Would Remote Mind Control Be Possible With Current Technology?

For those who are searching for who is behind the covert audio, touchless torture and remote neural monitoring major crimes at it’s tap root will be a narcissist psychophysiological neuroscience professional or group. That’s a fact.

For those who are searching for who is behind the covert audio, touchless torture and remote neural monitoring major crimes at it’s tap root will be a narcissist psychophysiological neuroscience professional or group. That’s a fact.
That narrows it a little bit.
Some quotes from the declassified Army document linked below. (the link is to Vice)

"Application of the microwave hearing technology could facilitate private message transmissionI.t may be useful to provide a disruptive condition to a person not aware of the technology .Not only might it be disruptive to the sense of hearing, it could be psychologically devastating if one suddenly heard "voices within one'shead."

"Induction of nystagmus and nausea will have variable effects on individuals. Effects may
be sufficiently incapacitationto allow offensiveadvantage; perception
the of sickness
may make a subject susceptible to persuasion."

Y o u r F r e e d o m o f I n f o r m a t i o n A c t ( F O I A ) r e q u e s dt a t e d M a y 2 5 , 2 0 0 6 , t o t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f t h e A r m y , F r e e d o m o f I n f o r m a t i o n / P r i v a cAyc t D i v i s i o n ( D A F O I A / P A D I V ) , f o r a l ld o c u m e n t s p e r t a i n i n g t o t h e m i c r o w a v e a u d i t o r y e f f e c t , m i c r o w a v e h e a r i n g e f f e c r , F r e y e f f e c t ,a r t i f i c i a l t e l e p a t h y a, n d / o r a n y d e v i c e / w e a p on wh i c h u s e s a n d . / or c a u s e s s u c h e f f e c t ;a n d a n y covertorundiscloseudseofhlpnosis.OnSeptembe5r,2006,theDA FOIA/PADIV refenedacopyofyourrcquestothisoffica.Yowrequeswt asreceivedonSeptembe1r1,2006.
Just a heads up. This information is coming out topically unorganized. There is going to be allot of it and its all clearly related, but I will resolve this.

Allice in Wonderland

"The aim of the Alice in Wonderland or confusion technique is to confound the expectations and canditioned reactions of the interrogatee. He is accustomed to a world that makes some sense, at least to him: a world of continuity and logic, a predictable world. He clings to this world to reinforce his identity and powers of resistance.
The confusion technique is designed not only to obliterate the familiar but to replace it with the weird.
Although this method can be employed by a single interro-gator, it is better adapted to use by two or three. When the subject enters the room, the first interrogator asks a double- talk question -- one which seems straightforward but is essentially nonsensical. Whether the interrogatee tries to answer or not, the second interrogator follows up (interrup- ting any attempted response) with a wholly unrelated and equally illogical query. Sometimes two or more questions are asked simultaneously. Pitch, tone, and volume of the interrogators'voices are unrelated to the import of the questions. No pattern of questions and answers is permitted to develop, nor do the questions themselves relate logically to each other. In this strange atmosphere the subject finds that the pattern of speech and thought which he has learned to consider normal have been replaced by an eerie meaninglessness. The interrogatee may start laughing or refuse to take the situation seriously. But as the process continues, day after day if necessary, the subject begins to try to make sense of the situation, which becomes mentally intolerable. Now he is likely to make significant admissions, or even to pour out his story, just to stop the flow of babble which assails him. This technique may be especially effective with the orderly, obstinate type."
P 76 Kubrik

AIW is an interrogation tequnique found in the Kubrik Counter Interogation Manuel. Its used prolifically in the covert torture and audio torture, BCI interface and etc. crimes. Its performed and delivered by an AI. I named my AI Alice but, more about Alice later. At an initial read, this technique may seem insignificant, bizarre and laughable. In reality after a short time its almost unbearable. How and why does it work and what are they using it for? Alice in Wonderland (AIW) is a powerful audio weapon that is used to inhibit consciouse thought, block internal dialogue, block verbal processing, create the pathway for subliminal verbal programming and a mechanism of covert torture and extreme harassment. Its effects are profound and are able to significantly impact, if not obliterate a victims life. Because Alice significantly disrupts the ability to think and problem solve, the problem of escaping from or dealing with her is compounded exponentially. Longest dose she "talked" to me, or this torture was given to me, was just under six weeks 24/7.

