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Xanax - Theraputic Question


May 16, 2010
Hi Everyone,

I did a search on this topic and couldn't quite find the information for which I am looking. I am prescribed .25 mg of Xanax for panic attacks (as needed). Unfortunately all it does is make me fall asleep. I suppose that works, but this is far from ideal as I have a full time job and need to stay awake.

I keep telling my doctor this (GP) and he says Xanax is the best drug for panic attacks. I recently started seeing a psychiatrist and would like to bring this up at my next visit. Has anyone been in similar situation, and if so what were you prescribed as an alternative? I am looking to try something that doesn't have such a sedative effect but will be effective when I need it and would like to go into my next appointment with somewhat of an education so as to make the session as productive as possible.

Just a note, I have not and do not have any desire to use Benzos for recreational purposes.

You must not have a very active job I assume.

I would say look into Lyrica. It will calm you and make you more productive too.

There is still some sort of sedation to be felt but, I don't think it is as much as Xanax or any benzo for that matter.
Well, alprazolam is actually the best benzo for panic attacks, as it kicks in almost immediately, making it ideal. I'm surprised that just 0.25mg makes you so sedated, that's a very small dose. However the less you need the better. Have you ever tried cutting your dose in half?

Klonopin is also prescribed for preventing panic attacks by just taking it once in the morning. It lasts up to 8 hours (roughly). However you don't want to be taking it everyday. The one flaw is that it takes about 30-45 minutes to kick in. Clonazepam can also be sedating though so you may want to ask for a small dose first & and see how it works. Maybe 0.25mg which is equivalent to the dose of alprazolam that you take. Possibly at the equivalent dose it won't be as sedating for you.

Also as Psychedelic Jay mentioned, Lyrica may be something you want to ask for. It takes a while to kick in but lasts pretty long. I take it daily in replace of benzodiazepines.
I'm sorry not to mention that Lyrica can be quite expensive with out insurance.

I would lean more toward Lorazepam for this purpose if you are still to sedated from clonazepam. If you still fall asleep, I still recommend Lyrica. It's just as effective and safer than benzos for treating long term anxiety.
Withdrawals from Lyrica are also quite mild. NOTHING near the withdrawals that benzodiazepines produce. This is because it doesn't directly effect the GABA-A receptor, it simply mimics the effects of the GABA-A receptor. I went cold turkey once and suffered nearly no withdrawals. Lyrica is more effective though when taking daily but is much less sedating.
Withdrawals from Lyrica are also quite mild. NOTHING near the withdrawals that benzodiazepines produce. This is because it doesn't directly effect the GABA-A receptor, it simply mimics the effects of the GABA-A receptor. I went cold turkey once and suffered nearly no withdrawals. Lyrica is more effective though when taking daily but is much less sedating.

Yeah that's right.

Let me ask you a question.

Does you memory get shot while on it like countless of others say?
Also, do you have horrible recall?

I find that I remember important things, but forget little stuff like catching a new episode on T.V., or something along those lines.

It's better than benzos memory loss though.
Yeah that's right.

Let me ask you a question.

Does you memory get shot while on it like countless of others say?
Also, do you have horrible recall?

I find that I remember important things, but forget little stuff like catching a new episode on T.V., or something along those lines.

It's better than benzos memory loss though.

If I abuse Lyrica in high doses, yes it can cause some memory loss but not near the amnesiac effects that benzos produce in high doses. I can still recall things that happened during the high with exception of small things. The effects I mostly experience are empathy & the "want" to go out in social situations which is why it is great for social anxiety disorder. Also colors can seem brighter. Too high of doses are what effect my memory because it makes you feel drunk, but feels cleaner than alcohol, if that makes any sense .
If I abuse Lyrica in high doses, yes it can cause some memory loss but not near the amnesiac effects that benzos produce in high doses. I can still recall things that happened during the high with exception of small things. The effects I mostly experience are empathy & the "want" to go out in social situations which is why it is great for social anxiety disorder. Also colors can seem brighter. Too high of doses are what effect my memory because it makes you feel drunk, but feels cleaner than alcohol, if that makes any sense .

Yeah, I am prescribed lyrica for GAD as I had a hard time getting it for this before it was approved here in the states for GAD.

I experience the same thing, and in between my last post and now I vacuumed the whole downstairs of my house and cleaned the screens on all of the flat-screens downstairs.
try tertazepam or oxazepam

I don't think his doctor would even know what that is TBH... LOL

Doctors confuse me.

Some doctors know chemical names, while others only know brand names.
Some doctor know none, and limit their treatments to what they do know.
Withdrawals from Lyrica are also quite mild. NOTHING near the withdrawals that benzodiazepines produce. This is because it doesn't directly effect the GABA-A receptor, it simply mimics the effects of the GABA-A receptor. I went cold turkey once and suffered nearly no withdrawals. Lyrica is more effective though when taking daily but is much less sedating.

Is this something You've overheard while eavesdropping on Your friends or doctors? In my history i have used Xanax for almost 10 years and I can go cold turkey without any serious problems - no PAWS, seizures, epileptic attacks etc. etc.

Lyrica is NOT safer than benzodiazepines. It has HORRIBLE and sometimes irreversible side effects. Sure, You may not find that info on pfizer's homepage - but get some real life experience of that utter bullshit first. I would rather recommend morphine-sulphate for anxiety than Lyrica.

