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Xanax anyone?


Jun 15, 2009
Hi Bluelighters, recently i've done some speed, but the next day at my friends house we found few packets of xanax 0.5mg and 0.25mg.the 0.5 ones are light purple and small, the 0.25 ones are small too, but white ones, i know that xanax contains benzos, and i dont have much knowledge on drugs but i know that benzos are something from opiate family? So i wondering, whats the effects? Erowid experiences are sort of dumb, they can even get high from drinkin' milk and eatin chicken...(good combo btw), so i wondering, whats the high, how much does it lasts, and how much do i need to take? Im thinking of taking xanax after speed to constrict my pupils.So is it worth the time? And how long do i have to wait before it kicks in? I saw some videos, man they're trippin some mad Chuck norris balls...I've managed to find some info on this forum, and some described it to being drunk, i wonder do you fall asleep after? or can you just chill out watchin tv or doin sumn? Thanks a lot BL forum :)
but i know that benzos are something from opiate family

then you know wrong. a benzo is just that, a benzo.

they're used mainly for anti-anxiety, but also have a few other off-label uses.

I wouldn't take them while using your speed, but rather for the comedown, as it will make the comedown MUCH more bearable and may even put you to sleep.

xanax is to be taken when you feel a panic attack coming on so they start to kick in in probably 10-15 mins, with full effects felt around 30-45 mins. and they don't last long, but they are strong. when you're done using your speed, and ready to calm down, I'd say start with 1mg, and increase every half hour or so by 0.5mg until the desired effects are found.

be careful, these cause amnesia pretty easily.
yeah anti anxiety drugs, some people like the buzz of them, they do chill you out alot though and will help LOADS on any comedown.

with no tolerance dont go over 1mg at first.
im a bit confused with the miligrams now...
I have 0.5mg and 0.25mg, im high as kite from that good bud, and left thinkin'
are those 0.25mg pills stronger or weaker than 0,5mg? If i would take two 0,5mg ones it would be a 1mg or 0.10mg? Confused as hell, dumb question :|

I wondering is the dood dead, or just sleeping...He's my neighbour, lives near by me, didnt heard any ambulances, and didnt saw one...Gonna check him now.If he's dead or sumn...shieeet....He took some speed yesterday that i gave him, he snorted it with me, and he gave me that xanax, he never knew at first that it does something, after i said...If hes like overdosed i think he gonna tell that he had some speed, and it was from me...Busted as hell...Fuck it gonna check him right now..

I get really anxieous from weed, dunno why...Anxiety stops after bout 30mins, heard about doin combo, weed and xanax, should be fun stuff, and saw some doods doin yellow sticks or whatever, bud with some crushed xanax bars, and they were fuckin trippin bawlz...I dont have those "bars" like i saw in the internet, i have small ones, is there any diference?
lol 0.25 x 2 = 0.5mg, 0.5mg x 2 = 1mg

try 0.5mg first, then another if u dont feel much.
aivaras, the only difference between their yellow sticks and what you have is the shape and dosage. and yes, weed and xanax is a very nice combo. and I hope you don't mean your friends were smoking the crushed xanax with their weed. smoking pills is NOT good, the talc gets into your lungs and there is a disease named after this, can't think of what its called. but xanax is most effective when taken as scripted, orally. you may break the pills in half, or in 4ths (if you've got a bar) but don't crush and take any other way. they're not water soluble so snorting it is pointless, it will work, but only because you're swallowing the drip and getting the drug that way, so its pointless, and doesn't work any quicker. as xanax is meant to be taken when you feel a panic attack coming on or when you're already in one, they kick in literally in like 10-15 mins. much quicker than your average pill because they're madein such a way.

they're both alprazolam, the yellow sticks are 2mg, also known as bars, and they also come in white and the newest bars being almost a camouflage green colour.

bignbrown has the dosages down right, so no need to go over that.
Thank you TokinDerrick and bignbrown :)

I have those small ones.Its not the bar shape.Really really small ones.0.25mg is just white colour and 0,5mg very light purple.
No, the friend took them orally, but got so fucked up after that he doesnt want anything now :D He said he took 3 pills that contained 0.5mg each and after
20minutes he felt it, his heart started to pump really hard, he ran to the mirror, and felt few times while running.His pupils was like a cat.
After few minutes he just blacked out for about 15 minutes.Then he woke up, he said he was like on speed(He did speed but all the trip reports i read, no one never had effects like that), and he got nausea for whole night, he didnt sleeped, and he threw up few times, after that he just fall asleep for about 4 good hours :D I was laughting my ass when he told me this :D I did some speed yesterday too, and after good 8 hours later, when i was sober, i took
1 pill that contained 0,5mg.After about 15-20minutes i felt diferent.I was looking at my wall, and it was diferent, it was looking like it was so blurry that it moved.I felt that when im moving my head it moves slow, and then normal again, i went to sleep really good btw :) but i dunno, mabe it was just placebo, mabe i didnt got anything.

