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Why is your DOC, your DOC?


Bluelight Crew
Jun 20, 2008
What is the reason you chose, or are addicted to one particular drug over all the others? Is it because of the effects, or did it start simply because you did that drug more than any other, or because it's cheaper, or all your friends do it?

I've been thinking lately about how perhaps our 'drug of choice' owes as much to availability, price and chance as to anything else. I believe there are certain personality types that are addicted to different types of drugs; there are the downer people and the upper people. But, how much do you really think this has to do with it? Do you think there are certain personality types that are attracted to certain drugs? If so, what are these personality traits?

In a neurochemical or biological sense I believe that anybody can become addicted to any drug, provided it's done enough. Perhaps then, the class of drug we feel most atttracted to owes more to the environment we spend time in than anything else. How much do you think environment has to do with your own drug use? If you hadn't found your DOC, do you think you'd still be an addict, or use any drugs at all?
I think your DOC can change depending on the situation you find yourself in. Oxycodone was my DOC when I was depressed, then Xanax became my DOC once I started getting panic attacks. Now that I am kind of 'better' Oxycodone is again my DOC. I would say this is because;
1. I am not a hugely social person and opiates in essence are selfish drugs
2. I no longer rely on Xanax everyday, and have used it so long it has lost its magic
3. Uppers, weed and psychs all make me anxious as fuck
4. Alcohol is unappealing both due to my experiences of being drunk and dealing with alcoholics
5. Feels good man
well...i might have to think about this some more, but my DOC has changed a few times in my drug-using 'career'.

i started out as a teenage stoner. never really dug alcohol - weed was probably easier to obtain, unless you count raiding your parents' liquor cabinet (which meant secretive drinking - not exactly a recipe for a good time). i loved LSD the few times i tried in in my mid-teens, but i found it hard to obtain.

in my late teens/early 20s i discovered meth. as i was now of drinking age (but not really a natural drinker - i realised what it was good for once i could go out and drink socially) i found meth gave me social confidence, allowed me to stay out late without fatigue, allowed me to drink more without getting too hammered, and it was done socially in my group of friends. my taste for it also coincided with my being able to afford to buy it, whereas previously i'd been an unemployed student.
around this time,weed pretty much lost its appeal, and i almost completely stopped smoking it.

as i used more methamphetamine, i realised some of the bad side effects. i saw many friends slide into insanity or at least different, fucked up personalities. the craziness and destructiveness of meth became something i'd witnessed personally rather than something i'd just read about.

as i tried to decrease my use of speed, i realised it was kinda hard. i kept using more frequently and for longer than i wanted to, and found it hard not to do every weekend. eventually i knew i had to quit, and i did.

so, anyway, around this time i found a good reliable LSD connection for the first time.
taking acid a couple of times a month (well...more like a couple of times a week for a while there) allowed me to get completely out of the fiendish speedfreak mindset i'd been locked into. acid helped me get off speed with very little effort.
once i was in a trippy psychedelic headspace, the meth rushes and neurotic busyness of amphetamine seemed a bit dirty, a bit sick.
so i started smoking weed again, and taking acid regularly.

i was in a really fucked up relationship at this stage - living with a girl i knew i didn't love, not really sure how to get out of the situation.
we were taking LSD a lot, and i continued doing something that i'd discovered in my meth-taking days; that opiates were the perfect way to cushion a come-down.

anyway, so after a year or so of heavy tripping (i just wanted to go higher and higher) of taking lots of acid and mushrooms and DMT, i found myself taking opiates after every trip. and before a trip (to calm my stomach) and and the end of a trip (to come down gently).
then i found myself taking opiates every day.
then i found i had a new drug of choice.
in contrast with amphetamines and LSD, and even marijuana to some extent, i found opiates really comforting. this comfort was like the polar opposite of the edginess of speed and acid, and after doing both of these so extensively it was like having some respite. some respite that wasn't sobriety, hahaha.
the main sources of opiates for me were/are legal or semi-legal ones. poppy pods, poppy seeds and codeine. these don't rely on drug dealers or knowing other drug users. they don't have the inflated prices of illicit drugs, and supply issues are very rare. i've grown my own pods, bought the others "for my wisdom teeth" (painkillers) or "for...baking" (poppy seeds). no hassles with ego-maniac sleazebag speed dealers or holier-than-thou hippie-elitist acid heads.
it's not ideal being chained to this addiction (at the risk of physical withdrawal) but it's a lot more convenient in many ways than any other drug i've seriously played with. i don't miss days of work from being hung-over, busted-up or sick, i don't (think) i look obviously stoned to co-workers and i'm a productive member of society (when i want to be hehehe). i put a lot of work into my art, and i don't have periods of massive confusion or psychotic breakdowns.
while my drug of choice has gone beyond being a simple "choice" to something of a way of life, i still get a hell of a lot of pleasure out of it, and i feel like i'm in a much healthier place psychologically, emotionally and physically than when i was having all-nighters shooting speed or going tripping 5+ times a month. i still love acid and take dexies every so often, but it's more like a holiday than a way of living.

