why do we do drugs?

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Everyone's got their own reasons for doing drugs, and not all of them are to cover up unpleasant emotions or escape reality.

For me, drugs are just one of the many things I want to experience in my short time on Earth. They're by no means the sole source of pleasure in my life, and I'd be very sad if they were. What would drugs be without sex, music, good food, friends, family, the beauty of nature, and all the other good things in life?

I take drugs to feel good; to enhance the positive aspects of my personality and help me find ways to work through the negative ones. Not as an escape or an emotional anesthetic. They make a good time better, but they don't MAKE a good time.
I like to fun and believe with the use of drugs, I may live a shorter life. It will be a helluva lot better than a lot of other people's lives out there.
Very personal and very subjective question. For me:

1) To open my mind and experience something new
2) As a casual social activity (hitting the bong can bring people together)
3) Simply because I have nothing better to do
i think one of the main roots for drug use in the first place is our own human curiosity. just a natural urge to alter reality in the hopes of bringing in a renewed sense of the world, an abstract viewpoint, or simply to escape. maybe that is a really summarized version of my idea, but i'm all morphed out for that kind of shit lol

we all have our reasons, but altering your reality, body, and mind is always the goal of drug use.
Makes life more interesting. I hate being sober. Anything is better than having a straight head on.
As Olay said........ at least as to H users out there.

Because we're slaves -- no point in bullshiting about it. Maybe (maybe) there's some level of choice when one invites the monster in, but don't kid yourself... It's not up to you at this point.
I do them b/c they make me feel better.
I feel happier, more outgoing, or I sleep better.
I know I'm walking a fine line, but w/out drugs, I'm afraid I'd be a depressed, nervous wreck.

Plus, before I ever did drugs I used food (binge-purge style) as my drug and that wreaked way worse havoc on my bod than the drugs i use.
I do drugs for the same reason that people smoke and drink. I'm not trying to be a bitch about this, but I hate it when people ask questions like this, unless you were already including alcohol and tobacco when you asked the question. <shrug> I guess it's still a valid question, though, so here I go....
I smoke weed because I hate cigarettes and beer, but smoking when I come home settles me down after fighting my way through traffic and putting up with bullshit all day. And, I hate to say it, but it is a great way to meet people who are not uptight assholes, because I have met very few people who smoke and are still intolerant, anal bitches.
I do other, harder drugs for the same reason people go out and get absolutely trashed on the weekends.... because it's fun. Because it's a release. Because my friends do it and we have a good time, and also because it is a wonderful way to forget that I hate my job and miss my boyfriend.
Yep. MMmmmmmm fingerlickin good.

i disagree i know many shady stoner fucks. Just like a i know many asshole drunks.
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