Pregabalin is so chemically addicitive that the withdrawal from benzo, opiates and food together is nothing. Sure, it's indivdual but try use Lyrica 3 times per day, highest dose for about 4 years and compare that to the equivalent use of Xanax and make a judgement for Yourself.

Lyrica is some of the worst drugs You could ever imagine, it's not a "miracle medicine" - it just has a potent effect BUT a hundred times worse SIDE-effect. Stop advertising that poision, it's like recommending IV-heroin over smoking in order to avoid lung cancer.

My advice - don't touch that shit if You don't need it for nerve pain. Xanax is addictive but it is like sugar compared to Lyrica, most psychiatrist I've talked to agree to this fully. Try it out for a couple of years and then try to quit before sweet talking it.
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the benzos with quickest onset would be valium and tranxene. unless your talking sublingual admin in which case klonopin wafers and ativan makes a sublingual tab but you can use the regular tabs of either to dissolve under your tongue. just takes longer. i think you can do the same with xanax.

but for me the best thing for panic attacks has been ativan or tranxene equally. but ativan seems to make a lot of people loopy.
just ask your psych. no benzo is gonna kick in faster than xanax, other than halcion, which is certainly not going to be less sedating. If you can afford a psych, there is no reason to let a GP mess around with benzos and your brain.
Thanks to everyone who responded. I know, it's weird that such a small amount of Xanax has me falling asleep. I guess I'm just really sensitive to benzos.

hydroazuanacaine - precisely my thoughts as of late. That's why I sought out a psych doctor.

Since joining BL I've learned so much about different types of drugs, their uses, their effects, etc. The user community is great and hearing of others' personal experiences helps tremendously. Doctors know a lot but they don't know everything.

Again, thanks for taking the time to reply. Very helpful as always.

For the stress at job ATARAX : (HYDROXYZINE) (do not confund wit XANAX) was prefect for me (take 50mg / 100mg when stress sensation occurs you can even start with 25mg)) it is a fast acting product : 20min) (HYDROXYZINE) --> ask your doctor I'm sure he will go in this direction for you

Your mental will be always on top for your work (not the same with benzo... (I know what I'm talking about, I even almost lost a job due to benzo and I had switched to Atarax : IT WAS PERFECT !, with bezo you loos your memory if you have an intelectual job, just forget...)

And finaly there is no addiction with HYDROXYZINE, that's also a very good point

In genaral for ponctual job stress , benzo are not recommended

Benzo are very nice for long time GAD / SAD (that's nothing to do with stress at job)

At the start of the threatment you will just feel a bit tired (like all ANTIHISTAMINIC products in general), but after one week it should be OK

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OP ask your doctor about ativan or valium

my mom tells me that xanax makes her extremely tired but valium just calms her down
and me i swear up and down for ativan

kolonopin has a nasty half life
Is this something You've overheard while eavesdropping on Your friends or doctors? In my history i have used Xanax for almost 10 years and I can go cold turkey without any serious problems - no PAWS, seizures, epileptic attacks etc. etc.

Lyrica is NOT safer than benzodiazepines. It has HORRIBLE and sometimes irreversible side effects. Sure, You may not find that info on Pfizer's homepage - but get some real life experience of that utter bullshit first. I would rather recommend morphine-sulfate for anxiety than Lyrica.

Pregabalin is so chemically addictive that the withdrawal from benzo, opiates and food together is nothing. Sure, it's individual but try use Lyrica 3 times per day, highest dose for about 4 years and compare that to the equivalent use of Xanax and make a judgment for Yourself.

Lyrica is some of the worst drugs You could ever imagine, it's not a "miracle medicine" - it just has a potent effect BUT a hundred times worse SIDE-effect. Stop advertising that poison, it's like recommending IV-heroin over smoking in order to avoid lung cancer.

My advice - don't touch that shit if You don't need it for nerve pain. Xanax is addictive but it is like sugar compared to Lyrica, most psychiatrist I've talked to agree to this fully. Try it out for a couple of years and then try to quit before sweet talking it.

I still recommend lyrica rather than benzos, simply because It is proven to be less viscous in the withdrawal department and I simply cannot take your word over documents (Not from Pfizer).

Lyrica can be detoxed successfully with no overwhelming withdrawal after tapering over a period of five days. No benzo can be withdrawn in just five days. I take lyrica for GAD and it does not give me as nearly as much sedation, but rather a calm energy.

Everything we take is a controlled poison sir, and lyrica is not much more toxic than the most potent benzo in terms of LD50. Lyrica is a better option in the fact that it slows down the production of the prime neurotransmitter that causes panic in the first place...

Also, you gave a rather dramatic comparison...
just ask your psych. no benzo is gonna kick in faster than xanax, other than halcion, which is certainly not going to be less sedating. If you can afford a psych, there is no reason to let a GP mess around with benzos and your brain.

this is both right and wrong. the two with the fast ONSET (the amount of tme it takes to feel the drugs minimum effect) are valium and tranxene. if you're talking about PEAK ONSET (amt of time it takes to feel the drugs strongest effect), then yes xanax and halcion beats valium (dalmane has the quickest peak of all though)

this is a helpful table: http://pharmacy.oregonstate.edu/drug_policy/ROAD/Modules/Benzodiazepines/BenzodiazepinesSlideSet.pdf

(Go to PAGE 7 for the benzo equiv chart)