so...i guess the point of this rambling anecdote is say that there is a grain of truth to the idea that drug of choice can be an externally-imposed thing. methamphetamine happened to be everywhere when i was at the age when i and everyone i knew was going out a lot (2003/4) and i sort of fell into it - even though i was quite well informed about how dangerous it was.
i don't blame acid (or speed) for leading me to getting an opiate habit, but there was a strange domino-like pattern to my history of use. some of the drugs i chose to use were (as far as i can tell) strictly by 'preference' - that is, i always have loved LSD - but there are also questions of availability or cost.
obtaining some drugs can rely on having social contacts in certain circles, and i don't think i'd know where to score meth today even if i wanted it. as far as i know, none of my friends take it any more.
on the other hand, i have a few different LSD sources, but when i was 18 or 19 i didn't have any. there are other drugs i'd love to take that i don't very often because i don't have a source at the moment, like DMT.
i think that if i'd had an acid connection in the first place,i might never have gotten so heavily into speed...but then again, i could be wrong. i think there definitely is an element of chance - but sometimes we make our own luck.
i don't really fit in well with the drinking crowd. the people i hang out with aren't really bothered that i don't drink, and it's the sort of people i've gravitated towards. we might not make friends with the intention of getting access to certain drugs (well, maybe sometimes!) but we do tend to be drawn to people with similar interests.

anyway....another really interesting thread! be interested to see what other folks have to say :)
weed's my DOC, get high every day multiple times, it lifts my spirits, always have a good time on it and can talk to my parents or other people without it freaking me out which mushrooms would do, works well with a cold beer or water or juice or whatever nice drink, only downside if im smoking in the evening there is little chance of me going out due to tiredness

im already a lazy person so i dont plan on getting baked forever, just not doing any school or study atm so it especially helps me sleep after a long shift, thats probably the only time i should be getting high, ye thats it
most people's answer to "why is your DOC your DOC?" is going to be "cuz opiates are opiates". i know very few people that were able to try opiates a couple times and can still turn em down. most of which are down and dirty. opiates are the perfect drug (except for tolerance and addiction). they can pep you up, calm you down, make any situation exponentially better.
cant beat opiates.
Benzodiazepines were my DOC for years as they helped with my anxiety and insomnia. They soon became a bigger problem than they were a help...

Heroin Is my DOC now because there's no trading that next to instant rush for anything. :\
Morphine used to be my DOC because it gave me the energy and motivation to deal with life and any aches and pain. But now im off morphine because it sucks being dependent on drugs to function. So now i don't really have a DOC i just take my prescribed methylphenidate and gabapentin. And some controlled dosing of MDPV :D
Cannabis was my doc for many years through high school and up to recently (12 years), then it was mdma for a good 5 years (still love Molly) and now it is lsd....thanks to lsd i have no need to smoke cannabis anymore and am enjoying being clean and healthy and have a new found respect for life :)
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depends on availability and puritiy to me. But seeing as I now have good sources for most things ironically it's alcohol and weed i still use daily. I still rate a good fuckin shot of good hammer/ice/coke as my favourite DOC's and ROA. But as I'm settling down, have good 9-5, and trying to stay somewhat stright, I don't need the problems those addictions have always brought to my life. Still take psches such as LSD, DMT and love K but they are not addictions (thank god) and can't binge on them too much - except K but it is still controllable.

