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You know you're an Etard when...

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When you look like this eyes are like this O.O x90374587 and looks like your eyes are about to fall out of their sockets. Happened to my roommate the first time he rolled, he looked really scary and funny looking.

When you try to text/call but end up staring at the backlight for about 1 min before realizing why you took out your phone.

When you get hardcore chills and urges to roll again after listening to a few techno songs and watching rave videos.
The one about being etarded for 4 days after a roll had me laughing because its true...lol. And I sewed myself a comforter and pillowcases in 5 different neon furs while rolling for 3 days once...
Your kitchen light flickers before it starts and you do a little dance in the 'strobe' effect
when you decide to go for a run and wake up in the middle of a chick fila parking lot a couple of miles from your house in nothing but your boxers at 5 am
When you go into a club with a pack of cigs, 50$, and some big league chew..and come out with nothing but enough change for a dollar and a bunch of glowsticks you groundscored.

when you drop your bag of molly in the middle of a dancing crowd and do some epic awkward dive to save it. You end up breaking your pinky in the process. but its all good cause you got your molly.

when you run through fields of tents at a fest at 4 a.m. screaming "WAKE UP AND RAGEE" and the top of your lungs. (very crazy night lol)
I wouldn't say E-tard but kinda lost it after raving/rolling
1. You go to sleep after just partying thinking about the next rave in 3 weeks
2. You tell your stuffed animals while rolling that you wish they could roll
3. You actually try making them swallow/plug one
4. As you walk around your house rolling/after partying , you notice that the thing in the mirror looks like a mess (Everytime)
5. You roll occasionally while playing videogames telling your friends that you do better when your rolling like the alcoholic who thinks he can drive while drunk (So guilty)
6. You think it's neat to find the fuzziest, brightest things at friends' houses so if you ever there rolling, you know what to hug
7. Your there but you have to go on that search again
8. You think that during rolling "I can do anything that I had already covinced myself I could"
I can add two very real incidents to this thread...

When you're rolling so hard that your friend comes up to you, your eyes are wiggling all over the place, she says something about water and you tell her she doesn't meet the system requirements...

When you not only bite through a glowstick but don't notice the nasty crap in your mouth until someone points it out a few minutes later that you're dripping glowstick juice from your mouth.

Oh and one more... When you're spinning poi for the first time and you rack yourself with the poi chains so hard you hear everyone around you make unpleasant sounds and just keep going - then 6 hours later when you're done eating your beans for the night you start asking people wtf happened to your balls...

Oh forgot about this one... When you're staring at the wall for a few hours when coming down and your friend asks you what you're doing and you reply "I'm playing Tetris, don't you see?! I mean, I don't know how you could miss that big of a screen - no more pills for you hun!"
When chillin at the end of a bounce with friends and you all get such a thrill out of the balloons you've blown up and glued together in the shape of the MDMA MOLECULE,
it was fun,:):)
...when you yak and wish you could do it again because it felt reallyfuckinggood.

...when your brain can't process/remember what's going on as shit is happening, anyone else have that happen to em?? I think its called the infamous 'edreaming' man i thought i kept blacking out and my frnds were just like,

"naw man you were fine..every now and then you'd blurt out shit that didn't make sense"
...when you yak and wish you could do it again because it felt reallyfuckinggood.

...when your brain can't process/remember what's going on as shit is happening, anyone else have that happen to em?? I think its called the infamous 'edreaming' man i thought i kept blacking out and my frnds were just like,

"naw man you were fine..every now and then you'd blurt out shit that didn't make sense"

On number one - totally feel ya.

On number two - see my post in this thread where I told my friend she didn't meet the system requirements. LMAO.
...when your brain can't process/remember what's going on as shit is happening, anyone else have that happen to em?? I think its called the infamous 'edreaming' man i thought i kept blacking out and my frnds were just like,

"naw man you were fine..every now and then you'd blurt out shit that didn't make sense"

LOLOL totally can relate.
You know your an e-tard when.....

you stick a whole-pressed pill (no water/turkey baster) in your bum and tell all of your friends how high you got from it.
When you see advertisements like eHarmony, eDiet, and eSeeds and can't stop laughing.
When you save huge wads of gum after a night of rolling. (don't ask)
When you can't listen to Benny Benassi - I Am Not Drunk because the "firetruck having a seizure" noise scared the hell out of you and your friend at a party while you were both rolling hard.
When your mom asks you why you've been so quiet lately.
When you decide your friendly cat is your best friend when you roll. (Cats seem like they're always rolling! Their pupils are huge and they rub against people..)
When you have light cigarette burns on your hands. I used to lightly put a cig on my hand when I was rolling cause it feels so weird, but I don't recommend it because it's obviously a stupid thing to do and can hurt later on.
Random E-tard moments

We've all had em, just random ass thoughts you kno you'd normally not think or share...post em up!!!

1. My friend has popped so many pills...if I bite him will it be like that cinnamon toast commercial??? :p

2. If I tried to broadcast X through tv and radio waves would the FCC ban me for eXplicit content?????

3. X is like my eX I love her when she's around but as soon as she leaves I hate the bitch

4. Saw resident evil in 3D rollin.... dont remember much but it was in 3D!!!

5. If Obama did X and held large and small events would I get to stay in the white house??? %)
-When you go to buy a pack of smokes at 6:30 in the morning and the clerk has to count the change.
-When you meet some random strangers outside an after hours club and end up back at one of their places for an after party.
-When you and everyone else at the after party walk half way across town to get hooked up.

Oh I forgot a couple...

-When you purposely hide pills in your room knowing you'll forget where you put them. Then, when you clean your room you find some nice surprises! Seriously, its like christmas all over:D=D
-When you don't even bother going out because you can't get any pills.
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- When you eat 4g of molly in less than a week
- When you do this after not having rolled for more than 2 years
- When you subsequently bitch about the serotonin shocks that follow for days

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