why do we do drugs?

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jack daniels

Mar 20, 2002
Seriously, why do we do drugs? what is so great about getting high. I got this question in my head after a week of smoking weed all day and night and at the end of it all going 3rd plateau on a DXM trip.
why can't we just live with the emotions that were given to us, what is so great about getting high? why do I wake up everyday and say, hey I gotta get something to fuck me up? why do I do this shit, I'm not addicted and just questioning a lifestyle I guess. please tell me why all you out there get high, and reach deep don't just tell me that you like it, I wanna know why we all choose this lifestyle.
Because my head likes it...and I like looking forward to something. Thats how I started smoking weed...I loved thinking about it all day at work...and well E was an every weekend thing...so the weekend seemed brighter...and fun I guess if you do it in moderation....;.)
[ 02 July 2002: Message edited by: Blue Lava ]
i think this is a personal question.. so of course you should expect different replys.
i know why i do the shit, i got a bit of a hell on earth scenario and well i cant waste all my time worrying.
i used to do it to fill a void in my life... or to excape reality. that was years ago, i guess it showed me that (in moderation) drugs can be fun. i do drugs now because well, lets face it, its a good goddamn time. its like a few hour long mini vacation, and it relieves stress. i could go long periods of time dead sober... now, its really just a treat every now and then.
i do drugs as a form of therapy. i have many problems with my psyche that i need to work out and have made quite a bit of progress over the past 2 years, however i have much work ahead of me.
and of course, some people have the problem of a neurochemical imbalance and need substances to deal with everyday life
it's a hard question, i personally still not really sure why i do it. the next day after doing bunch of shit i ask myself why but i never have an answer. probably just because of the feeling you get while u r on something.
In my case is a way to open and know my mind, i do like drugs, FOR SURE yes , but i dont want em to manage or handle my life, na na na, u should know a little bit of u before take any drug, in my case i use em oftenly, sometimes for partying and sometimes to know myself, my thoughts, mind.
For example: i really like Van Gogh and once i was tripping and then my whole world was like a paint of him, that day i analized that mind has amazing powerful with thoughts and things that we remember, DRUGS OPEN DOORS OF MY BRAIN, and think every time i use' em i can learn something new about my life and my enviroment.
The only thing i can say is to not let drugs control ur life..try to control 'em and evrything will be diferent.
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I do drugs for the same reason that people smoke and drink. I'm not trying to be a bitch about this, but I hate it when people ask questions like this, unless you were already including alcohol and tobacco when you asked the question. <shrug> I guess it's still a valid question, though, so here I go....
I smoke weed because I hate cigarettes and beer, but smoking when I come home settles me down after fighting my way through traffic and putting up with bullshit all day. And, I hate to say it, but it is a great way to meet people who are not uptight assholes, because I have met very few people who smoke and are still intolerant, anal bitches.
I do other, harder drugs for the same reason people go out and get absolutely trashed on the weekends.... because it's fun. Because it's a release. Because my friends do it and we have a good time, and also because it is a wonderful way to forget that I hate my job and miss my boyfriend.
Yep. MMmmmmmm fingerlickin good.
yes, but for all of you out there, why did you let yourself get addicted, why did we choose this lifestyle. there are plenty of happy people out in the world who don't do drugs.
Define happiness. My definition of happiness includes having personal freedom. I enjoy exercizing my personal freedom and taking drugs accordingly. Hey...I guess I could be out robbing banks or something to obtain money in order to achieve most people's definition of happiness.
I love doing drugs, I'm just trying to find out why I put something in my body that "hurts me" and makes me look and sometimes feel unhealthy. So I guess what I'm saying is, what would all you do if we didn't have drugs, then what would you do? I really don't know what answer I'm looking for I'm just wondering why all of you out there do drugs. and if all we look forward to in life is drugs in order to "escape reality" then I don't know why we live...
the reason i do drugs is probably because almost everyone i know does drugs and that if i didn't do them i wouldn't really have anything to do. there is of course a lot of other things that i can do, but all those other things are boring to me. i agree that escaping reality and having fun are great benefits, but most of the time when im on drugs i get too messed up and usually regret what im doing and see and think things that i probably don't want to see and think. i am a person that also worryies a lot so i know that if i get caught doing drugs my life is down the drain. i dunno. im very hypocritical because i always think i should get messed up more often and i always think i should just quit using drugs.
it's like going to the cinema, or doing something else you like doing. You enjoy it, and will do it if given the chance, but you don't have to do it in order to enjoy yourself.
drugs are like any other activity in my book.
I do them because i have fun with it, and i find them interesting. I am comfortable with that because I am confident i can stop it from becoming a problem, and that i am not doing myself much harm.
I do em cos I like fucking up my life. When I'm fucked everything else seems alright.
I've really gotta quit.
Well, as for me, i like the "look behind the reality", the look behind the curtains. Ganja makes me very curious (just like a little child) and philosophical, i like the new aspects that come in my mind.
Occasionaly i take E, and thats just for pure fun. I love taking E and dancing all night long while shouting and crying of pure happiness......
Have fun, be the master.....
This is funny because i was thinking the same exact things over the weeks. I first started smoking weed because of family problems, but after this "once or twice a week max." turned into an everyday thing. I then realized doing drugs just to get out of problems is a cowardly thing to do, it's basically just running away from problems. After getting a little harder into drugs and an extremely horrific shroom trip i had decided to drop everything and get out while i could. My shortterm memory is a bitch but i have brung it upon myself with the chemicals i had put in my body. I'm 16 years old.. i have my whole life in front of me and why ruin my future with a couple hour high? This is all my opinion, so others may disagree with my decisions.
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