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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Why do they fucking bother in the first place?

Ah. I know what you mean. It’s a bit like the difference between science and art. Both are ways to convey meaning but one is built on structure, logic and reason and the other an expression of sentiment, feeling, and self.
Excellent analogy

the friend I mentioned is an engineering student and I’m a math student and this experience was wholly different than our (countless) psychedelic adventures. We geeked out on science

On psychs we “feel it bro” whereas on this experience we really dissected dilemmas we were having

mine was about the root of my shame and guilt about using drugs (my vindictive mother) and his was about childhood sexual assault. We’ve talked about these trauma before but always in an emotional, and hence reactionary, sense. Talking about it rationally and ~relatively~ level headed provided insights into these things that both of us had never previously considered
Ah. I know what you mean. It’s a bit like the difference between science and art. Both are ways to convey meaning but one is built on structure, logic and reason and the other an expression of sentiment, feeling, and self.

That's a brilliant way to put it.
Excellent analogy

the friend I mentioned is an engineering student and I’m a math student and this experience was wholly different than our (countless) psychedelic adventures. We geeked out on science

On psychs we “feel it bro” whereas on this experience we really dissected dilemmas we were having

mine was about the root of my shame and guilt about using drugs (my vindictive mother) and his was about childhood sexual assault. We’ve talked about these trauma before but always in an emotional, and hence reactionary, sense. Talking about it rationally and ~relatively~ level headed provided insights into these things that both of us had never previously considered

Wow. That’s really awesome that 2 mates of (I assume) relatively young age could have such meaningful conversations about such deeply personal things. I have the same issues as both of you combined and didn’t talk to anyone about it for 20 years, and then only my shrink. Although I believe thinking a lot about those traumas while high on amps and high on psychedelics has helped me process them quite well on my own and come to terms with any residual negativity. Took a while though.

BTW we are so far off topic now. Mainly my fault. But great conversation.
Wow. That’s really awesome that 2 mates of (I assume) relatively young age could have such meaningful conversations about such deeply personal things. I have the same issues as both of you combined and didn’t talk to anyone about it for 20 years, and then only my shrink. Although I believe thinking a lot about those traumas while high on amps and high on psychedelics has helped me process them quite well on my own and come to terms with any residual negativity. Took a while though.

BTW we are so far off topic now. Mainly my fault. But great conversation.
Oh yeah we are by no means sorted all the way out lol. But those experiences have been invaluable in even making it this far (I’m 19 and he’s 20 btw)

I’ve been procrastinating finding a therapist honestly. Something about it scares me for some reason. But I know that if I wanna thrive I need somebody to talk to lol

And yeah it’s drug culture, this is where we’re supposed to talk about this crap lol
Question: what drug or form of drug-taking do you just not comprehend? What makes you look at the user and ask yourself, ‘what the fuck is wrong with that guy’?

For example, I know a bunch of older teenagers who every Saturday night mix benzos, weed, MDMA, and beer. Then they wake up halfway across town with no memory of the how the hell they got there. Every single weekend the same. But they swear they’re having the time of their lives. I don’t get it.
I did this in my 20s a lot dude. Last time i as 29. Im 29. Its blowing off steam. Its catharsis.
I did have a decent stash of psychedelics put away for a rainy day, turns out my lad has been helping himself

The little cunt...
I sometimes wish my benzo and weed loving son would discover and raid my meth stash in the hope that he’d do something other than sleep 18 hours a day and spout incoherent nonsense about global conspiracies the other 6.
people who take stims and ends up psychotic/locked up every single time and do this years and years
This I don't get. I'm no stranger to psychosis but to completely lose it every time? Oh man. People do this. They never have a good time high or insightful or fun or bad but enlightening or just fucking function!

Why do these people do that?
people who take stims and ends up psychotic/locked up every single time and do this years and years
Given that doctors prescribe anti-psychotics like seroquel like candy these days for just about anything any sensible tweaker should have a box of off-switch pills and know when to take them. In my experience though that kind of totally lost it psychosis is mostly found in relatively new users. Then they either quit, get jailed for years, or gradually learn how to maintain themselves. I don’t really recall meeting someone who goes batshit crazy constantly for years on end. Not denying they exist though.
Given that doctors prescribe anti-psychotics like seroquel like candy these days for just about anything any sensible tweaker should have a box of off-switch pills and know when to take them. In my experience though that kind of totally lost it psychosis is mostly found in relatively new users. Then they either quit, get jailed for years, or gradually learn how to maintain themselves. I don’t really recall meeting someone who goes batshit crazy constantly for years on end. Not denying they exist though.
Batshit they don't last long. Calm outwardly and horribly delusional the more you talk to them exist en masse though. Some people fall through the cracks and are just nonviolent or not bothered with enough to roam about too.
One of my closest lady friends has been going mental using meth for a decade now.

Legit fucking insane at this point and won't stop/can't stop.
I would totally use Methamphetamine on the regular if i could get it easily in these parts. I bought some off this man wearing a pink dress in Union Square park last winter he sold me a point and tried to get me to smoke it right there in public on the bench but i said i have plans. I was already very high on 3-MeO-PCP and then i went to a doctors office and asked to use the bathroom and snorted it off the back of the toilet, love that burn. Then i went to work and cooked all nite high on Meth and PCP, good times...but not the best quality ive had. Got really good crystal once 15 years ago, people just smoke Crack around here sadly... its fun but Meth is better.
I see a lot of these boys in their early 20s as full of social anxiety because they never learned all the intricacies of the social behaviour required to participate fully in society during their formative years

So there is another prejudice of mine: I don’[t get why highly intelligent high potential kids deliberately cut themselves off from the rest of the world and greatly handicap their own futures.

Being poor and coming from a toxic home environment comes to mind here.
I would totally use Methamphetamine on the regular if i could get it easily in these parts. I bought some off this man wearing a pink dress in Union Square park last winter he sold me a point and tried to get me to smoke it right there in public on the bench but i said i have plans. I was already very high on 3-MeO-PCP and then i went to a doctors office and asked to use the bathroom and snorted it off the back of the toilet, love that burn. Then i went to work and cooked all nite high on Meth and PCP, good times...but not the best quality ive had. Got really good crystal once 15 years ago, people just smoke Crack around here sadly... its fun but Meth is better.
I’m not sure you would have got the full experience of meth if you were already blasted on PCP. In my view the only drug that complements meth is viagra. Any possibility of a connection between the PCP and the pink dress?
He wasn't on the PCP he was just a very animated tweaker in a dress dancing around the park. Was singing and twirling around and doing these jumping twists off the benches, lol. I spotted him from afar and knew that dude is on some kinda drugs and i struck up conversation. It is super possible that the dissoa blunted the effects i thought same thing cuz it was shards and burned like Meth should. My new roomate is a Meth addict and says he has connect in Jersey City i may take trip there one day, its real popular in the gay cummunity here. I been thinking about buying a gram past few weeks but havent spoke of it till now.