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Write A Letter To Your Lover, SO or Crush Vol. IV!

God damn I love you!
27 months of torture are over and we're speaking again!
I fucking love you, baby!
1) stop being a fucking hypocrite.
2) listen to me. If I wanted to be with a deaf person I wouldn't have chosen your logic-deaf self.
3) stop being a fucking emotional bitch.
4) stop pumping up your own ego
5) if I tell you something you better believe it.
i like you, you like me. i know you know it, you know it, you know that i know it. it sucks that you waste your time in controlling relationships and with a girl that doesn't understand the darker sides of you, but whatever. i know how this thing goes as i've done it before, eventually things between you and her won't be the same and you'll realize that the girl you've been bitching to about your girlfriend will be the one you're curious about.

anyways, i'm glad that you came along on the roadtrip and i'm glad that you ask me if your outfits are okay and i'm glad that we still hang even though your girlfriend is a little cray. i enjoyed how you put your arms around me when you passed out in the truck and laying my head on your lap when i got tired, i even enjoyed you tucking my blanket away from my face even though i like it on my face. hopefully you resting your arm on my hip earlier in the trip made up for the way i couldn't get comfortable later on and kept you up when you probably needed the sleep. i love the picture that you took of me when i had my lipstick on and i hope that you keep it for a while, just don't let your girlfriend see it.

rio baby,

-shorty spice
@T. Calderone, no I haven't sent it yet Idk if I should, I scared to if Im rejected it mean the end. I would like to believe longing for something is better than not having it- Satisfaction is the eternal death of desire. I don't want to find myself living day to day without hope that she one day will forgive me for the fiendish fool I use to be. Should I just forget I ever wrote it..?
You don't seem happy with the way things are going. In the beginning you said you found someone else, making it seem like it was a breakup note. Maybe you're vacillating between keeping her around and seeing other people or just feeling guilty. I don't know how serious your relationship is but if your goal is to stay with your girlfriend, work on your urges to cheat.
We have a 3 y/o daughter, it isn't due to infidelity by any stretch. It's always a timing thing, for whatever reason in the world the hopefulness that one day the stars would align and for once something or someone wasn't standing in the way of living the life together we both want so badly. Now 9 months celibacy from one another was finally broken, we spent a month dwelling as a family. Then I fell short to this addiction I acquired while we were broken up. I don't want her to find a life without us.

I had beat the Addiction-- http://www.soberrecovery.com/forums...te-lightening-fine-wine-lascivious-women.html

Then followed the Relapse -- http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/690472-Relapsed-(HELP-ME-PLEASE)?p=11821575#post11821575
God I had so much fun baby... I can't wait till November.... I want to see you again so bad... Maybe this time you can be on top. Just kidding. I don't care what anybody says you're beautiful and sexy. I'm gonna bring you a surprise to, a gift to show you how much you mean to me. I'm actually in LOVE with you.. Crazy right? But you probably get that a lot.
I couldn't b happeier that you came into my life..u r simply amazing and I miss ur kisses...I can see this going long way babe and I'm all in..I wake up wanting to be in your arms and your all I think about..I'm falling for u hard and its scary but I love the ruSh and I'm soo happy I found u baby...
I couldn't b happeier that you came into my life..u r simply amazing and I miss ur kisses...I can see this going long way babe and I'm all in..I wake up wanting to be in your arms and your all I think about..I'm falling for u hard and its scary but I love the ruSh and I'm soo happy I found u baby...

I read your story and I am very happy for you that you found someone.

For mine, I just have <3
Hate you, fucker.
Thnx hun...its fairly new so ill take it w a grain of salt..plus he's unlike anyone I've ever dated..ill enjoy the rush for the time being.
I miss you. I miss nuzzling my nose against the soft spot of skin behind your ears in the morning. I wish I never had to get out of that bed.
I miss the way you could brighten up my whole day, I could be 3 days into an opiate detox and you'd still make me smile like a 4 year old with a new toy every time I thought of you.
I miss the way you were always there for me, no matter what happened, it never mattered, you were there for me every step of the way.
I miss the way your fringe would so delicately slide further down your face than you wanted and you'd become really self-conscious about it.
I miss the way your beautiful, sapphire-blue eyes would stare up at me, and I miss even more staring back in to them.
I miss the way you held me.
I miss the feel of your lips on mine.
I miss the way we could embrace on my clapped out couch for hours.
I miss the way you would mock my taste in music, and I, equally, would mock yours.
I miss that bag you insisted on bringing absolutely everywhere.
I miss the way our phones would be incessantly beeping for hours, but we ignored them to be with each other.
I miss your beautiful, sweet, quiet voice.
I miss everything about you.
I'm stupid in love with you. I thought I was dead and I was dead inside.

Then the universe just threw you into my arms. Everything changed. I'm happy, I make you happy. I guess you see that thing inside me that I long thought was dead.

Fuck I'm torn and put back together at the same time. Your eyes. Your smile. You're too much for me. We cuddle all night and never let go of each other not even after the sun comes up. I gave up on love and here I am. In love with you like a teenager. Just silly stupid insane in love with you.

I don't know what to do. I'm fucking completely in love, harder than ever before.
There's something about the way the birds are chirping with one another this early morning that reminds me of you. Probably a morning not too different from this one: the sky burning orange, the air chilly, and the wind still. Except we were together, unlike this morning, in Paris. You were wrapped around me in a way that gave me so much comfort that is nearly impossible to describe. Even our ankles found a way to perfectly criss-cross together like a piece of mesh. As the room filled with golden light and the chirping grew louder, you began to toss and turn in annoyance, and eventually I stumbled to the window to discover that there were in fact blinds. After clicking the button and allowing the room to be succumbed to darkness, I cozied back in bed next to you, wrapping my arms around you and nuzzling my cold nose into your shoulder blade. Safe. Secure. Loved. I didn't want to be anywhere else. As I lay here in my own bed, my own thoughts blending with the chirping birds, it makes me miss not only you, but a simplicity to our relationship that occurred not all that long ago. A confidence in the way you looked at me, and how I always looked back. How I could relax my hand by my side and know yours would quickly be there to embrace it. A disgruntled shift in the middle of the night and arms squeezed more tightly around one another to hopefully ease another's discomfort. It was beautiful. I miss it. I miss us.
We've been through hell and back and I would do it all over again in a heart beat.
Kiss me, then lets stop, and try to find forever in each others eyes for a moment.
Give me a second to work out the colour of your eyes,
Kiss me again.

Why won’t you just GO HOME?!!

It’s been 3 weeks now, this was not part of the deal and you push every single boundary I have!

Get out of my face and stop moaning on fb, child.