So good oo' weed and booze is my present DOC.
Its impossible for me to define my DOC really, I have had a ten year long love affair with cannabis, not much floats my boat like a night out on some quality methamphetamine yet I also have a very special place in my heart for opioids. I guess if I have to pick one I am forced to go with the drug I am most addicted to, being alcohol. I started drinking every night just to help me sleep as I was forced to give up cannabis for a period, as drug tests were part of this arrangement it also lead me to frequently binge drink to huge excess on social occasions and I suppose as time went on and I kept consuming alcohol daily (stupid, I know) I found a real taste for the drug and developed a mild physical addiction to it.

A bit over 18 months ago I started on the bongs again, and while my nightly drinking stopped periodically it did not last long. If I could of afforded to use opioids nightly with my cannabis instead of alcohol at the time then I probably would of, so I guess I ended up with this as my DOC due to a combination of my situation, ease of availability, relatively low cost and a persistent effort. Its kind of ironic to think a drug I pretty much only used as a last resort for the first half of my drug taking career or so is currently the one I have the largest dependence on.
Great thread as usual Footscrazy! Very thought provoking.

I only every smoked weed for a long time and was sure that would be it for me. Eventually it was just fucking my throat and made me too dopey. Still have it when offered and sometimes wish I had a bud here just for that feeling occasionally.

At the moment my DOC is meth.. Got into just speed originally with a group of people at a place I used to work. They were all adrenaline junkies. I sold speed for a while and during that time I was just having lines.

Went a while with nothing until a to this day dealer sent me a 3am text saying he had some kuta smokeable, and so it all began. However I have to say it is not even for the feeling it gives me (thats pretty fucked eh), I am honestly hooked on the act of smoking it. I just love the visual of it. I usually have it alone and just jump online or watch movies. I have one friend who gets on it with me and basically we sit up all night playing trivia games, lateral thinking quizes etc. My days of clubbing are well over. But I just love smoking it.

It doesnt help that my dealer is a very good friend of my boyfriends and lives 3min away... so maybe its more a Drug of Convenience. I can tell myself I will go a few weeks without, but as soon as I get a text and he says he has it, Im there. I am thinking the cost of it which is rediculous will be my one saving grace to not getting too hooked.

The crystal MDMA I had 'posted' to me from the UK is by far the nicest feeling any drug has made me actually feel. Even though at the time I was getting all these different things that when it came I thought it was gear so I racked up a line, and went off to work !! Soon realised my mistake. Lesson there kids, never take shit if you dont know what it is!!

Even with pot at least you have it and can say.. yep Im stoned. But in all honesty I just love the act of administation and then just go, right there goes a good nights sleep. I do get off on the rush I get when watching a high action movie but.

The whole - which personality does which type of drug is a very interesting concept though... will be keen to read peoples thoughts.
I have been medicated on pharma speed for my ADHD since I was 12 years old pretty much. I think it's because of this that I just don't even like the idea of speed and meth, so I've never touched any of that stuff. Uppers make me uncomfortably alert, and the comedown is sooo horrible it's never worth that jittery on edge feeling anyway.

