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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Xanax - Theraputic Question

For the stress at job ATARAX : (HYDROXYZINE) (do not confund wit XANAX) was prefect for me (take 50mg / 100mg when stress sensation occurs you can even start with 25mg)) it is a fast acting product : 20min) (HYDROXYZINE) --> ask your doctor I'm sure he will go in this direction for you

Your mental will be always on top for your work (not the same with benzo... (I know what I'm talking about, I even almost lost a job due to benzo and I had switched to Atarax : IT WAS PERFECT !, with bezo you loos your memory if you have an intelectual job, just forget...)

And finaly there is no addiction with HYDROXYZINE, that's also a very good point

In genaral for ponctual job stress , benzo are not recommended

Benzo are very nice for long time GAD / SAD (that's nothing to do with stress at job)

At the start of the threatment you will just feel a bit tired (like all ANTIHISTAMINIC products in general), but after one week it should be OK


Very good advice!!!
^^Yup, another bit of great advice, benzofan. Thanks for taking the tame to respond. I will take note and discuss with the doc at my next appointment. I'm actually psyched to hear that there is a non-addictive product out there for anxiety.

My job is quite stressful (I deal with a government entity <not law enforcement, lol> on a daily basis) and I really need to be able to focus and concentrate. My doctor and I aren't sure whether the anxiety is causing the lack of focus or the lack of focus is causing the anxiety..they sort of run into each other if you know what I mean.
Is this something You've overheard while eavesdropping on Your friends or doctors? In my history i have used Xanax for almost 10 years and I can go cold turkey without any serious problems - no PAWS, seizures, epileptic attacks etc. etc.

Lyrica is NOT safer than benzodiazepines. It has HORRIBLE and sometimes irreversible side effects. Sure, You may not find that info on pfizer's homepage - but get some real life experience of that utter bullshit first. I would rather recommend morphine-sulphate for anxiety than Lyrica.

Pregabalin is so chemically addicitive that the withdrawal from benzo, opiates and food together is nothing. Sure, it's indivdual but try use Lyrica 3 times per day, highest dose for about 4 years and compare that to the equivalent use of Xanax and make a judgement for Yourself.

Lyrica is some of the worst drugs You could ever imagine, it's not a "miracle medicine" - it just has a potent effect BUT a hundred times worse SIDE-effect. Stop advertising that poision, it's like recommending IV-heroin over smoking in order to avoid lung cancer.

My advice - don't touch that shit if You don't need it for nerve pain. Xanax is addictive but it is like sugar compared to Lyrica, most psychiatrist I've talked to agree to this fully. Try it out for a couple of years and then try to quit before sweet talking it.

Its not something I overheard. Read what I wrote. I'm PRESCRIBED it! I have been for many years and I've gone cold turkey after 9 months on it with no withdrawals. My doctor didn't even think to wean me off 450mg/daily. I figure some people may have experienced some, not me. I'm in the opposite boat, I'm trying to get off benzodiazepines and am going through a mini hell with that. Lyrica was nothing when going off. I went back on mostly to combat the anxiety that the tapering of benzodiazepines were causing. That, and at first I never realized how well it worked for my social anxiety that I decided to go back on it.

Everybody is different and how they react to chemicals but the general rule is that it is safer than benzodiazepines (due to how the two drugs effect the brain.)
I would say that you will quickly get a tolerance to .25mg Xanax, and it won't knock you out as much. Just give it alittle time, and if it still just knocks you out switch to maybe Klonopin, which is weaker in intensity but lasts longer.
I am currently prescribed klonopin and Dexedrine, and for me this combo is VERY effective. The klonopin keeps my anxiety down while the Dexedrine keeps me awake, alert and functional. Now I have heard that for some ppl these drugs cancel each other out since one is an upper and one is a downer, however for me it puts me in exactly the state I need to be in to be productive.

You may want to consider talking to your psychiatrist about trying a lose dose of an ADD/ADHD medication (like Dexedrine or Adderall) in addition to the Xanax.

Another possibility is to try the anti-depressant Wellbutrin in addition to the Xanax. Wellbutrin often causes increased energy. I hope this helps and good luck!
Yes, it might as well make matters worse due to it noradrenaline re-uptake blockade. SNRIs are well known to cause more anxiety due to this... Wellbutrin is just too broad if you wanna be on an anti-depressant for anxiety.

Plus, no anti-depressant can be taken on an as needed basis... Takes way too long to be effective for his reasons.