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worst sex experience

lol i threw up eating a girl out once.. she had like lint in her pussy and i accidently swallowed it and started freaking out thinking what the fuck did i just swallow... ended up puking all over her and running away.

Gosh Almighty Detroit Junkie, you permanently scard that women for life :)
ummm *thinks wayyyy back*

the time I told a girlfriend that I really liked to jump in the shower (because I was about to give her some great head, and TBH she was slightly funky) but she was overly sensitive, and i wasn't very smooth, and she took it the wrong way and got really embarrassed and offended ... kind of a funny memory of what was overall a nice relationship


the time my dirt-cheap campus apartments decided to split part of their housing to some drug/alcohol -rehab type deal, and it was fucking cinco de mayo and I was horny and dumb and took these 2 well-seasoned milf roommates out for margaritas and sneaked them back in the housing, and ended up fucking the older one while in a rush before the counselors came in
I was drunk and to eggar she got on top and sat down on me I felt like a bee sting on my helmet made her get off felt fine carried on half way through I fault Jesus has she cummed all over me felt a puddle on my lap quickly turnt a lamp on and there was blood I mean everywhere! Fault she was on her period threw her off me turns out I split my banjo :(((((((
Fucking a girl in the backseat and after we finish i turn he light on and see my bloody hand print on the seat.

I dc about fucking a girl on her period as long as she tells me first

Anyway i didn't say anything about it and never called her again. It was my boys car so it was w.e. .......The handprint is still there
Hey, if you're sexually active you're gonna have some bad ones. It's just gonna happen. Im lucky I don't remember a lot of those.
Id tell some... but... I don't think anyone wants to read that shit :/
Fucking a girl in the backseat and after we finish i turn he light on and see my bloody hand print on the seat.

I dc about fucking a girl on her period as long as she tells me first

Anyway i didn't say anything about it and never called her again. It was my boys car so it was w.e. .......The handprint is still there

oh no!

reminded me of the time was fucking this girl in her room, (cheap student housing), and her bedroom had no windows and the lights were off. I go to the bathroom, and turn on the lights and my dick and pretty much most of my thighs and stomach are covered in blood. For a split-second, it scared the hell out of me, until I figured it out.

Another story - was staying with my homeboy at an off-campus apt. Met this chick from AIM Messnger (remember AIM/AOL?)... Back then "match'.'com" was a popular dating site, and I somehow noticed that half the girls' MATCH name was the same as their AIM name. So i did like a mass messaging and found a chick who wanted to fuck and hang out, and there were like 5 dudes chilling downstairs, so my dude was like "use my room if u want" So i'm fucking the girl in his room, and I'm about to cum on her ass, and I take the condom off and toss it aside and bust a nut and then we clean up, and I can't fucking find the condom! Looking EVERYWHERE.
To make matters worse, I went back downstairs (Match hottie still in his room cleaning up/dressing) and then I'm like 'where did my other homey go?' and he had slipped upstairs trying to fuck her... Which was cool with me, but he was known to "force the issue" and I didn't want to be responsible for some non-consensual shit, and my other close friend was also like "u better at least check on her", so i tried to check on her without blocking, and she used it as an 'out', and he was fucking Angry :X lol (i felt bad if had blocked, but it was a tough call, but he was pissed)...
So then like 2am I hear this "roar" and my friend comes down stairs ready to fucking fight, and i'm like oh shit!, and he's MAD as hell :! and he tells me to look in his room, and points to one of his bed posts, and the fucking condom is sitting on the top of his bed-post!
- back when i was a younger lad, I was over this chick's house trying to get in a late night quickie..ye ol sneak-in-thru-the-window routine. We make it to the bathroom. She tells me her aunt is still awake. I'm like, "whatever, lets just do it quick then". I whip out my dill, put on the jimmy hat, and proceed to pump her from the rear. She abruptly leaves because she hears a noise. I'm waiting in the bathroom. She returns and reassures me that we're good. I continue pumping this time with a semi hendrix cuz im nervous. Like 5 minutes pass and she leaves again. This time she returns...WITH HER AUNT. Her aunt is giving me that "You've been caught fucker!" look. Also she is attractive and youthful. So I'm looking in her eyes like "ummmm, ...now what". She grabs my t-shirt, pulls me out of bathroom. Obscenities, obscenities. Im still looking at her stupified with a shit-eating grin. Then she grabs my dreads, pushes me towards the back door. Obscenities obscenities. I run out of neighborhood to the getaway car. Never heard from chick again.