My drug of choice was always weed, toke, toke, toke. However I feel like LSD has become my drug of choice simply because every time I take it I come out a better person, who's learned or discussed something that needed to be discussed. It helps me realise what is really important. Second close would have to be MDMA, nothing can beat a good conversation with a loved one on good crystal molly :D
There is no question for me... i used to like weed, was a daily smoker for oh... 15 years...I have dabbled with H, didnt really spin my wheels, there was always acid and speed mushies in season poking around... and various pharmacueticals. I discovered meth around the first time I discovered juice (GBL). They were a combination that I used to use together, and then only when on holiday to my home country. However meth got dropped due to its cost and availability, and as i had a ready solid supply of juice it became far too much my favorite... I mean, who wants to feel ordinary when with just a few drops of this marvellous liquid, I could be the funniest, sexiest smartest bloke on the block?
Long story short, i had to stop a six month or so 24/7 usage regime, and so gave it away for several years. I still dabble, with both meth and Juice... bit I noticed that last time I had both in the house, I was preferring the juice to the meth. (when I buy both, I buy in a quantity that will only have a few days supply, and when its finished, its finished until the next little bender I decide to have). So there is a definite DOC for me, however i know how dangerous it can be to myself, so I mostly try to avoid it, except for in small but full on intervals.
^ How was the withdrawal from that amount of g? From the research I've seen it's very nasty and dangerous, and has a higher fatality rate than either benzo or alcohol withdrawal. I found the negative side effects from regular g use became severe very quickly, and the euphoria pretty much non existant after a month or so of daily use, so my regular g use only lasted a couple of months.
Hi footscrazy, it was nasty... I have documented it some of my previous posts... I had believed that it was pretty non-addictive, but it resulted in horrible feelings, intense nervousness, I became depressed and went onto zoloft for a bit... and tried to hang out each day for as long as i could before dropping phenibut, and taking alcohol or valerian to sleep. Actually I hadnt read "G'd up 24/7" at that stage, if I had of I would have taken it to my drug counseller, who had never heard of it. I can sort of relate to some stories I have heard, although I never felt suicidal, just that I was empty.. although, i do fully believe that it was a good thing that my supply was cut off, or I may have inadvertantly done some serious damage to myself or someone else.
Awesome work getting off it though. When I stopped I tried tapering, doing a ml 3 times times a day and some more before bed, until I was just taking some before bed to sleep, then eventually stopped that too. My withdrawal doesn't sound nearly as bad as yours, I only used it for a couple of months, but the insomnia was the worst thing, especially when you get to the point where you can't sleep without it. And since it only lasts an hour or two it'd seem I'd wake up as soon as it wore off enough and I'd be wide awake, with no chance of getting back to sleep without it. It does feel like it's pretty harsh on the body, after a few weeks of regular use I got sore, crampy legs, and that didn't go away until a week or two after I quit. I got a liver function test during my g days as well and it was out of whack - my doctor assumed it was alcohol and it may have been, but I wonder how much g had to do with it too.

G (well, usually 1,4B for me, though I do prefer GBL) was a DOC of mine that was mainly due to factors other than really liking the effects. I do love a good juice high when you hit that sweet spot, but it can be so hard to get it right as tolerance seems to go all over the place even when you're using regularly. It was easily available and affordable at the time, but the main reason it became my DOC for those couple of months was as a replacement to meth - I'd just quit and wanted to substitute with some other drug to get high on every day :\
I was doing a mil as soon as i got out of bed to enable me to make a coffee, and from then it was 2.5 every 2 or 3 hours... until I fell into bed, and then wake up and have a one or two mil to enable me to sleep, or else i would be hell fidgity.... was pure GBL, the feds assayed it. I did liver tests as i went to the doc and told him of my dependance (at that time it was GVL) and he gave me a scrip for 100 psuedoephidrine.... don't know what he was thinking...
Well I used to use quite a few drugs frequently but mostly:

1. weed - makes me schizo
2. alcohol - shitty comedown and bad for health and workouts
3. benzos - severe side effects....rebound anxiety and cognitive deficits
4. opiates - other than dependency issues, the ideal drug.

My favourite drug is Heroin, but my DOC is morphine. The reasons for this would be obvious:

1. I know what I am getting with morphine-it's pharmaceutical grade
2. the rush of heroin is too good and I'd get hopelessly addicted if it were my DOC
3. high dose morphine is satisfactory in terms of a high
4. I have a stable source/supplier at a very reasonable cost
5. Except for battling dependency issues it does not materially impact my life (no sourcing problems, money issues, legal issues, health issues)

Would I change my DOC from Morphine to pharmaceutical grade Diacetylmorphine if it were available in Oz (despite the higher risk off addiction in my opinion)??

Shit yeah!!!! If it were available in pure and clean format I would risk it more often!!!
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^It's not nice to spit in peoples faces about how much you get MS contins for.

My DOC these days, MDMA.

I find that these days I can control my use to no more than like 1 pill a night (150-200mg). I do this like 3-4 weekly (as often as I can get hold of the stuff). I don't do other drugs nearly as much any more.

Unlike the ecstacy boom of the early 00s, I'm not willing to fry my brain like I did once upon a time, but my little brother (who is 18 atm) seems to thinking munching pills on a tuesday just because they're there is a good idea. For what it's worth I can't blame him, he never got to experience the love like we did way back when.

I feel ill at the idea that his brain might become as muddled as mine did circa 2004-2007. This is one thing I would never repeat again.

God Bless The Internet - and boycott the Aussie producers for making garbage at a wayyy inflated rate.