How does this work? The two-streams hypothesis aims to explane how the brain processes audio stimulus. The Auditory Ventral Stream is believed to be responsible for sentence comprehension involved in language processing.

"In addition to extracting meaning from sounds, the MTG-TP region of the AVS appears to have a role in sentence comprehension, possibly by merging concepts together (e.g., merging the concept 'blue' and 'shirt' to create the concept of a 'blue shirt'). The role of the MTG in extracting meaning from sentences has been demonstrated in functional imaging studies reporting stronger activation in the anterior MTG when proper sentences are contrasted with lists of words, sentences in a foreign or nonsense language, scrambled sentences, sentences with semantic or syntactic violations and sentence-like sequences of environmental sounds

By bombarding a target with an ever-changing, psychologically torturous, never ending set of looped verbal nonsense it effectively takes the Auditory Ventral Stream hostage. Its functionally driven to endlessly solve the unsolvable equation of making sense of nonsense.

This post is under constructions and will be added to soon.

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again out of sequential order but will be fixed almost directly.. sorry I know its confusing as can be.

Perfectly synonymous twin answers,
replicated, combined, doubled and squared,
rooting the split.

Equated and faultless tantamount pairs,
separate mysteries cleared.

Constituting experience so intimately bound,
engendering unique living canvases.

Sent unknowingly,
to paint themselves,
play their starring role.

Creeping hurriedly.

Painting everlasting decompositions,
through a journey instant and eternal,
blazingly stuck fast, in a hurtling crawl.

The whip and the compass,
driving an unrelenting delirious mad pursuit.

A neverending hunt for euphoric ecstasy,
easy to catch,
impossible to capture,
an unending sprint at no satisfying finish.

Constantly teased,
little glimpses,
quick caresses,
tiny tastes.

A moments definition and a memories label,

Astonishing pigment remains as testament,
of the perceptions hard experience.

Malleable like a child's whim,
as constant as the weather.

Its quills inspiration to forge ahead,
and the magic that captures time.

Frozen solid,
tucked away instantly,
hidden, warm, safe,
sheltered and protected in soft, secret, deep pockets.
there it will ripen and grow.

These tinted clear colored lenses,
of today's spiced perception.

Instantly creating tomorrow,
materializing unknowable unknowns, from nothing,
utilizing invisible illusory slivers,
harvested from hidden secret pockets.


A work by me.. its allot about memories. What I'm talking about is discussed in chapter three in....

Trauma and Memory Brain and Body in a Search for the Living Past: A Practical Guide for Understanding and Working with Traumatic Memory

That is a great book and provides a very solid explanation of trauma and memory. Trauma, memory and post traumatic stress are keystones of the BCI “mind control” crime.

This post is under construction.. I apologize to the amazing people who are victims of this and I will finish these explanations quickly. Yes, I have figured the intention and method and am working on the treatment. Please continue patience.. sending love and realize I am also five years into this traumatic abuse. Seeing the what and why provides me with a lasting relief and seeing these pitiable criminals permanently into the cells they need and deserve will be most satisfying.

Hey morons Keep fucking with my posts.. I’ll just low tech you and fix em. lol.. I have your whole playbook. Ill just take the few seconds to compose and edit it for publication.

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On Point Nov 11 2021 I feel for him but it’s funny hearing an x top CIA stumbling and bumbling trying to deal with and talk about it. Bloody psychologists.. such a soft science, but can they fuck with the herd. It’s infrasound for gods sake.. fkn microwave my ass.

im pretty amazed the CIA has not figured out that the victims are still under attack.
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On Point Nov 11 2021 I feel for him but it’s funny hearing an x top CIA stumbling and bumbling trying to deal with and talk about it. Bloody psychologists.. such a soft science, but can they fuck with the herd. It’s infrasound for gods sake.. fkn microwave my ass.

