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You know you're an Etard when...

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muntedmunter said:
Australia... :)

lol im in NZ and we have a lot of bad pills.........................

okay now......moving to Australia doesnt sound too hard...
Your an etard went you feel like your brain is empty a few days after a hard roll
Your wardrobe changes from street hood to pimp sports coats, pink and purple plush boas, KandE, and a bink :)

Your face breaks out in a thousand pimples from being completely covered in Vicks for hours on end %)

You buy a hot dog only to realize that you don't want to eat it, then carry it around with you all night because you know that you will want it later, and then end up gripping it too hard and making it explode, covering yourself in ketchup and mustard and god knows what else, and then licking all that shit off!
you call people you buy pills off "friends" when most of the time you only see them either when you are on pills or when you are buying pills
^ I actually hadn't realised that at all!
You have to add: talking about pills.

when you go to a party and got so loved up that nobody at that party has talked to you since.
You Know You An E-tard When...

two of your best friends are people you only started liking about two weeks ago when you all somehow got cained and ended up in your house cained for 15 hours straight ;)

and whats more it seems you have known them for your whole life haha

oh yerr and when you can honestly say one of the funnest things you have ever done was sit and stare at a flashing light on the dashboard of a car for five hours haaha
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Ever get in the washing machine?

You know, just stand there?

Turn it on the rinse cycle.

And fucking dance in that washing machine.

I have.

Aftersnorting 3 pills
you swear you smell it for the next two weeks

you buy a ten dollar jar of vix, three packs of the best tasting gum you can find and like ten glow sticks and in the morning they are all no where to be found

you see tracers for the next month

your screeen name on bluelight is

haha buying a bag of sour patch kid gummies
and then only being able to suck on one the whole night with
bug eyes and raised eyebrows looking like you might cry hahaha
those fuckers are SOUR
for sure :D

oh and meeting like twelve new people that are now your best friends and you make a
ton of plans for the next time you guys roll again
even though you know you will never see them again haha
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When you by yourself and you hear some really nice song that you;ve heard at some rave and you start dancing... ever done it?lol
When you car is packed with bottles of water
When you wake up in the morning all excited and know you going to roll tonight walking all day thinking about it
When you buy pills for the future rave and try em on your way home with your friends just to see how they are
When you "accidentally" take more pills with you just in case someone needs them and end up eating them all
When all of your good stories include using X in it
When you meet a girl while peaking and think she's so beautiful, then when peak is over you realize that she's not as good as was before lol
When you start telling your life stories to people you've just met
When you forget what those stories you telling are about and ask people what were you talking about
When you listening to music and fast forward to the best moment of the song and then after it's over change the song
When you get pissed off when people tell you bullshit about X, that it makes holes in your brain, etc
When the next day after u roll, walking on the street u suddenly realize that everything sucks, and your mood goes down you know that it's just in your brain but can't do anything...
When you come home from a rave in the morning and listen to music in your car, one song after another...
When you think it's ok to continue dancing on the street on your way to your car, or in a parking lot at the gas station
When you think why X is bad, and you wish it would make you smarter and improve your health lol
When you think it's a great idea to drop a pill of MDA and go snowboarding(also dirt biking or water park:) RECOMMENDED
I can go on and on sorry if it is too long lol
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Did someone say KY Jelly?

You know you're an E-Tard when... a great Friday night is staying home with your wife, some good techno, a binky, Vics rub and inhaler, glow sticks, and two bottles of KY Jelly<3

Your daily vitamin suplement consists of 5-HTP, Vitiman C, Magnesium, and Mellitonan is added at night:)

While on the computer zoning out your wife is watching TV and catches you dancing to the beat of the comercials. (It was embarassing):(

You're checking out of the hotel the day after a massive, and as you're waiting for the evalvator you see a complete stranger and noticew he might be having a bad day. Upon drawing to this conclusion you think the only logical thing to do in this situation would obviouly be to offer the stranger an unsolicited hug and your last piece of 5 sences chewing gum. Plur Mother Fuckers!!!8o

When giving light shows someone suggests that you should cut the glow stick open to get to the glowing stuff inside, and you aggree with the idea because you know for a fact how much fun it would be to poor the stuff all over your bodies.8)

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- When you meet someone called Mandy/Molly you cant take em seriously and immediately think of e
- When someone uses the word ecstatic or ecstasy in normal language u laugh
- When youve had dreams with pills in it. I woke up and thought fuck im a bit obsessed
- When you stock up on mandy or pills in case of a dry period
- When you come to this website to discuss ecstasy with total strangers
- When you meet someone called Mandy/Molly you cant take em seriously and immediately think of e
I have a friend named Molly who always bitches about how many E jokes get made to her.
"Damn, I'd like a hit of that Molly."
"Molly, lemme get some molly."
They continue on.
I still can't help but laugh on the inside about it though.
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