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Write A Letter To Your Lover, SO or Crush Vol. IV!


I love living here with you - wandering the markets today, with the warm sun beating on our shoulders, in light summer clothing was like chicken soup for the soul... and we have months of this to look forward to. I can't wait for our first beach adventure together and i'm so glad we worked out what could be the final link to that little problem of timing.

I fucking love you so much, it still makes me shake my head in wonder, 3 years on. <3
Dear A,

Most days it feels like i'm wading waist deep through a gray swampland of meaningless, suffocating reeds.

But once I laid eyes on you, and heard your voice, it felt like the sun broke through the clouds and freed me from my endless walking.

Oh, but you...

YOU live in a diffferent city. You're a celebrity, right?

In another time, in another life, in circumstances I would kill to bring about...I would love you with all my heart.

But it's simply not meant to be.

Dear Lieutenant <blank> M.B.B.S. F.R.C.S.C.

First off, you are f*cking hot and otherwise can be considered 'delicious'. your accent is also appealing. All the more so since when you talk it is obvious you are well educated and intelligent.

You are also a lot of fun to do things with, and I really and truly enjoy spending time with you, which is not something I say of many of people. I miss you when I am not in your presence and generally consider being close to you A Good Thing.

You are truly one of my best friends, which is personally something I consider the most important feature in any sort of amicable relationship. In short, I am very pleased to have you in my life.

With love,
Dear Debbie

Im so over it.

Theres been a lot of stuff over the years that has seriously pissed me off about you in our relationship. You lieing about your age is the obvious biggy. I was never happy with how 'stupid' you seemed, particularly with technology despite my walking you through things several times, the whole time claiming to be a 'geek girl'. Being sexually frustrated certainly doesnt help matters despite the constant communication and your hesitation to adventure as you claimed you wanted became very unnattractive. Your failure to quit smoking and the lies about that, and the complete lack of concern for your own health, at your advanced age has actually started to turn me right off, not to mention the lack of staying power you had with yoga class etc.

All the constant tiny lies about miniscule things just further served to make me suspicious and untrustworthy of you more and more each passing week. You tried to trick me and pull the wool over my eyes many times that I am aware of and certainly many that I am not.

But your biggest mistake believe it or not wasnt the monumentous lie about your age. It was continually thinking, despite much evidence to the contrary, that I am stupid. That you could constantly get away with all these things I kept catching you at. Well guess what? I know you are taking hard drugs.

On a regular basis, at work as well as home no less, for no good reason at all (such as to RECREATE) and perhaps worst of all, keeping this addiction hidden from me, surprise surprise. How could you possibly think with my excperience you could keep this from me?

You can lose your job, car, life, freedom, reputation, BOYFRIEND through deportation (what about MY life???), etc. all for a little sniff of your meth, how the fuck is that possibly remotely worth it? Remember what you said to never call you again? You fucking stupid bitch!

Your 2 best friends and your 2 kids are now also aware of your habit. I know your freaking out right now and you should be, but its not a bad thing that they know, its a good thing, you oughta know better having had a coke/alcohol thing a while back you stupid fucking bitch. I told them cause they need to know, you need help, but you dont want it from me.

I gave you 3 and a half of the best years of my life and this is how you have made use of my love and trust. It is appalling to me now. I cant believe I allowed myself to be treated like this for so long. By someone I KNEW was a STUPID FUCKING BITCH!

Goodbye Debbie

Dear Rachel,
When I first laid my eyes on you I knew you were the one for me, I saw something about you, saw what you were about, your heart, spirit you love, everything. was in the right place. So far in the past few day's we've learned so much about each other! you told me some deep shit about your life, and I did the same, you trusted me enough to read your poems that you wrote and I listened and told you they were amazing and how much I enjoyed them. You feel that part of me that needed to be filled, the womans compaionship, you are such a gift from the heavens to be with me, I don't think its to early to say.. I love you!
Dear Pander,

I love you and fuck this gay earth because I love you with every fiber of my being. I don't know what black magic or craziness you did to get me to fall for you, it worked, and I love you and bike rides, and organic vegetables from our CSA and when you make nachos during a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving or while I'm listening to "Alice's Restaurant" or trying to get a tattoo you don't like. It doesn't matter, because I love you more than anything. I am so glad you are in my life. I've been waiting for you forever. Thank you. <3 <3 <3
Dear blank,

It's all hearsay but bring it. You always wanted to but you and I both have ethics. Is there any need now? Tell me. Check yes or no. We have wanted this for years now. I'll totally do it if you will.

Dear blank2,

Stop being a jackass. Really. How many texts can a person send?

Dear blank3,

I secretly want you. You cannot fix me nor I you. This ceases to be my problem right now.

Dear real crush,

Half a continent and 13 years away, you're still there, and yep - you're always the one who knows what to do. Now fly across that continent, claim it is a deposition, and give me what I need like we had back before I went westward.