- whore comes over, very visibly pregnant..like 3rd trimester maybe. I immediately offered to pay her to leave. She insisted that she does something for me. I let her blow me. She still wanted to bang me for more bucks and was begging Which multiplied the awkwardness. I refused then paid her to leave.

- ex gf used her last monthly birth control pill. Banged with Condom. Couldn't feel nothing.

- banging this one scallot wag who seemed to bee offended with every thrust i pumped.. shit was weird. She also had rough skin and coarse hair all over her body as opposed to the more feminine "baby hairs", even though she had a cute, innocent type of look about her.

- did way too much coke during the past days. In bed fondling with and About to bang hot chick. My dilly was not cooperating. she was like its ok.. I'm thinking "Fuck!, how lame. What a waste"
This is by far one of the best forums I've read lol it reminds me of a tucker max book lol great.

Ass for me my worst experience was being real drunk and using that phone chat to go have sex with this girl I've never met. So I show up and she's like 300lbs and I'm drunk so I have sex wher. But as soon as I got off I sobered up and was like wtf am I doing ol I literally stopped by faking a slight asthma attack haha got the hell outta there quick!
This is by far one of the best forums I've read lol it reminds me of a tucker max book lol great.

Ass for me my worst experience was being real drunk and using that phone chat to go have sex with this girl I've never met. So I show up and she's like 300lbs and I'm drunk so I have sex wher. But as soon as I got off I sobered up and was like wtf am I doing ol I literally stopped by faking a slight asthma attack haha got the hell outta there quick!

I feel your pain Tommy! We've all been there before :)
Haha yea dude I have some my boys say they never fucked a fat chick n they say they r in thee three digits. N I tell em they r full of shit bc I'm in three numbers n I slept w many of fat gurls n caught clamydia once. There's no way to have numbers like that w out a couple fat gurls or catching a disease...lucky I had the one you can get rid of lol
Went back to this guy's when we were both pretty fucked. about 10 mins in he passed out completely. I called an ambulance because i couldn't feel a pulse. Ambulance turned up, bare in mind I had bombed about 1.5g md and was chatting to the medics literally couldn't stop talking. He was fine in the end, but they walked in to him completely naked lying in the bed and me in a t-shirt. Must have looked ridiculous, I wasn't embarrassed at the time but now I feel sick with cringiness.
Tommy, you're buds are definitely lying, haha! Every man who at least has used drugs or alcohol & slept with multiple women has at least slept with one FAT CHICK

Sarah, that's freakin' nuts :)
One time I was seeing a guy for a few weeks, and when we finally got down to it, his dick was SO SMALL. I'm not shallow or a bitch but I could barely feel it inside me :(. I think he was postponing sex because this was seriously micro penis status. I was going to try again and see if we could work past it but he totally blew it. I fell asleep one night before we were supposed to casually meet up and when I woke up the next morning I had 20 text messages from him, some not so nice. When I explained to him I had fallen asleep he was like "sorry, I forgot to take my meds yesterday so I was kind of crazy". GREAAAT, cue exit!!! Other than that I've been pretty lucky in that area.
One time I was seeing a guy for a few weeks, and when we finally got down to it, his dick was SO SMALL. I'm not shallow or a bitch but I could barely feel it inside me :(. I think he was postponing sex because this was seriously micro penis status. I was going to try again and see if we could work past it but he totally blew it. I fell asleep one night before we were supposed to casually meet up and when I woke up the next morning I had 20 text messages from him, some not so nice. When I explained to him I had fallen asleep he was like "sorry, I forgot to take my meds yesterday so I was kind of crazy". GREAAAT, cue exit!!! Other than that I've been pretty lucky in that area.

He should have just embraced his small penis & been proud of it :) I mean, he could have been really great at foreplay & giving oral sex :D It like balances the equation!
*I* also have a fat dude in my list LOL... And yes, I must say that I have had quite a lot of sex with different people (I am pretty sure that my number is getting close to a 3 digit number) and that, a lot of the times, sex was mixed with alcohol and drugs.

I think it's more like "every PERSON" but we see it happening mostly to men because it is more socially acceptable for you guys to have random sex with multiple partners. On another thought... I suppose women normally have tons of options in terms of who to fuck, so maybe it is weirder for us to end up with someone we don't find attractive. In my case, I fucked him because he was a pretty cool dude and we had just been getting high...

@Sarah - Woah... now THAT is fucking scary.

I think women are wired to be more selective about who they mate with. I could be wrong :)

Men have no consequences :D Women do :(