Psychology is the study of the psyche. Which could also be called philosophy. Or an authentic religion
Those concepts are like oil and water so why try and mix them.

I'm certain mind control technology exists, however, I don't believe it to be long range at all.

I don't have any sources, though, and you would certainly think I was insane if I told you why.

This is very informative review that clearly links subliminal priming, stimuli masking, eye tracking with persuasion, coercion, manipulation resulting in cognitive and behavior influence.

Subliminal priming falls in line with other methods of influence, manipulation and suggestion aka hypnotic suggestion via sensory overload induction etc.

all clearly introduced in this thread.

Also it even looks into the idea of the olfactory potential to influence a victim. That was touched on as well.

stay tuned.. some topics to come.. overview of our memory and it’s segments along with their function, including cognitive and behavioral effects and identity. Memory reconsolidation, false memory implant, brain washing both traditional and modern. Sympathetic and parasympathetic states, memory and learning. Forced rumination, rumination and priming both problem and response, Trauma based covert psychological “mind control,” PTSD and learned helplessness. That and as always what a pond scum failure the gross dog shit pile that developed and work on this shit show are.

oh and WITF do so many of the victims post online the same exact posts.. that’s not going to end up being that complicated.. you’d think think that the mental health professionals and the NYTimes, NYPost, Wired etc etc should have figured this one out. it kinda interesting as the victims say almost the exact same thing and then the reporters write the same thing. Well, we have not got it right yet.. your minds are being controlled. Wink.

I think we can sort this out pretty easily at this point. Let’s see how we do.
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Alright fuckers.. just booked a sensory deprivation float. I’m thinking the infrasound will get through, but I guess we will see
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall seeing the use of gases or vapours being discussed here.
Would it not be easier to perma-drug someone than it would be employing some of the technologies described in this thread?
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall seeing the use of gases or vapours being discussed here.
Would it not be easier to perma-drug someone than it would be employing some of the technologies described in this thread?

I think these psychophysics asshats are into failing at it their own special way.

What’s up with the gas vapor idea?
I think these psychophysics asshats are into failing at it their own special way.

What’s up with the gas vapor idea?
Well I mean, I think that if someone pumped small amounts of psychoactive gas or vapour in your residence, it would be easy to cause anxiety, paranoia, affect sleep quality/cause sleep deprivation, induce hallucinations etc.
Most houses have some sort of vents and other things (water drain pipes etc) that could be used to get the gases/vapours in.
Well I mean, I think that if someone pumped small amounts of psychoactive gas or vapour in your residence, it would be easy to cause anxiety, paranoia, affect sleep quality/cause sleep deprivation, induce hallucinations etc.
Most houses have some sort of vents and other things (water drain pipes etc) that could be used to get the gases/vapours in.

That would be very difficult. What gas are you thinking of that could accomplish those effects? How would you reliably administer a gas like this while a target moves through their life?
That would be very difficult. What gas are you thinking of that could accomplish those effects? How would you reliably administer a gas like this while a target moves through their life?
The perpetrators would not even need to? There are drugs that make meth look like funny coffee if you compare the potency per weight, and this is just with drugs we know about.
As long as you can disrupt sleep consistently the victim's mental state will degrade even if work or other activities take them away from their house for a significant amount of time every day.
Also, this is not to say that other technologies cannot be used at the same time, but just that if someone has the resources to deploy some of the tech that you mentioned in this thread, pumping psychoactives into someone's house would be trivial in comparison.
The perpetrators would not even need to? There are drugs that make meth look like funny coffee if you compare the potency per weight, and this is just with drugs we know about.
As long as you can disrupt sleep consistently the victim's mental state will degrade even if work or other activities take them away from their house for a significant amount of time every day.
Also, this is not to say that other technologies cannot be used at the same time, but just that if someone has the resources to deploy some of the tech that you mentioned in this thread, pumping psychoactives into someone's house would be trivial in comparison.

I guess I don't see what your getting at. Why would you fumigate someone with a super meth gas?