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Why do people smoke weed at school/work?

i stoped this stuff, but before i smoked at work and everytime i smoked i felt so comfortable like at home :) little buzzy, sleepy, but i did the work. i don't have guys to smoke with at job anymore, sad but true. i work on pc, thats actually different from other jobs because you can always undo an action :D
if youre a moderator of the cannabis forum you should probably realise why smoking grass before study and homework is an incredibly retarded idea.

I just got an A- on my ten pager.

I was high as fuck for the ENTIRE process. I smoked an 1/8th of UK Cheese through a bong, and spent 11 hrs doing the work. I think my college education is thanks to weed.


I'm mostly just showing off my 1-day ten page midterm grade.

so like, nuh uh, you're a retarded idea.
I lived a little under two miles from my high school, so I'd just walk instead of taking the bus. This allowed me smoke a blunt or two on the way there. I wouldn't say it hindered me at all. If anything, it was beneficial. I was able to focus more and hearing the same shit you heard the year before a little more bearable to sit through.

Far as work, well I guess it depends what you do for a living. For example, when I worked construction and had to deal with heights, I definitely was smoking before work.

It's just like anything else.. to each their own. For some it helps, some it doesn't.
I go into a robotic mood, when stoned and doing a task that needs to be repeated makes that a little nicer to do the task at hand 8)
I honestly think it does not matter at all and it is completely up to the certain unique individual.
I wouldn't smoke weed at said locations but I arrive high all the time. Why? Cause it doesn't fuck my shit up and I like life better high I guess. Never really asked why. I always ask why not?
It makes things more entertaining. That's the simple story behind it. It's also nice to feel a good high, and so when you're at some place lame, you'll feel good. Depends on the work too. If it's art, music, or outdoor based then weed is a perfect compliment. I'm really more into caffeine when it comes to the classroom type setting though.
If your job involves dealing with shitty, loud-mouthed and smelly customers, smoking at work = makes it a little more bearable.

This. I work the door at a music retail establishment and my superiors patronize me by calling it "security" when its really "Babysitter for retarded ass customers."

I need a hitter to just get through a worl day
i think theres nothing wrong going into a hard days work perked up by a wee bong though if you get completely monged to the point speech is a nearly impossible task without drool spurging out of your mouth theres a problem
Depends on the weed. Sometimes I do very well in class stoned, I actually took my english final after ripping a gas mask bong and got a B+. On the contrary, I came into history class stoned and wrote about WWII on a WWI test. I'm almost sure that teacher knew I was stoned. It isn't a great idea, but hey I think it can be a lot of fun sometimes.
before work, yes, before class, not so much. I get stoned to study and do homework, but I rely on my lecture notes too much to fuck them up while high.

I agree. I always take damn good notes so that it doesn't take too much concentration to do out of class work (which is 70% of it in college lol). I keep a one hitter loaded in my purse at work in case some dumb fuck pisses me off ( I'm a charge nurse and these women are just really stupid) So basically weed mellows me out, makes me happy, and makes thhings in general better...sounds like a good employee right? These girls would rather have me chew them out high than sober that's for damn sure.
It all depends on how you react to it. Having smoked a large amount every day for the past few years, I can definitely say having a few bowls before class makes my day easier to manage.

In fact, I can't imagine waking up and not smoking pot. It almost gives me energy. I'm lethargic and somewhat hungover most mornings without a smoke.
For me it always made school more interesting. I was more motivated to learn and draw in school. Most of my sophmore year I blazed before school and it made school so much more enjoyable for me, soo.. yea thats why I smoked before school lol.
work sucks.

mundane, physically demanding, or jobs where you eat the shit of worthless people for minimum wage, are made tolerable only by drugs.
'ive got adhd so without weed i'm pretty hectic, i need b oth the calm from it and the intense productivity of abstinence. double edged sword