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Why is heroin hated

Traditional opiates do not kill brain cells

Their damage is indirect due to poor lifestyle choices and physical addiction.

Synthetic opiates(tramadol, propoxyphene, methadone) may be a different story on the other hand.
Yeah, I guess some withdrawl different from different drugs cuz cocaine doesn't make me withdrawl as bas as most people describe it but I seem to withdrawl much harder than most from opioids. OxyContin produces some of the hardest mental and physical anguishing symptoms, much more so than the average joe. It doesn't even take more than a month of daily use to get me shakin like a fiend for more. Only used heroin twice but I noticed coke to have much worse immediate comedown symptoms. Once all the withdrawing is over though I don't feel all stupified like stimulants do, take MDMA or meth for instance, I KNOW that I just destroyed a shitload of brain cells when coming off. Not sure bout synthetic opioids though, I don't trust that shit. I'm currently using that butorphanol liquid shit and feeling dumb as hell and my anxiety is off the roof.
Bump w/ a Q

Might as well ask a question with this bump.

Everyone says that more people die from alchohol or whatever, and that such a small amount of people on Heroin die in comparison.

What I want to ask is what are the proportions of deaths to users? So many people do other things that kill them (alchohol for example), so the death rate *should* be higher than something that is less used (which it is).

I'm not sure where you guys found that info, but does anybody know the ratio of heroin users to heroin deaths? Raw numbers don't mean anything when you're comparing apples to oranges =).
My opinion of why heroin is so hated is because of lack of knowledge of diamorphine. If people would be more educated about stuff and more respectful of its power their wouldnt be so much hate for it. I personally cant stand it, I dont hate it I just dont like it. I dont down anyone for there use of a drug I down people on there peronality change while on the drug. There is no reason you cant be somewhat curtious and decent. Ignorance kills me!

In the in medical scene, heroin (and other opiates) are considered safe because of the low rate of toxic metabolites. The trade off is the potential of addiction which is manifested physically. This means that the body has a physical dependency on the alien chemical and doesn't produce natural endorphins. I think meth should get a worse stigma due to its toxicity.
Sexyanon - it cannot be answered, only a ruff estimate which would probably be way off any way...

they say people take 500,000 of MDMA every w/end, did some one go out and count them all?
heroin activates the dopamine pleasure pathways, similar to GABAergics and dopaminergics, like cocaine and meth. I read this in a nice article in Scientific American a couple of months ago (think it was the March issue).

but the hatred for Heroin had racial undertones, and goes back to the early 1900's, when it's use and importation was attributed to the Chinese nationals.
dr. greenthumb said:
heroin can cause alot of damage. damage to there veins from injecting shit up their viens..etc. and if you nod of for awhile and fall asleep on your arm in the same position you know how you get numbness from the blood circulation being cut off, its the same thing, but when they nod off for hours on end on there arm or leg they may have get their arm amputated.

Holy shit, man, is this common? I always pass out in weird position on H and wake up all bruised, hurting and fucked up the day after. Last week I could barely walk for days because my leg was all bent out of shape for one night... :(

Is this really that serious a problem?

--- G.
Good question, and it all has to do with the society we live in. "Drugs are bad", everyone has heared this at least once in there lives.
'Cuz people tend to 'hate to love heroin' more so 'love to hate heroin'. They know that it is the best high (IV) on this planet (excpet if you add some coca) but you have to give your soul to the needle first.
this don't go for everyone but in my opinion when people are locked into a hard heroin habbit they tend to do whatever they can to get the money by stealing etc..
and the public make that connection between heroin and stealing so its frowned upon plus heroin isnt the more social of drugs.
I'd argue that benzo's are first. Amphetamines in a close 3rd.

I hate heroin because it's too damn fucking good.
Heroin is heroin, the devil. Heroin is not a joke, when you try it you move on from the fantasy sissy world of drugs the innocent world of drugs and you move on to the king Lucifer. With drugs everything isnt that bad, with heroin ALL the dangers are real. All the warnings are real. Everything youve heard is real. Is it far far from a joke.
"All the warnings are real."
-Even the ones about doing H once and becoming addicted instantly? My friends want to buy me H and pay me $50 to do it to prove to them that it won't hook you on the first time =\

Is there any line on H? Is it the usual "the responsible users succeed while the irresponsible suffer"? Or everyone goes down the shitter after the first use..
People hate H because heroin is an 'illness'. Here in Australia a dealer who sells party drugs will sell weed, meth, ecstasy, maybe coke as well if you're lucky, but usually people who sell H only sell H and nothing else.

I think that to get addicted to a drug you first of all have to enjoy it. Some people just don't enjoy H or other opiates that much.

With regards to responsible use...in my experience, what people say about H is true. It is damn good and it is damn addictive. It sneaks into your thoughts without you noticing, or it just barges away your thoughts and replaces them with 'H is the best feeling ever'. You find yourself justifying doing more H, a friend of mine put it well when he said "It's like the smarter you are the smarter your justifications for doing more are." It's almost as though you're arguing with yourself and coming up with more and more elaborate justifications for doing more.

You need to be aware of the way that addictive drugs manipulate and warp your thought processes if you want to use these things without getting addicted.

I have only used H a few times and that's it, my current plan is to never touch it again. Maybe some time in the future when I am more experienced with drugs in general I will do it again, but I've only got a couple of years of chemical experimentation under my belt and I don't feel that at this point in my life I can use H without it becoming a problem.
i have only been using drugs harder than weed for almost 5months now. a couple nights ago a mate of mine found some rocks of H. we justified trying this shit out with the idea that once this is all gone we will not know where to get any more without speaking to stabby stabby azns and low life streeties. ppl whom i do not want to associate with :)

between 3 of us we smoked approx 1 - 1.5 square cm of wat seemed to be very potent shit. about 1mm square was enough to relax us almost to passing out point and this was after a big night on ice and E.

hopefully most ppl out there will be smart enough as i am really really hoping i can be, to wait at least a month b4 ur 2nd dosage of H. pills and meth i would never go to much trouble to get because i feel next to none addiction to these substances but after just one night on H i am sitting here constantly thinking about why i should/shouldnt have another go at it tonight.

i do believe that this shit can hook any one of you out there but its really a matter of personality. i told myself and all my friends that this was definately a once only thing. a day and half later i find im telling myself well.. maybe ill just wait a while.

in 48hrs i have gone from:
b4 smoking it - this will definately be the 1st and last time i ever have this
while smoking it - mm not quite wat its all cracked up 2 be
coming down - it was an experience, not all that good but was worth trying
24hrs later - mmm i might give it another go in a month or so
48hrs later - arguing with myself about why i should/should not have it tonight

this is the 1st craving for anything i have ever had besides ciggarettes when im drunk/Eing :p

to put it lightly this scares me :)

fortunately i do believe in myself when i say i wont give in to temptation. i do not want to become another one of these stereotype "junkies" or "low lifes"

in short i dont think that heroin is EVIL. moderation is the key to everything in life. if someone finds themselves addicted to heroin than its no ones fault but themselves. the choice is yours!
ebeneezer_geeza said:
Requiem for a Dream - the part with his arm - i personaly have never seen anyone have this condition.

- .
I've seen several. My brother got an abcess on his arm. On of his friends actually died from one. He'd been an addict for about seven years and was injercting in his thighs. He died from fucking gangrene in his groin. Some sick shit. But booze kills and ruins more lives than all illegals put together