 droller bills, gold dollars, or any other rare/unusual currency you found in your parents safe.

you might be a junky if everyone at the payday loan place knows you by your nickname

you might be a junky if your down to your last bag and have no money but your feinding so you do it anyway KNOWING your ganna wake up very sick and have to do some shaddy shit while sick to get money.

you might be a junky if your non using dealer cant pay rent,pay his car payment, or even get groceries. because your getting clean or going to a different dealer.
If... at this moment, you are craving it and waiting till you can get high.

If you laugh to yourself at people who say they are "too sick" from a cold to do anything.

If the majority of your texts are from dealers.

If every penny you earn goes towards your habit.

If your veins are fucked, your arms have dodgy lumps and bumps.
When you can't see straight enough to dose up again, no matter how you try. lol
Atta boy! I'll see you in nodsville tomorrow. xD

Hey, I never said a large dose! Just enough to wake up, get back on track, call an ambo if needed! :]
But, like I said, I don't advise it to others, only myself!

You been gettin down?
Btw.. what's aim?
OT when your to broke to afford your methadone dose tomorrow..
You been gettin down?
Btw.. what's aim?
OT when your to broke to afford your methadone dose tomorrow..
Instant messager.. Like AOL (If anyone still uses that 90's shit xD)
Been getting down for a few days, few days tar, week of heavy Benzos.
If you have a difficult time maintaining a stash - It floods out as fast as it floods in.
Nodding out in front of the toilet while trying to pee is a common occurrence.
If you have a difficult time maintaining a stash - It floods out as fast as it floods in.

Word up I get what is probably dangerously high when I cop grams.
think im finally hittin the deep end of an addiction unfortunately.

QUOTE=ykm420;12184065]Instant messager.. Like AOL (If any one still uses that 90's shit xD)
Been getting down for a few days, few days tar, week of heavy Benzos.[/QUOTE]

I feel you on the day binges been getting a couple days off with Prometh, xanax, and about to throw gabatin into the choices.
And I dont have it, does it have to be on a computer?
Last week I copped in a apartment parking lot right next to a bathroom and my friend was such a hot mess that he couldn't wait and wanted to use his saliva. I have seen him do this before but I was able to get him to hold off for the minute it took me to get him water. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. This is disgusting and can't even be near efficient. When I saw him do it before it didn't even seem to mix and he was injecting this bubbly frothy mess. I guess this is some hardcore junky shit.
I had a friend heat up some snow on the dashboard of the car cause he too couldn't wait to get water...

You might be a junkie if
...you live in the US but understand the metric system (cause lets face it, Americans who understand grams to ounces, etc, are most often into drugs lol) ...

...you have phone numbers in your phone under "names" such as "dude" cause it's someone u met n cop from but you don't have the slightest clue what his name is...
you live in the US but understand the metric system (cause lets face it, Americans who understand grams to ounces, etc, are most often into drugs lol)
LOL this reminds me of one time in my chem class my chem professor was going over some basic measurement conversions and this guys says an ounce has about 28 grams . The professor asks him how he just knew it like that and he says something like; "I just do just like I know there are 14 grams in 1/2 and ounce and 7 grams in a 1/4 ounce. It went back and forth for like 5-10 minutes and half the class was laughing; don't think our professor got it.
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