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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Xanax anyone?

yes, you can die from benzo and alcohol withdrawal, but its not like its gonna happen after a week of daily use. I'm not sure how long one has to use it before it becomes that drastic, but I'm just saying that it can/does happen. seizures are more likely to happen during withdrawals though, but I'mnot trying to scare you. as long as you're responsible about it, and use it like when I said, or just every now and then, you'll be fine.
THen i need to be careful..Oh and one more question, if you dont feel the effects or feel it pretty weak after bout 20minutes from the time you took it.Can you take more? i took 0,75mg, its bout 20minutes now, and i just feel slight relaxation in my arms.If i would pop in 1 pill of 0,5 would i be safe? or should i take half of pill?
it would be safe, but I'd give it an hour before re-dosing.

also, why are you taking them today? I thought you were taking them the other day for the comedown from speed. you're already starting off on taking them for a buzz which isn't gonna end well.