Dear Zoolander,

Fuck you very much for the fact that my right ear is as red as my office. I thought we got paint on it, but then I realized it was you biting it and really, fuck you. I place my hair down so rarely these days; fucking A!
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you say that we are two different people, but how come we used to get along so well? whose arms will keep me safe now against the bitter cold? me and you, we used to be like two peas in a pod. i shared your laughter, licked your tears, and tried to push every ounce of care out of my body towards you. we laughed at those who resented us, we were unstoppable. we could have ruled the world.

but i guess you're right- people change with the seasons.. and we are now two different people. two hearts, and you still own half of mine. i don't doubt that you always will. i hate that i still feel this way after all this time has passed. it's like a curse. i want to be free. but you've thrown away the key.

i still miss the days we spent together. i will never forget, or regret the times that we had.. and sometimes i wish i could turn back time, and be there once again. and in my head i see the pictures of how we used to be. so one thing will remain, because i still love the memories of those days.

and eventually these memories will fade, and then who will we be? where will we be? by then i hope to have moved on to someone else, a replacement. though no one and no thing could ever replace something as magical as you. maybe i won't move on. maybe i'll spend the rest of my days searching high and low for someone better, someone who doesn't exist.

i'm young, so perhaps i'm just babbling. after all, what do i know about the world? i'm sure it's just me feeling like the end of the world is neigh because we have come to an end, but with endings, there are new beginnings. when one door closes, another will open, and hopefully i'll be brave enough to step through and greet what awaits me. but i can't promise that i won't glance over my shoulder one last time.

and even after all the shit you put me through, i want to thank you for showing me something beautiful and for teaching me some valuable lessons. thank you for being there for me when no one else was, for giving me advice, for making me smile when life was beating me down.

so, this is the end. everything that comes together must fall apart.

i love you. good luck. and good bye.
Dear Love,

I feel like our relationship has had many twists and turns, so many unexpected things. Though you haven't lead me to the "one" yet, you have lead me to many amazing findings. You have shown me that love is not rushed, that is not to say that things naturally progressing quickly is not the correct way for some. Love is not always easy or perfect, Love hurts sometimes, it leaves deep scars, but there is always beauty to the sadness. Love never knows everything, it's always growing always evolving. Love is not about staying at a plane, it's about learning and always striving. Love is secure, it is not about jealousy or doubt, it's about security and warmth. Love is patient, .it's not about pressure it's about guidance. Love doesn't live in the past, it grows together. Thank you Love for showing me all of your wonders. All I ask is one day Love can I find someone to travel this life by my side... I don't think it's too much to ask really. After all I have been listing...

Well, it took me a while, but I got over you. Completely. Still see you every day, but no longer feel anything for you. I finally believe that this is a good thing.

Now I have nothing.

I hope that all is well with you.
everything was amazing at first, like an explosion.

you even said you loved me.

I get back and you are caught up, busy meeting new friends, getting in the circle.

meanwhile I have temper tantrums had say things I shouldn't. there is tension.

I think we finally are on track now so I will do my best to keep it that way.

dear ex,

1 and 1/2 years we were together, you were my first then you cheated on me which snuffed out all feelings I had for you, you broke up with me and the following months were hard but my friends pulled me through, now I am over you and have found someone who is better than you in most ways, you are a nice person but you were so inconsiderate for my feelings, having your boyfriend at the time over in a house we both shared and forced me to stay at my mums whilst you 2 can fuck only 2 days after you left me, for that I want to say fuck you but you know how I felt about it, you wanted me back but I was no longer attracted to you and to be honest, you really let yourself go, whether you are over me or not is a different story and frankly, I don't care if you are or not.

I think of the past now and again and how we were once so happy, all now a fading distant memory in my past, I haven't spoken to you for months or even know where you are now, I hear you have been single for a while though and hope you find someone soon.

Me, I have moved on and can only learn from the mistakes from the past so I don't mess up this new relationship with my gorgeous girlfriend whom I love so much, because she is nothing like you.

Good luck.
sup /love/

I know your really smart and all, but you fail hard at physics and abstraction i.e. mathematics. As a result, expect that no matter how much I love you, and even if we are in the middle of sex, that I will pose to you some brain bendy bullshit about a number which contains a real part, an imaginary part, and parts which are both larger than and smaller than any possible positive real number at the same time. I still expect you to try and answer it, and to stay aroused at the same time. [caveat: 'same time' subject to use sharing the same inertial frame of reference, actually fuck that, the same time with you moving at 99% of C in a different direction then I am] Also, you might be able to interpert magnetic resonance imaging, but do you even know what nuclear magnetic resonance is? or why it occurs.okay, I'm just trolling you, I love you! [and I'm aware that you probably don't care in any event]

Related, while you look really damn cute in your hipster clothing carrying a macbook, please be aware I can not be seen in public expressing affection---tolerance doing anything less then ramming a bayonet down your throat while you are doing so. I suggest you stick to wearing CADPAT and using a toughbook when we go out together. [A beat up Acer running Gentoo or Arch is acceptable as well--or anything in which you compiled the kernel yourself and which is mostly POSIX compliant]

These minor, tweaky trivial points aside. Please realize that I actually really love you and think you are fucking win and epic. You never fail to make every day so much brighter and less horrible.


Sometimes a girl just wants to feel like she comes before all the rest.

Cheyenne - Just trust me when I say I don't intend to hurt you again, and I'm in this for real - to get to know you, and see if my visions are true...that you're someone I could be with for a while.
Ay girl,

I luh you. I luh'd it. Let's sex.


*Please expect an update here soon.
My Gypsy princess - sorry I couldn't meet you tonight on my last night home... I hope to see you when I come back to visit, it kinda got to me not to be able to see ya this evening.