I read some experiences that peeps just black out like my friend, and i really dont want to faint infront of people, or in the street, and i dont like being high at my house.And i FUCKING HATE nausea, one of the most things that i hate is puking.Its ugly, its fucked up, and it makes me sick even more, and im always afraid that i gonna choke on my own vommit or something...Is there anything Bluelighters(YOu def a help me a lot, thx doods)can suggest? i dont think 0,5mg would intoxicate me, just make me sleepy, well nothing to loose, gonna take a pill at night, Incase i fall asleep :)
sounds like your friend dosed his xanax while he was still under the influence of the speed. you want to wait until the speed buzz is gone, and then take your benzo's. because otherwise you're gonna do some crazy shit to your heart, and its just gonna be weird feeling like it sounds like your friend was feeling.

and yes, you can go ahead and take your 0.5mg, but personally, I'd think after some speed you'd want at least 1mg.
Im guessin thats the answer too, he snorted speed all day, and after buzz we found some pills, then he took another small bump, and few hours later he took xanax.He dont know the dosage because we found 3 diferent brand xanax pills, the ones that are 0,25mg, the ones that are 0,5, and he said he took one big pill(i didnt saw that pill personaly).So he took 1 normal size pill(Guessing that was about 1mg) and he took two ones that are 0,5mg or mabe 0,25mg, i was confused at that point, all i know he felt fucked up, fainted, black out for about 15minutes, then he woke up high as shit, and puked about 5 times, whole day he felt sick, got a lil nap feels better, but dont want anything, eat, watch tv, smoke a cigarette, use pc, nothing.Well that would be a lesson for him - you need to stay safe.

I've read some peeps black out too, i hate when i read some bad trips and then scared but at the same time i want to take that drug...Its always the same with every new drug...Well i have 0,25mg ones, i gonna take 0,5mg first and then the 0,25mg one.After speed i would take a bit more, it really helps, no insomnia.

And i need to know just one more thing - does pupils dilate after this stuff? and how big? I mean i had speed pupils yesterday, everyone asked what the hell i took...

I know i was weird, dumb questions but i need to be safe as i can :)

Thanks BlueLighters :)
xanax will not mess with your pupils enough to notice.

and if all you have is 0.75mg of xanax, go ahead and take it all at once after all that speed. you need rest.

and what do you mean by blackout? you mean amnesia? or like pass out asleep? because amnesia is very common with xanax in higher doses, you should be fine at your dose.
Having no benzo tolerance you should take less than 1mg. There's no high from xanax, just calms you down. The trip reports you have been reading where people blackout is from taking too much, and like any drug, it can effect some people more than another. There's been a lot of people who've woken up in the hospital, jail, in a wreck car etc that don't remember a thing. benzos should be used with caution, especially with no tolerance. I'll agree they are great for an amp comedown. But as far as being a recreational drug, IMO not a fun drug. The wds are brutal. So I would advise to limit the amount and frequency that you take them. Using xanax to enjoy pot more is not a good way to use them.
Oh then its cool about the pupils, i hate when people asking what im doing...
I have lots of xanax from my friend, but im planing to take 0.75mg as recreational dose, i dont want to take too much, because i dont
have time and space right now, visiting my parents for a week right now, and they always know when im on something(parents...Damn they good)

I gonna take some speed at semptember 24, gonna party at my friend house, so later on at the comedown i gonna take some then, but now i just want
to take it for recreational purposes(Free Xanax, why not?)
By Blackout i mean fainting, like my friend yesterday.He took too much and he was on speed at the time, after 20 minutes he felt that his hearbeat
went thru roof, and he said that he felt that his heart got numb, then litle by litle all the body got numb, he got dizzy, he stanted up and fainted.
after 15 minutes he woke up, all he remembers that he lyied on the floor.
Imagine going to the city on xanax and then suddenly faint in the middle...He didnt wanted to sleep, he just fainted, mabe because his heartbeat got that speeded up, and it had to do something with his blood pressure and stuff...

I can describe black out sumn like this:

When you breath hard and deep and then make a squat and hold your breath as long as you can, after that you stand up - its a dumb thing we used to do in school, we got dizzy, everything got blurry, impaired vision, like you see thru dark clouds, your body relaxes, you get cold sweat and then just faint.It happens suddenly.

Sorry for my bad english, im From Lithuania, and i have some disorders so i cant talk freely in English, its hard to explain what i want to say, and English is my 4th language.
Having no benzo tolerance you should take less than 1mg. There's no high from xanax, just calms you down. The trip reports you have been reading where people blackout is from taking too much, and like any drug, it can effect some people more than another. There's been a lot of people who've woken up in the hospital, jail, in a wreck car etc that don't remember a thing. benzos should be used with caution, especially with no tolerance. I'll agree they are great for an amp comedown. But as far as being a recreational drug, IMO not a fun drug. The wds are brutal. So I would advise to limit the amount and frequency that you take them. Using xanax to enjoy pot more is not a good way to use them.

Wouldnt that be a bitch to woke up in a jail :D? NAKED and RAPED :| <--- Nonsense type jokes FTW.

Well but its free and i have about 40 pills that each contains 0,5mg, it would be a bitch to not to use it...
That's what im worried about, taking too much, i never OD'ed on any drug, before i do the drug, i read about it for a few days,
ask bluelighters and then do it, and start with small doses, but i threw up few times from weed, it was hot summer and it was my second and 8th smokeout, had non to verry LOW tolerance, mabe thats why.
its hard to overdose on xanax, well, to overdose to the point of death anywayz. I guess you could technically call getting super fucked up to where you don't remember anything and doign a lot of stupid shit an overdose aswell, its just not a deadly overdose.

and also, I think your friends heartbeat was crazy because he did the xanax while still under the influence of the amp, you cannot mix a strong downer like that with a strong upper like that. fucks with the heart too much.
Two nights ago I had been drinking heavily. For someone insane reason I decided to pop 2 Xanax bars and drive myself to the bar. That is pretty much all I remember up to that point. I woke up at home in my bed and looked at my driveway and my car was nowhere to be found. I called the cab company I usually go through and they told me they weren't allowed to tell me where I was picked up last night. After a few minutes I finally remember the bar I went to and I took a cab to that same and sure enough there was my vehicle. Say what you about alcohol, but I truly feel Xanax is the drug that pushed me over the top last night and I highly doubt I will be mixing the two again, at least in that large of a quality. I think Xanax can be a great drug and I agree it has very valuable uses but it also amazes me how it can completely wipe out one's short-term memory yet still allows people to function.

In the future I'm only going to take Xanax as a hangover cure and I'm never going to mix it with alcohol. I'm actually scared to go back to that bar because I have a feeling I'm going to have people tell me I was completely out of it and frankly that is embarrassing to hear. Well apparently I didn't piss anybody off because nobody kicked my ass or ripped me of (that I remember of course). What does anybody think? Should I go back there and apologize? I remember if they'll immediately kick me out when they see me. I'm not exactly a violent drunk. Thanks for reading what I wrote.
who knows or cares if you should go back.

just go get your car and get it over with.

and yeah, don't mix benzo's with alcohol. especially 2 bars worth.
Forgot to clarify yes i did get the the vehicle but I did make it a point not to enter the bar not to find out exactly what happened (if they were even open that early, Which reminds me I haven't checked my credit card statement and I still have my photo ID so I'm guessing I don't owe them any money either. It does remind me the time I left my $800 dollar leather jacket at the strip club and it magically disappeared even though I was on my way back to the club to the pick the coat up after the bitch on the phone said she had found it, but like I said it magically disappeared 20 minutes between the phone call and my arrival.
Shiet u had some time of ur life man :D

Took 1mg yesterday.It was about 1 o clock at night, i popped 0,5mg, after 10 minutes later, i tought, i should take 0,25mg to at least feel something.
I felt something but it was really weak.I took another 0,25mg pill, and before taking those pills i had a minor headache, anyway, it was 2 o clock at night
when it started to hit me, and when it hit me...Damn...It felt like im drunk and really sleepy(Well it was 2 o clock at night..Duhh)..I knew that it was
working, and i could put a bit more to make the effects stronger.I finally went to bed.I woke with a major headache, feeling like i been drinking yesterday.Its like a hangover, and its killing my head...And i woke up 3 o clock...Man that sun is killing me too...Damn...

After all, its good to have some xanax lying on a shelf or something when you out of your stash :)
Definetly gonna use it from time to time :)

Thanks bluelighters :) oh and btw, yeah my memory is a bit fucked up, but not like Str8 shewter story :D (good one btw).
see, I told you 1mg would do ya good.

but yeah, sometimes, especially if you're not used to it...you can wake up feeling hungover. I get the same thing with weed if I haven't smoked in a while and then I smoke down at night, I'll wake the next day all disoriented and stuff as if I'm still stoned and whatnot. I'm kinda over the benzo hangover though.

and yes, benzos are really only good for rainy days....don't make a habit of it. alcohol and benzos are two things you can actually die from withdrawals of, seriously. so only take the benzos when you need them, or in situations like that where you gotta get sleep after a speed comedown.
Wait...You can actually die from withdrawal? WOW...Shit..Thats some hardcore stuff then...YEah shit i need to be more carefull with this than..Thanks for telling me :)